Saturday, May 14, 2016

Educational Links 5/15/16

Summer Means Fun (and Learning) According to Mind/Shift

High Expectations: Changing Kids' Self-Image 

Going High-Tech When Teaching Early Reading and Writing 

How Your Child’s Sensory Processing Issues May Change Over Time 

Make-Believe Play Is an Important Part of Childhood Development 

Reading on computer screens changes how your brain works, scientists say 

Digital Promise Puts Education Research All In One Place 

 As technology becomes an accepted tool in many classrooms, teachers and administrators are looking for the best ed-tech tools to advance their goals around student learning. Unfortunately, there are so many tools on the market claiming to be the best option, it can be hard to sort through the noise and make an informed decision.

Barbeque or Cookout?

So, you call it barbeque or cookout? Maybe grilling.

We've always called it barbeque. Maybe its a western thing. Mesquite wood, secret recipe barbeque sauce.

I'm surprised there's not a cooking show called Barbeque Wars.

Here in the desert, don't have to worry so much about bugs--Avon's Skin So Soft is a great insect repellant, BTW. 

And if you are a vegetarian, don't ever feel left out. Apparently anything can be barbequed.

The All-American Tofu dog.
Had to put up something offbeat. Barbequed salad?

Here's some music to barbeque by:

God Bless the USA, and anything by the Boss.

I'm proud to be an American - American Soldier Tribute 

 Bruce Springsteen - Born In The U.S.A. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Educational Links 5/14/16


Rediscovering Your Fulfillment as a Teacher

Top Web Resources to Motivate Kids for Coding 

Stop Trying to Define Personalized Learning 

Experiential Learning 

When All Kids Eat for Free 

Saving the IEP Meeting When Conflict Arises 

‘Big data’ was supposed to fix education. It didn’t. It’s time for ‘small data.’ 

For over a decade, “big data” and “analytics” have increasingly become a part of the education world. (Big data is a term used to describe data sets so large that they can only be analyzed by computers, and analytics is used to describe how the data is collected, analyzed and used.) Big data lovers believe the information can help policy-makers make systemic improvements in student outcomes — but, so far, that hasn’t happened. Here is a post about the problems with big data in education and about something new that could actually make a real difference: “small data.” What is it?

MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/13/16

MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/13/16: The problem with teaching ‘grit’ to poor kids? They already have it. Here’s what they really need.

Teachable Moment: Resources for Memorial Day

Family tradition of service.
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: Memorial Day: Family tradition of service. Memorial Day is a fine time to chat with family members about how your family may have served in the mili...

All American Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts

Hurrah for the red, white and silly. And Garfield has just the light-hearted touch we sometimes need.

Try not to turn each of these jokes and riddles into too much of an opportunity to teach, though with younger children, you might have some 'splaining to do, Lucy.

Teacher: Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
Student: On the bottom.

Teacher: The Declaration of Independence was written in Philadelphia. True or false?
Student: False. It was written in ink.

What did Paul Revere say at the end of his ride? I've got to get a softer saddle.

And just to be teachery, don't forget Longfellow's adventuresome poem, 'The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.' It's so cheesy, kids love it. 

Paul Revere's Ride

Embarrassed someone saw my crack.

Keep in torch!
Did you hear the one about the Liberty Bell? Yeah, it cracked me up.

What did the visitor say as he left the Statue of Liberty? Keep in torch.

What did one flag say to another--nothing, it just waved.

'What kind of tea do Americans thirst for? Liber--ty. Ha ha.'

                                    What colonists told the most jokes? Punsylvanians.

Very good read.
Now for a serious thought. The greatest founding father, in my opinion, was John Adams. He supported all citizens, and did not believe in slavery, not a bit. He and his family had no connection with slavery at all. He argued in  the Continental Congress for the abolition of slavery, foreseeing the schism it would cause in a new America; which it surely did in the Civil War. He and his wife Abigail supported integration in their home town of Braintree, Massachusetts, in the local school. John Adams had the education, brilliance and insight to see that the colonies needed to empower all the people no matter what; he worried that the British would treat the American colonies as they had Ireland. He was humble enough to recommend Thomas Jefferson be the compiler and writer of the Congress' thoughts, but historians know it was Adams who was the prime thinker. He was an innovative diplomat, a President who would see the big picture, and a faithful and loving husband and father. I think the latter should count for a lot. Thank you, John Adams, for taking care of baby America.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Adams
John Adams


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Educational Links 5/13/16

The problem with teaching ‘grit’ to poor kids? They already have it. Here’s what they really need. 

Bring Back Old-School Recess! 17 Games Your Students Should Be Playing Now!-15-old-fashioned-recess-games-to-bring-back-%28and-3-for-indoor-recess%29 

Five tips from cognitive science on the best ways to revise 

Inclusion: Friend or Foe? 

