Saturday, November 30, 2013

MzTeachuh: Bet Da Vinci Knew What She Was Thinking

MzTeachuh: Bet Da Vinci Knew What She Was Thinking: Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci from around 1489–1490. ...and the girl's thoughts, too. Lady with an Ermine http:/...

Bet Da Vinci Knew What She Was Thinking

Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci from around 1489–1490.
...and the girl's thoughts, too.

Lady with an Ermine 

MzTeachuh: Fun in Learning Tweets of the Day 11/30/13

MzTeachuh: Fun in Learning Tweets of the Day 11/30/13:   1. When Learning Is Playful And Intuitive, Good Things Happen

MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 11/30/13

MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 11/30/13:   1. Bullying & Harassment Articles l Articles for Kids l Cases l Reports & Resources l Free Pubs l Books  htt...

MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 11/30/13

MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 11/30/13: 1. Why Learning Through Social Networks Is The Future  ...

Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 11/30/13

1. Why Learning Through Social Networks Is The Future 

2. Tablet and Smartphone Boot Camp for Middle School Parents 

3. Intel acquires Kno to develop interactive textbooks 

Intel Acquires Kno to Develop Interactive Textbooks, Curriculum

- See more at:

4. The Future Of Online Education And The Best Online Schools 

5. eduCanon - Create, Assign, and Track Flipped Lesson Progress 

6. Robotics: Learning Through Teaching

Grades 9-12, Science, Engineering
CCSS: ELA.SL.9-10.4 ELA.SL.11-12.4
7.  Mathematics Education 

8. Speed up your iPad and Reduce Motion 

Intel Acquires Kno to Develop Interactive Textbooks, Curriculum

- See more at:


Friday, November 29, 2013

MzTeachuh: Vivaldi and Monet: Winter

MzTeachuh: Vivaldi and Monet: Winter: Monet Boulevard Saint Denis Argenteuil In Winter It is amazing how this music can portray in sound the feeling of profound cold, and ...

Vivaldi and Monet: Winter


Boulevard Saint Denis Argenteuil In Winter

It is amazing how this music can portray in sound the feeling of profound cold, and the bustle and hurry of getting home and onto the hot cocoa and warm fireplace. Vivaldi is amazing--as is Monet.

Antonio Vivaldi - Winter (Full) - The Four Seasons 

MzTeachuh: Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts About Christmas

MzTeachuh: Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts About Christmas:     What has four legs, a red nose and flies?   Rudolf the Red-Nosed Roadkill. What is Frosty's favorite dinner? Spagh...

Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts About Christmas

    What has four legs, a red nose and flies?   Rudolf the Red-Nosed Roadkill.

What is Frosty's favorite dinner?
Spaghetti and snowballs.

                                          Where doe Santa keep his red suit?    In his Santa Clauset.

 Knock, knock.
Who's there?

Earl who?
Earl I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.

                                                     Why does Santa use reindeer to pull his sleigh?
                                Because the elephants kept crashing through the roof.

What is the best Christmas carol in the Twilight movies?
I'm Dreaming of a Bite Christmas.

What has a red suit, a white beard and rows of razor sharp teeth? Santa Jaws.

What would you call your wedding anniversary if it was December 25th?
A Marry Christmas.

Who had a beard, webbed feet and wrote "A Christmas Carol?"
Charles Duckens.

What do you call being caught in a chimney with a fat man?
Santa Claustrophobia.

 What happened when the family cat swallowed some tinsel?
He needed a tinselectomy.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Anna who?
Anna partridge in a pear tree.
Question: Why was Santa's little helper depressed?
Because he had low elf esteem.

What is Santa's favorite American state?

Question: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
Answer: Frostbite.

Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
In the dictionary.

This is for English teachers.
Q: What do you call Santa's Helpers?
A: Subordinate Clauses

What is the snowman’s breakfast?
Answer: Frosted flakes!

How do snowmen greet each other?
: Ice to meet you!

You just had to know eventually I would get to the funny cat pics.

Now for the serious talk. Christmas is a full on holiday--it smells good (catch that scent from the cinnamon pine cones?), looks sparkly and cute (lights up again), feels cozy  (snuggly blankets in front of the fire with hot cocoa or wassail), tastes yummy (yeah, bite the head off that gingerbread man!), sounds great (all types of music singing cheer and closeness and holiday, etc.) It is entertaining with endless gifts,  movies and music and fun.

