Saturday, March 3, 2018

Educational Links 3/4/18

6 Good Android Apps for Learning English

Response: Helping Students 'get Into History'

Mindshift Podcast

 4 tips to make blended learning a success

Teaching Channel Courses: For-Credit PD

The Thirty-Seven “All-Time” Best Lists

Helping Your Child Cope With Anger and Frustration

Kids with learning and attention issues may feel frustrated or angry more often than other kids do. Maybe your child is having these feelings too often or doesn’t know how to express them constructively. This can make it harder for him to learn, feel good about himself or accomplish goals.

Celtic Circle of Joy--Living Your Dream

The Irish culture embraces delight, melancholy, whimsy, rage--the full human experience.

 Here is a lovely piece of music inspired by Irish heritage and instruments. As I listen, I can see the spirits dance in the faery rings of the forest.

Lisa Lynne - Circle of Joy 

Lisa Lynne Wesbsite

Women's History Month: Michelle Obama and Her Mom

Michelle Obama is a very unusual First Lady. She is brilliant (Harvard and Princeton trained lawyer), has style, both high end and low end fashion. Cares for the underdog, like Eleanor Roosevelt; loves her children, like Jackie Kennedy. Lives her beliefs (Christianity) through personal service described in the Sermon on the Mount. Her uniqueness is not that she is the first African American First Lady. It is because she brought her mom into the White House to help raise her girls, which is such a rare family thing for a First Family to do. And most importantly, she has an amazing manner of presenting herself with class and humor despite incomprehensible personal and rascist remarks. She has strength of character.

I won't repeat the negative comments but list positives.


Her 'Let's Move' Initiative as First Lady.

Museums and Gardens Across the Country Join the Let’s Move! Initiative 

Here are comments on rights for our kids, all of our kids.

Michelle Obama Calls Education The Most Important Civil Rights Issue 

And Michelle Obama is the least stuck up First Lady I can think of--she's quite a bit of fun.

Ellen Degeneres And Michelle Obama Had An “Uptown Funk” Dance-Off And They Shut It DOWN 

I also very much like Michelle's garden at the White House (and bee hives) and if kids don't like healthy lunches, I blame the junk-food-buying parents.French fried sweet potatoes are the bomb.

Michelle's mom is also quite a remarkable lady. Both her kids are very successful, and Malia and Sasha are blessed to have her close.

 The China trip: Michelle, Grandma Sasha and Malia exit Air Force One.

The elusive Mrs. R.: Marian Robinson, the White House’s not-so-typical live-in grandma 

Marian Shields Robinson 

Michelle Obama 

Michelle Obama 

National Portrait Gallery Unveils and Installs Presidential Portraits

Women's History Month: Farrah Fawcett

Farrah was more than a pretty face and iconic pin-up poster.

Farrah was scouted by Hollywood agents while a college art student in Texas. Like thousands of girls, she was beautiful, could model, and the camera loved her. What was different about Farrah, aside from her extra-brilliant smile and actual acting ability, was her astonishing courage.

"Charlie's Angels" made Farrah famous. During the Seventies lightweight television show, she was actually nominated for an Emmy and Golden Globe for the only season she starred with Jaclyn Smith and Kate Jackson, with whom she remained friends for decades.

Farrah's popularity right then would have been enough for most women (along with the 20,000,000 copies sold of her red bathing suit poster.)

 Farrah's swimsuit makes the Smithsonian

Farrah in "The Burning Bed."

But she left "Charlie's Angels"  for movies, and then in 1984 made a very different choice, a television movie called "The Burning Bed." This was the actual story of an abusive couple in Michigan that ended with the wife setting fire to her husband's bed while he was in a drunken stupor. He died. She was not convicted of murder due to the newly diagnosed battered woman syndrome.

Hollywood took up the charge in defending vulnerable women in     Johnny Belinda (1948 film) 

with Jane Wyatt (Oscar winner for it), but Farrah's performance was viewed by millions in their own homes not too many years after the actual situation had been national news. She was nominated for an Emmy and Golden Globe.

