Saturday, July 23, 2016

Educational Links 7/24/16

Video: Why Executive Function Is So Important for Your Child 

Do This For More Positive IEP Meetings 

What’s Your School District’s Tagline for the New School Year? 

New Teachers: Lesson and Curriculum Planning

No-Prep and Low-Prep Classroom Activities 

Why the Metric System Matters - And How It Confounds Americans 

4 Educators’ Keys to Connecting STEM and Social Studies 

First, there was STEM. Aiming to move education beyond isolated subjects, it was an integrated approach linking science, technology, engineering, and math. Then the arts educators got involved and created STEAM. Then the robot designers joined the team and built STREAM. As more and more subjects jump on the STEM train, what about social studies? Here, four teachers share their best practices for linking social studies and STEM.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Educational Links 7/23/16

Do Comics Have a Place in the Classroom? These Educators Think So

The ABC’s of Student Engagement 

Using Space To Influence Thinking 

5 Ways Executive Functioning Issues Can Impact Math 

The E-Reader: The Most Daunting Anthology 

19 Steps To Take If Your Think Your Child Has Learning Or Attention Issues 

A Persistent Divide: New Federal Data Explore Education Disparities

Building Students' Cognitive Flexibility 

Students need explicit instruction and opportunities to practice the flexible thinking that will make the most of their brains' fertile adolescent development stage. The unique anatomy and chemistry of this transitional state comprises increased dopamine receptors and accelerated neuroplasticity. 


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Educational Links 7/22/16

Makerspaces and Equal Access to Learning 

5 Steps for a Successful STEAM Lab 

STEM News Roundup: Initiative Aims to Increase STEM in Pre-Kindergarten Years 

How Girls With ADHD Are Different 

The Most Common Teacher Pitfalls… And How to Avoid Them 

All Public Schools Have a Suspension Problem. And It Hurts Students of Color and Students with Disabilities 

‘What's the one thing that links all brilliant teachers? They don’t know they’re brilliant’ 

One question that I am often asked is: "What is common in all good teachers?"
Of course, it’s easy to talk about putting the child first, making learning fun or seeking ways to ensure all children reach their potential.
The reality is different, however: the only thing that links every good teacher I know is that they just don't recognise they are one. They seem to live in this permanent haze of self-doubt.



STEM to STEAM Resources

STEM to STEAM Resources: Your students should be Renaissance people! Science, music, engineering, singing, art, dance, literature, technology, math, poetry--l...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Educational Links 7/21/16

Reclaiming the Virtues of Teaching 

3 Digital Tools for Helping Students Gain Perspective on Immigration 

People with Autism Can Read Emotions, Feel Empathy 

5 Websites for Saving Money on Classroom Supplies 

12 Apps for Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia That Parents and Teachers Will Love 

School’s Out! Surviving the Summer Slide 

Classroom Management for an Effective Learning Environment 

 Classroom setup is an important component in a learning environment because it is an essential piece of classroom management to support both teaching and learning. The physical atmosphere of the classroom can help prevent behavior issues as well as promote and improve learning.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Educational Links 7/20/16

School gardens teach STEM subjects 

A Growth Mindset May Counteract Effects of Poverty on Achievement, Study Says 

What Do Academics Really Think of Adaptive Learning? 

High School Without Classes 

11 Essential EdTech Action Steps for Back to School 

Math: The Pros & Cons of Productive Struggle 

Master Teachers Tell Stories

Storytelling is an excellent way to build language. New words and colloquialisms can be heard by the students. When you tell stories in your classes you are modeling how to recall sensory details. Another reason to use storytelling in your classroom is that it models presentation skills for students to use in the future. Eye contact, movement, dramatic pauses, voice intonation and gesturing are some of the tactics that can be seen when a teacher tells stories.  Finally, students who listen to storytelling get oral models for writing.


Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?: William Shakespeare SONNET 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do...

Educational Links 7/19/16

Finding an Authentic Goal for Your PBL Classroom 

What Is A Paradigm Shift, Anyway? 

Are our students being pushed 'too hard, too fast?' 

Why I’m Celebrating Getting the Word “Dyslexia” Into My Daughter’s IEP 

 Best of Teacher HELPLINE: I just landed my first teaching job! Any advice?!-any-advice 

Webinar: Common Back-to-School Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
How Can Schools Prioritize For The Best Ways Kids Learn?
The education world is full of incremental change — the slow process of individuals learning about new strategies and approaches, trying them out, improving on their skills, and hopefully sharing their learning with colleagues to continue growth. While that process is necessary and good, if the changes to education are all in the service of doing the same thing better, they may be missing the point. The world has changed since education became compulsory and the current moment necessitates an education system that isn’t just better, but different.

Wherefore, Oh Summer's Day?

Kindergartener's portrait of Emily Dickinson after reading this poem.

The bee is not afraid of me.
I know the butterfly -
The pretty people in the Woods

Receive me cordially -

The Brooks laugh louder

When I come -

The Breezes madder play;

Wherefore mine eye thy silver mists,

Wherefore, Oh Summer’s Day?