Except for that annoying bell the Salvation Army persists in ringing at the front of stores. That is so annoying to be bugged to give to the less fortunate. The homeless, or impaired, or orphaned--is that my business? 
Shouldn't we have a right not to have them bug us? Isn't that the separation of church and state? I don't need all that Jesus stuff at this holiday, like giving to the poor, or kindness to strangers if I don't wish to. Peace and forgiveness. That's my business. Condemnation for behavior that's nobody's business but mine. And I shouldn't have to be reminded on a public street. At school Jesus and all that radical Christian stuff has been eradicated. When can I finally have a secular holiday?
Well, first of all the very word holiday is rooted from holyday.  A day to meditate on the spiritual side of life. Christmas means Christ worship in the old days. He is still memorialized as the greatest teacher who ever lived, the proclaimer of brotherhood, kindness and conscience. All the major religions admire him. Why is he considered so irritating to some Americans?
He was an all or nothing sort of person. You were with him or not. He was who he said he was or not. No in between. Forgiveness, purity, mercy. Very, very hard precepts. It is hard to hang with Jesus. Its all or nothing with Christ.
Students in public schools who profess Christianity are in danger of having their civil rights violated by some administrators and staff who find the message of Christ to be very irritating--not only those horrendous ten commandments, but that part about not lusting or lying  and giving to the poor and such. These leaders will nail kids for even saying, 'Merry Christmas.' 
Not much holiday spirit there. Or tolerance. I've observed it first hand towards kids and staff. I was told even playing Handel's Messiah was against the separation of church and state. So, I chose to play it anyway, thinking you have to take a stand sometimes. Might as well be Handel. No problems arose. No lawsuits.
It is our obligation as a democracy to extend tolerance to all. Even the annoying, I-Am-The-Only-Way Jesus, and His followers.

MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 11/29/13

MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 11/29/13: 1. 7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills

Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 11/29/13

1. 7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills 

2. Gates Teacher Study Opens Video Library to Researchers 

3. Healthline Body Maps - A Good Resource for Anatomy Lessons 

4. 12 Most Basic Twitter Etiquette Tips 

5. The Complete Visual Guide To Generation Z 

6. Doddlecast Pro now free 

7. Annotate on your live camera feed 

8. The rhetoric of most educational technology ‘solutions’ is vastly overblown 



MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 11/29/13

MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 11/29/13: 1. Tips for Helping Your Child Build Social Skills

MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 11/29/13

MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 11/29/13: 1. Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts About Thanksgiving

MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 11/29/13

1. Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts About Thanksgiving

2. Cheesy Football Jokes And A Pep Talk From Bill Walsh 

3. Ed Tech and STEM Monday Review 11/25/13 

4. Differentiate to Meet Student Needs Tweets of the Day 11/28/13 

5. Teaching Is Showing Tolerance 


6. Special Needs Tweets of the Day 11/28/13 

7. Read To Me, Please Tweets of the Day 11/25/13 


8. Monet and Vivaldi: Autumn 

Autumn Poplars-Monet

  Special thanks this week for our international audience.  USA, Russia, Canada, Germany, France, UK, China, Netherlands, Spain and Japan.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

MzTeachuh: Thanksgiving Comet--the Sungrazer!

MzTeachuh: Thanksgiving Comet--the Sungrazer!: The rare sungrazing Comet ISON is racing toward a close encounter on Thanksgiving 2013 with the sun, and people in Massachusetts, New E...

Thanksgiving Comet--the Sungrazer!

The rare sungrazing Comet ISON is racing toward a close encounter on Thanksgiving 2013 with the sun, and people in Massachusetts, New England and across the globe hope it survives its one and only visit to the inner solar system.
If Comet ISON doesn't disintegrate as it whips around the sun at a very close distance – thus the term "sungrazer" – it could reappear as a bright object visible to the naked eye in the predawn skies in early December 2013. It might remain visible, though fainter, later in December in the evening sky, according to

The rest of the story at this link:

Comet ISON 2013: When and where to see the sungrazing Thanksgiving comet

MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Having Fun Learning

MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Having Fun Learning: 1. OK- Everybody! Share your best classroom games!   2. Engaging Cla...

MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 11/28/13

MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 11/28/13: 1. Checklist: Are You Ready for iPads In Your School?

MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 11/28/13

MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 11/28/13: 1. 15 Holiday Survival Tips 2. Assessments...

MzTeachuh: Happy Thanksgiving

MzTeachuh: Happy Thanksgiving: Great ways for grown-ups, too! Have a great Thanksgiving. We are truly blessed, and an attitude of gratitude isn't hard at all. ...

MzTeachuh: Differentiate to Meet Student Needs Tweets of the ...

MzTeachuh: Differentiate to Meet Student Needs Tweets of the ...: 1. Reteach and Enrich: How to Make Time for Every Student

Happy Thanksgiving

Great ways for grown-ups, too!
Have a great Thanksgiving. We are truly blessed, and an attitude of gratitude isn't hard at all.

Psalm 100

Special Needs Tweets of the Day 11/28/13

1. 15 Holiday Survival Tips

2. Assessments, Evaluations, Tests

3.  Creating Friend Files – a Tool for Social Integration and Communication

4. Brain Still Injured from Concussion After Symptoms Fade

5. More Than 1 In 10 Kids Diagnosed With ADHD 

6. Webchat to Feature Advice on Linking Common Core and Standards-Based IEPs 

7. What We're Thankful For: Stories from Autism Speaks|+Official+Blog%29&utm_content=My+Yahoo