Farrah Fawcett by Andy Warhol

The dramatization is noted as influential in changing the law, 

Violence Against Women Act 

and inspiring a country song by Martina McBride, 

Independence Day

She had left the glamour girl roles permanently. She earned respect (and Golden Globe and Emmy nominations) through many diverse roles from Nazi-hunters to rape victims to child murderers. 

Farrah Fawcett Awards

But the most challenging role was yet to be filmed. 

Farrah was diagnosed with cancer in 2006, and in 2009 the TV documentary "Farrah's Story," chronicling her battle with the disease aired on NBC.  She posthumously earned her fourth Emmy nomination as producer Farrah's Story (2009) 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Educational Links 3/3/18

What Is ADHD Hyperfocus?

School Culture and Climate

60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom

Trauma-informed education: Teaching the whole child

Many students who need mentors still don’t have them

Students Need to Solve Real Problems

What Should Betsy DeVos Prioritize?

Education advocates and policymakers have spent decades debating what students should know and how to measure it. There is an opportunity now to seize on the growing consensus that meeting students where they are and personalizing their learning is not only a moral imperative, but possibly the only way we can truly ensure college- and career-readiness for all students.

Women's History Month: Women Scientists--Here are Some Great Posters

Minimalist Posters Celebrating Six Pioneering 

Women in Science

 One designer’s homage to Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, Rosalind Franklin, Grace Hopper, Rachel Carson, and Sally Ride. 



Polish winner of two Nobel Prizes 

American Naval Officer, Computer Scientist 

First American Woman in Space
Marine Biologist and writer who sparked the Environment Movement t 


Discovered structure of DNA



English Primatologis  

Irish Prayers and Blessings

I understand this sentiment, but I wouldn't ever pray it.

This is my favorite!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Educational Links 3/2/18

How To Ease Students Into Independent Inquiry Projects

The iPad is a Far Bigger Threat to Our Children Than Anyone Realizes.

World Book Day: 'Books must retain prominence in our children's lives - and that starts with parents reading to them'

Which Behavior Therapy Works Best for Children with Autism?

       4 ways schools use ebooks to drive learning

School Shooting in Florida

Integrating Technology Meaningfully with Mission Minded Learning

For many of our students, technology is just another aspect of their lives. They grew up with the Internet, social media, and mobile devices. Educators have experienced life without the Internet and social media. We realize balance is important to overall wellness. We also understand our students need to be kind and reflect on what they share with others online. 

Teachable Moment: The Irish Diaspora

The Irish Diaspora: It’s Not Easy Being Green

The Irish have been leaving the Old Sod for centuries for many reasons. First, as explorers and proclaimers of the Good News of the Gospel, some say all the way to the Caribbean. 

Hiberno-Scottish mission 

Then, forced immigration. I would say that the mandated expulsions of the Irish from their homeland is a marvelous example of the law of unintended consequences, though not so marvelous from the British perspective. 

Flight of the Wild Geese

The leadership (the Wild Geese) were 'invited' to leave by the British, then fulfilled important roles in the empires and governments of Europe. Later, Cromwell especially liked to be rid of Irish Catholics, even sending Irish enslaved to the Caribbean.  The Scots, especially Highlanders, were exported to Northern Ireland then to the American Colonies after the Bonnie Prince Charlie fiasco, along with the northern Irish that were troublesome to the British (for frequently having uprising for independence.) About thirty years later, the American Revolution began. 

Sending Convicts To Virginia 

 Convicts in Australia

 The Irish were loaded into 'convict' ships to Australia--Australia, now a mighty example of democracy. The potato famine was celebrated by British capitalists as a brilliant opportunity to be rid of the Irish, either by starvation, disease or evacuation to Canada or the 
Grosse Isle Memorial, list of the lost.
 USA on 'coffin' ships. There is a memorial in Canada at Grosse Isle, where my Sullivan ancestors arrived in 1842--one Sullivan survived, Elizabeth, my great great grandmother.

The vibrant contribution of Irish Canadians and Irish Americans is self evident, and not to underestimate the contributions of the same to the persistent, dogged, relentless cause of Irish independence. Unintended consequences (to the British.) But Irish independence is a whole other story.

Irish Canadian 

Irish American 

The City of Chicago - Christy Moore

 To the City of Chicago,
As the evening shadows fall,
There are people dreaming,
Of the hills of Donegal.