With a Continuous Improvement Mindset, We Can Achieve Equity and Excellence 

The Role of Performance Monitoring in Competency-Based Education 

'Wellbeing and good mental health should be seen as equally as important as academic success' 

 There is clear evidence of a pandemic of mental ill health affecting children in childhood and adolescence. The children’s mental health charity Place2Be has found that one in 10 children aged between five and 16 (three in every classroom) has a mental health problem, and many of these problems persist into adulthood. Half of those with lifetime mental health problems first experienced symptoms by the age of 14, and among teenagers, rates of depression and anxiety have increased by 70 per cent in the past 25 years.

Teaching Is Finishing Strong

MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Finishing Strong: Finishing the School Year Strong   End of Year Activities http://w...

Summer Activity: Keeping Butterflies, Bees and Hummingbirds Happy

MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: Keeping Butterflies, Bees and Hummingbirds Happy: This is a Checkered White Butterfly on my flowering mint today. It is not supposed to be in the desert! Butterflies, bees and hum...

Perk Yourself Up

MzTeachuh: Perk Yourself Up: your coffee. bot un dotta dot un dotta dot uh.... dot dot dot dot duh. Cafe Paris Lounge - Mixed by DJ Dimsa http:/...

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Educational Links 5/12/16

10 Necessary Technology in the Classroom Skills 

Understanding the Needs of Students From Military Families

Tests and Assessment: Educational Testing

Tests and Assessments: EDUCATIONAL TESTING 

App Provides Introduction to Graphic Arts

Brain Break: Move & Focus


How Teens Benefit From Reading About the Struggles of Scientists 

What kind of people can become scientists? When a group of researchers posed that question to ninth- and 10th-graders, almost every student gave empowering responses, such as “People who work hard” or “Anyone who seems interested in the field of science.”

But despite these generalized beliefs, many of these same students struggled to imagine themselves as scientists, citing concerns such as “I’m not good at science” and “Even if I work hard, I will not do well.”

Summer Activity: Thunderstorm? Read This Story

MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: Thunderstorm? Read This Story: Y'all do know not to go out in a thunderstorm, right? Lightning is SUPER dangerous. Now that we have established that fact,  here&#3...

Summer Activity: Go Outside!

MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: Go Outside!: Nerf baseball sounds good! Doctor's Orders: More Outside Time for Kids

Monday, May 9, 2016

On the Road Again...

The Super Bloom is yummy.

I'll be spending a few days in what we in SoCal call 'the low desert.' I live in 'the high desert,' meaning that we have some altitude, about 3,000 feet. Palm Springs and surrounding areas can be below sea level. I am going to Indio. No, we are not going to see Paul McCartney, the Rolling Stones and The Who in Coachella, which is nearby. That's in September, and will probably create a traffic jam from Santa Monica to Phoenix. No, we are looking to visit the Living Desert and art museums in Palm Springs. Maybe figure out how to use my telescope and  stargaze.

I am not sure if I will have sufficient WiFi to post, even through it is at a resort. We'll see. I will gather interesting anecdotes for you, nontheless, and post later.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Educational Links 5/9/16

[Infographic] Are Teachers the Next Batch of Education Startup Entrepreneurs?

The 8 Best Social Skills Apps for ADHDers 

Overcoming Problems in a No-Grades Classroom 

Resourceful YouTube Channels for Teachers and Educators 

Central Auditory Processing Disorders (CAPD) and ADHD 

Host School Wide Celebration of Your School's Nurse

Host a School-Wide Celebration of Your School's Nurse - See more at:

Ask a Scientist: When Are Children Ready to Learn Abstract Math? 

Civil Rights: Then and Now

While students today may think of the Civil Rights movement as part of the distant past, it’s clear that many of the problems that fueled that fight are still with us. This collection of videos, documents, and primary sources lends context to the events and leaders that defined the Civil Rights movement’s first three decades (1954-1985). These resources also capture the issues and activists involved in the struggle today—those making headlines, stirring debate, and trending on social media. This collection can be used to support teaching the content featured in the PBS rebroadcast of the groundbreaking Civil Rights documentary series, Eyes on the Prize. However, due to media permissions restrictions, the collection does not feature video from the series itself. It does feature video segments adapted from the half-hour special that accompanied the rebroadcast, Eyes on the Prize: Then and Now.


Happy Mother's Day

Maternite--Pablo Picasso

Not only does an infant receive DNA from father and mother--through the placenta, mothers receive the infant's DNA back--it is said a mother has the DNA of her children her entire life. That's a very close relationship. Siblings also receive DNA through the placenta from their mom that includes previous siblings' DNA. DNA is in breastmilk, too. That's the 'nature' of 'nature and nurture.' Then we have the lifelong nurture of care, devotion, interest, being the backup. Being a mom is pretty intense. But once you are a mom, your previous life seems dim, far away. The future always includes your babies. Even if your babies are grown and have babies.  It is amazing.

Happy Mother's Day.