MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
MzTeachuh: Clair de Lune
MzTeachuh: Clair de Lune: Moonlight on the Winter solstice. Claude Debussy "Clair de lune" by Angela Hewitt
Clair de Lune
Moonlight on the Winter Solstice.
Claude Debussy "Clair de lune" by Angela Hewitt
MzTeachuh: [little tree]
MzTeachuh: [little tree]: [little tree] By E. E. Cummings little tree little silent Christmas tree ...
[little tree]
By E. E. Cummings
little tree
little silent Christmas tree
you are so little
you are more like a flower
who found you in the green forest
and were you very sorry to come away?
see i will comfort you
because you smell so sweetly
i will kiss your cool bark
and hug you safe and tight
just as your mother would,
only don't be afraid
look the spangles
that sleep all the year in a dark box
dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,
the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,
put up your little arms
and i'll give them all to you to hold
every finger shall have its ring
and there won't be a single place dark or unhappy
then when you're quite dressed
you'll stand in the window for everyone to see
and how they'll stare!
oh but you'll be very proud
and my little sister and i will take hands
and looking up at our beautiful tree
we'll dance and sing
"Noel Noel"
MzTeachuh: The Ever-Learning Teacher Tweets of the Day 12/21...
MzTeachuh: The Ever-Learning Teacher Tweets of the Day 12/21...: 1. You've Got to Reach Before You Teach ...
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 12/21/13
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 12/21/13: 1. Does Your Child Have Executive Function Difficulties?
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 12/21/13
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 12/21/13: 1. The Analog Teacher’s Guide To Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy 2. 6 Online Tools That W...
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 12/21/13
1. Does Your Child Have Executive Function Difficulties?
2. Teaching Expressive Writing to Students with LD
3. UPDATE: Missing Ariz. Man with Asperger Syndrome Found
4. Assistive Technology Devices and Services
5. The Therapeutic Teacher.... or Parent
6. Guest Blog: Cognitive Dissonance
7. Study Finds Autism More Challenging For Caregivers
MzTeachuh: Activities for Winter--Grab Your Mittens!
MzTeachuh: Activities for Winter--Grab Your Mittens!: One of my backyard visitors last January. How To Make Pine Cone Bird Feeders
The Ever-Learning Teacher Tweets of the Day 12/21/13
1. You've Got to Reach Before You Teach
2. A Cure for Cheating: Learning For Learning’s Sake
3. How Should I Teach My Kids About Money?
4. Low-income inner-city achievement gap starts to close, test scores of urban school districts improve faster than nation over past 10 years, Washington D.C. stands out
5. Adaptive learning
6. The Real Reason(s) Teens Are Forgetful
7. 13 Energy-Generating Ideas for Teachers
8. More on developmentally appropriate practice
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 12/21/13
1. The Analog Teacher’s Guide To Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
2. 6 Online Tools That Will Help The Writing Process
3. What Are Your Predictions for 2014?
4. Cyberbullying: A Resource for Educators
5. #NPRBlacksInTech: Creating Technology 'Comes From Passion'
6. 5 Amazing Videos to Get You in the Holiday Spirit
6. Winners Of 15 Second Vocabulary Video Contest Announced By NY Times
7. Survey Shows Blended Learning Appealing Strongly To Schools
Activities for Winter--Grab Your Mittens!
One of my backyard visitors last January. |
How To Make Pine Cone Bird Feeders
Make ice art--and 11 other ideasFreeze water colored with food coloring into blocks and other shapes, using ice cube trays, muffin tins, Jell-O molds, and old yogurt containers. (This step is more easily done in your freezer, but you can also try it outdoors.) Then bring your colorful ice blocks outside, along with any natural ice and snow you can collect, to create your own ice sculptures. In sub-freezing temperatures, you can stick the pieces together by dribbling water on them—it should quickly freeze them in place.
Animal Tracks in Snow
Make Your Own Avalanche
Snowy Pine Cone Trees

Twig tower building, tree planting,
hunting for animal tracks in the mud
or snow...
Friday, December 20, 2013
MzTeachuh: Everyone Helps Kids Read
MzTeachuh: Everyone Helps Kids Read: Teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle Reading Rockets is an extremely valuable resource for reading education, but mo...
Everyone Helps Kids Read
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Teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle |
Reading Rockets
For Parents
For Teachers
For Principals
For Librarians
For School Psychologists
For School Counselors
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First Book |
For Preschool & Childcare
ABCs of Teaching Reading
The Common Core Standards
Classroom Strategies
Reading Topics A-Z
The Best in Children's Literature
Children’s Books & Authors
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Breton Children Reading Emile Vernon |
MzTeachuh: Christmas Music For Feeling Sorry For Yourself
MzTeachuh: Christmas Music For Feeling Sorry For Yourself: Oh boo hoo. NPR understands what I'm trying to say. Have Yourself A Sullen Little Christmas
Christmas Music For Feeling Sorry For Yourself
Oh boo hoo. |
NPR understands what I'm trying to say.