Eighteen forty seven,
Was the year it all began,
Deadly Pains of hunger,
Drove a million from the land,
They journeyed not for glory,
Their motive wasn't greed,
Just a voyage of survival,
Across the stormy sea.

To the City of Chicago,
As the evening shadows fall,
There are people dreaming,
Of the hills of Donegal.

Some of them knew fortune,
And some them knew fame,
More of them knew hardship,
And died upon the plain,
They spread throughout the nation,
Rode the railroad cars,
Brought their songs and music,
To ease their lonely hearts.

To the City of Chicago,
As the evening shadows fall,
There are people dreaming,
Of the hills of Donegal. 

Here are a couple of interesting links about the Irish:

The Irish Diaspora Center

The Wild Geese

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Educational Links 3/1/18

10 Ways to Build the Trust Kids Need to Learn

What Are Active-Shooter Drills Doing to Kids?


Report: Students With Disabilities Disciplined Twice As Often As Peers

Inattention, Slow Processing Speeds Mediate Peer Problems in ADHD and Beyond

10 Principles Of Proficiency-Based Learning

What Is Classroom Management?

There are some topics that are so broad, so overwhelming that it’s hard to know where to begin. For teachers, classroom management can be one of those topics. It is a critical skill; some say it’s more important than content knowledge. And yet, there is no single method or protocol to follow to ensure success. So what’s a new teacher, or a teacher returning to the classroom after many years away, to do? No worries—we’ve got you. Here are the basics, along with amazing resources to get you started or give you inspiration to try something new.

Women's History Month: Two Irish Mums Won the Nobel Peace Prize

The Peace People Rally, Ireland, Betty Williams and  Maireed Corrigan 

'The Troubles' in Ireland are well know, conflict between two demographics (Catholic and Protestant) that share the same religous root: Christianity. Its been going on since Cromwell. But a lesser known fact is that two Irish mums won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for beginning a Peace Movement in Northern Ireland to combat the carnage.

To quote the Nobel Committee in 1976: We admire Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan for tackling so fearlessly the perilous task of leading the way into no-man's land, in the cause of peace and reconciliation.

Mairead (Corrigan) Maguire

'Gandhi taught that nonviolence does not mean passivity. No. It is the most daring, creative, and courageous way of living, and it is the only hope for our world. Nonviolence is an active way of life which always rejects violence and killing, and instead applies the force of love and truth as a means to transform conflict and the root causes of conflict. Nonviolence demands creativity. It pursues dialogue, seeks reconciliation, listens to the truth in our opponents, rejects militarism, and allows God's spirit to transform us socially and politically. '

 Maireed Corrigan Maquire 

Betty Williams 

"That first week will always be remembered of course for something else besides the birth of the Peace People. For those most closely involved, the most powerful memory of that week was the death of a young republican and the deaths of three children struck by the dead man's car. A deep sense of frustration at the mindless stupidity of the continuing violence was already evident before the tragic events of that sunny afternoon of August 10, 1976. But the deaths of those four young people in one terrible moment of violence caused that frustration to explode, and create the possibility of a real peace movement...As far as we are concerned, every single death in the last eight years, and every death in every war that was ever fought represents life needlessly wasted, a mother's labour spurned."

Betty Williams

Teachable Moment: How the Irish Saved Western Civilization

Finnian of Clonard imparting his blessing to the "Twelve Apostles of Ireland"

 1. Who Saved Civilization? The Irish, That's Who! 

2. Hearts And Minds Aflame For Christ: Irish Monks—A Model For Making All Things New in the 21st Century 
3. It Takes a Monk to Save a Civilization 

4. Europe and the Irish Monks 

5.  St. Columbanus, Missionary to Europe

St. Brendan, from German manuscript

6. St. Brendan: Did An Irish Monk Come To America Before Columbus?

6a. Did the Irish Discover America?

7. Irish Monastic Schools 

Plus, who else but a remarkable group of people could keep a wonderful sense of humor while painstakingly copying scripts for years and years? Meet Pangur Bán, the Irish cat.

Two Translations of a Poem from the Old Irish