Marine Blue Butterfly in my Butterfly Garden
Bee Watering Station in my Butterfly Garden

Next School Year...we'll have plants in the classroom

Next School Year...we'll have plants in the classr...: Just a little bit more planning and maintenance and your class has fresh oxygen, color, STEM motivation, and a little bit of elegance. Pla...

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Educational Links 7/18/16

School Leadership 

8 Alternatives to Raising Your Voice With Your Child 

Innovative Coaching Models 

You can now download over 300,000 books from the NYPL for free 

How Writing Down Specific Goals Can Empower Struggling Students 

Do Alternative Treatments for Autism Work? 

How the education system is making kids stressed and sick

There is too much focus on academic outcomes and a very narrow view of success with a one-size-fits-all approach that negates individuality. There is too much testing and too much competition, and too much comparison between kids. The whole system is geared towards achieving better outcomes rather than getting kids to love learning, and consequently there is a hierarchy of pressure, with kids right at the bottom.


Teachable Moment: In Praise of First Ladies--As Different As They Are

The First Lady Michelle Obama welcomed students and guests from across the country to plant the White House Kitchen Garden for this year.
This is totally non-political. In reading this post, I doubt you could tell who I plan to vote for or not; who I have voted for or not; or who I may have written in or plan on writing in. This has nothing to do with politics. This post is in praise of a small group of women who have served the country as First Lady, and we should take note.

Michelle Obama, wife of the 44th president, Barrack Obama, has focused on helping kids be healthier through the Let's Move! program. Kids across America have learned to love healthy food through improved lunches. I recently had a second grader tell me how he loved squash. Cool. Check out the Let's Move! site--it is really special.

" I am determined to work with folks across this country to change the way a generation of kids thinks about food and nutrition." Michelle Obama
Laura Bush, wife of the 43rd president, George Bush, was a librarian--it follows that literacy would be her focus as First Lady. She has worked hard not only for Americans, but she has particularly declared the rights of girls for education worldwide.

Her foundation works for libraries in the USA.

"Once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open." Laura Bush

Center for Southern Folklore
Save America's Treasures
As First Lady and wife of the 42nd president Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton worked to begin Save America's Treasures--is a United States federal government initiative to preserve and protect historic buildings, arts, and published works.

  The arts are not a luxury. They are an integral part of our lives as individuals and as a nation.” Hillary Clinton


Barbara Bush, wife of George H. Bush, 41st president, established Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, empowering children and their parents to succeed,
through  family literacy programs, young children are prepared to start school ready, and parents are given a second chance to improve their literacy skills. You may recall she is a children's book author, the proceeds went to Mrs. Bush's Literacy Campaign.

Millie's Book: As Dictated to Barbara Bush 

"I strongly believe that if every man, woman, and child could read, write and comprehend, we would be much closer to solving many of our nation's serious problems." Barbara Bush

Nancy Reagan, wife of  Ronald Reagan, the 40th president, was the First Lady through most of the 80s. She began the well-known program "Just Say No," an anti-drug program aimed at students.

 "Say yes to your life And when it comes to alcohol and drugs, just say no." Nancy Reagan

Rosalyn Carter, wife of the 39th President, Jimmy Carter, supported many causes, but
her prime interest was in the area of mental health, and assisting caregivers through The Carter Center Mental Health Task Force.

"I believe that one of the most important things to learn in life is that you can make a difference in your community no matter who you are or where you live." Rosalyn Carter

Betty Ford, wife of the 38th president, Gerald Ford, was remarkable in her candor about personal challenges. She supported recovering from substance abuse, as well as openly discussed her challenges with cancer and alcoholism. She established The Betty Ford Center for substance abuse and addiction.

My makeup wasn't smeared, I wasn't disheveled, I behaved politely, and I never finished off a bottle, so how could I be alcoholic? Betty Ford

Pat Nixon, wife of the 37th President, Richard Nixon, as First Lady was enormously effective supporting volunteerism worldwide and, in fact, volunteered personally. She encouraged a "national recruitment program" to enlist thousands of volunteers to carry out a wide variety of community services. One of her missions was to inspect ten "Vest Pockets of Volunteerism" programs that addressed pressing social problems that fell outside of purview of legislation.

"Our success as a nation depends on our willingness to give generously of ourselves for the welfare and enrichment of the lives of others."

My makeup wasn't smeared, I wasn't disheveled, I behaved politely, and I never finished off a bottle, so how could I be alcoholic?
Read more at:

My makeup wasn't smeared, I wasn't disheveled, I behaved politely, and I never finished off a bottle, so how could I be alcoholic?
Read more at:
Lady Bird Johnson, wife of Lyndon Johnson, the 36th president, encouraged the beautification of the nation's capital through the planting of flowers, in particular, by starting the Society for a More Beautiful National Capital and she was instrumental in promoting the Highway Beautification Act, which was nicknamed "Lady Bird's Bill.

"Where flowers bloom, so does hope."Lady Bird Johnson
Jackie Kennedy, wife of the 35th president, John F. Kennedy, is quite famous for supporting the Arts and renovating the White House. Her televised 'White House Tours' were quite a phenomena in the early 1960s. through her efforts, the White House was declared a museum.

"Everything in the White House must have a reason for being there. It would be sacrilege merely to redecorate it—a word I hate. It must be restored, and that has nothing to do with decoration. That is a question of scholarship."