Have Yourself A Sullen Little Christmas
Elvis Presley & Martina McBride - Blue Christmas
Judy Garland - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Dean Martin - The Christmas Blues
It's Christmas Baby Please Come Home World Premiere
These last two songs are pretty much rated R--but the Pogues' song is actually a masterpiece.
Fairytale of New York by the pogues lyrics
Blink-182 - Won't Be Home For Christmas
MzTeachuh: Do Behavior Support Plans Work?
MzTeachuh: Do Behavior Support Plans Work?: I don't know how many BSPs I have written, probably an average of five a year for fifteen years. The This is a pretty way to pictur...
Do Behavior Support Plans Work?
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This is a pretty way to picture it. |
1. My experience in Special Education included directing a Non-Public School (that's a separate facility for kids with extreme behavior problems due to behavior dysfunctions or emotional disturbance who have been expelled from their home public school.) At the small school I directed, we had students who had been expelled from the larger non-public schools. It follows that the Behavior Support Plans added to the IEPs (Individualized Educational Programs) for these students were written with input from medical doctors, educational psychologists, counselors, and frequently psychiatrists as well as District personnel and myself as the case carrier.
These were precision directives, much like a medical prescription or a protocol for physical therapy. There was nothing haphazard about this. With a carefully administrated system of positive reinforcement, interesting curriculum, and above all, parent buy-in, we saw progress. This was the elite level of teaching. Only the few, the proud and the thoroughly trained can maintain.
2. Behavior Support Plans are also written for students in other areas of Special Education. Many students on a public school are classified as Moderately Handicapped, and mostly learn in one classroom separate from general education. The handicaps are not the same, and could include OHI (Other Health Impaired), autistic, SLD (Specific Learning Disability) or a variety of disabilities identified as Moderate by special testing done by the District psychologist. In our state, for many years this was called Special Day Class requiring more specialized instruction for the students to succeed. There are separate Special Day Classes for Emotional Disturbed students because the regimen required is differently structured than other classes. The BSPs for these students are similar to the ones in a non-public school, addressing specific behaviors that can be modified by positive intervention.
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Finger pointing is not considered a positive support. |
3. A student identified as Mildly Handicapped may also need a BSP. Students in this category may have only one class taught by a Special Education teacher, mainstreaming the remainder of the day. If a student exhibits behavior that merits certain discipline interventions from administration, then the Special Education teacher schedules an addendum IEP meeting, prepares a BSP to support the student to begin showing positive improvement. The whole IEP team includes the student, the parents, all teachers, administration and District Psychologist. This is the team that will help the student replace the inappropriate behavior with appropriate behavior. Again, the BSP is only as effective as the adults administering it. And this is a challenge.
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IEP meetings are really, really important. |
If you are reading this, you are an educator, a parent, or a concerned friend. Maybe you're the student. If you have a concern, check with a professional more trained than yourself to answer questions about your child or student's behavior.
I would also check out (and this advice is for teachers, too) to see how organized the school site is--are the rules consistent? Is the work appropriate for your child's developmental stage? (For example, is there recess? Does your child or class have creative opportunities? Are bullies under control? Is there enough supervision?) Teachers and administrators need to constantly self-evaluate the soundness of a school's program--the entire school. When kids' needs are met, there is less disruptive behavior.
But sometimes there are other forces in a child's experience. That's when a parent or teacher checks out what a psychologist or doctor has to say.
Here are some resources on the topic of Behavior Support Plans.
1. Behavior Support Plans |
What is a Behavior Support Plan (BSP)? |
2. Behavior Assessment, Plans, and Positive Supports
3. What to Do When Challenging Behavior Persists
4. Write Your Own Behavior Plan
This last link is for teachers. Don't forget to check with families, other teachers, administration, and/or a Special Education teacher if a student it giving you a tough time. Maybe you don't know the whole story!
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Here's another platitude that may also help: This, too, shall pass. |
5. Keep Your Cool: Tips for Handling Difficult Students
MzTeachuh: Inquiry Based Learning AKA Project Based Learning
MzTeachuh: Inquiry Based Learning AKA Project Based Learning: Mind/Shift and Edutopia are leading sources of educational thought. Cogitate on these for awhile! 1. The Challenges and Realitie...
Inquiry Based Learning AKA Project Based Learning
Mind/Shift and Edutopia are leading sources of educational thought. Cogitate on these for awhile!
1. The Challenges and Realities of Inquiry-Based Learning
2. Inquiry Learning Vs. Standardized Content: Can They Coexist?
3. Project-Based Learning
4. Project-Based Learning: Success Start to Finish
5. Creating Classrooms We Need: 8 Ways Into Inquiry Learning
6. