Saturday, August 12, 2017

Educational Links 8/13/17

3 Modes Of Thinking: Lateral, Divergent & Convergent Thought

Forging Stronger Bonds Across a District

Poverty Creates Extra Challenges; It Demands Extra Resources

5 apps to innovate school libraries

Creating an Effective Faculty Mentoring Program

A tale of two states’ computer science programs

The Unexpected Reason Some Students Procrastinate

There's a student that's familiar to many teachers: He's the one who stumbles into class with sleep in his eyes after staying up late from writing his paper at the last minute. He probably avoids studying for tests, too. And maybe his backpack is a jumbled mess of crumpled papers and unorganized notes.
And there's also a common explanation for his bad habits: He probably doesn't particularly care how he does in school. But psychologists say that, for some students, that's a totally inaccurate assumption.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Educational Links 8/12/17

4 fresh approaches to coding in the classroom

Language and Communication Skills That Make all the Difference for Kindergarten

Google releases updates to Classroom in time for back-to-school season

Helping Children Develop Emotional Literacy

Five Tips to Encourage Positive Classroom Culture

Call the CDC! Interest in STEM May Be 'Contagious' in High School

Four Ways School Leaders Can Support Undocumented Students

As schools open their doors in the coming weeks, millions of students will have much more on their minds than new backpacks and schoolwork. If students’ parents are immigrants, or if students are immigrants themselves, they might be afraid that upon returning to school, federal immigration officers will be waiting to deport them.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Educational Links 8/11/17

Okay Teachers, Here’s Your Real Back-to-School Checklist

Toxins in the Break Room: How Teacher Appreciation Sabotages Teacher Health

Teaching in a World Filled With Fear

Circle up: Teaching social-emotional skills year round

Reading to children has multiple benefits

The Strengths-Based Classroom

 Individuals see and feel the most growth in their lives in areas that they are the most successful and have the most natural strengths. As opposed to investing time in “fixing” or improving our weaknesses, we should be doing what we do best more and more. We first have to know what we are good at and what our strengths are—once we know this, we can invest in them through time, resources, and training. The outcome, the researchers found, was extremely high levels of growth in these areas as opposed to little to no growth in the areas that aren’t as strong. For our “weaknesses,” we have to find ways to manage around them rather than ignoring them. But to spend great amounts of time to improve them isn’t worth the investment.

How Occupational Therapists May Work With Kids With Dyspraxia

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Educational Links 8/10/17


Classroom Management: Teaching with Limited Resources

Classroom Management Tips

A Valuable Tool for English Language Learners

Amazon Makes Its Teacher Resource-Sharing Site Public Today

Classroom Instruction Resources Of The Week

ADHD and Perfectionism: What You Need to Know

People don’t often think of kids with ADHD as perfectionists. Kids with ADHD appear to race through homework without worrying about the results. They may also appear to have difficulties paying attention to detail and following through on projects or assignments.
But some kids with ADHD, both boys and girls, are perfectionists. And that can be as hard to manage as other behaviors people usually associate with ADHD. Perfectionism isn’t just trying to do a good job on a task. It’s being too anxious about small details and getting stuck in ways that make it hard to get the task done in a reasonable time.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Educational Links 8/9/17

Stirring Students’ Imaginations

“Positive relationships with students.” “Making strong connections.” “Being relatable to your students.” No matter how I ask about it in an interview, it all essentially means the same thing. Can the teacher connect with students? I ask it every time, and it is one of the most important questions of the interview.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Educational Links 8/8/17

‘Homework expectations are fast becoming unreasonable and unrealistic’

What is Special Education?

Prelude to the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse: A Partial Lunar Eclipse Occurs Monday

25 Critical Thinking Apps For Extended Student Learning

Critical Analysis and Information Literacy

Jedi Training: Developing Habits of Perception in Our Disciplines

It’s OK to Say No

Being busy is seen as a good thing, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, as we transition to a new school year, we have an opportunity to push back on that narrative and not focus on being busy, but instead slow down and take stock of ourselves and our purpose.

Critical Analysis and Information Literacy

Critical Analysis and Information Literacy

Critical Analysis and Information Literacy

Critical Analysis and Information Literacy

Nature, My Garden and Me: OMG! Monarch Caterpillars in My Milkweed!

So excited to find about eight Monarch caterpillars at one of my milkweed stations--the first time I planted milkweed just for the Monarchs! I'm leaving them outside and not giving any special treatment. This is a dream come true for me and my Butterfly Garden. So now I watch nature take its course.

The King of Butterflies – The Monarch Butterfly

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Educational Links 8/7/17

Learning and Attention Issues: Signs & symptoms

How Edtech Developers Design Around ‘Screen Fatigue’

The Best Parent Engagement Resources For Immigrant Families

Is School Funding Fair? A Roundtable Debate

Everything You Wanted to Know about Repeated Reading

10 ways Google is making Classroom and Forms easier for teachers this school year

5 Teaching Strategies to Provide Equal Digital Learning

There is no denying that we now live in a digital world, and unfortunately there are still some students who lack access to technology outside of the classroom. In fact, many teachers cite lack of digital access as a minor to major issue in their classroom.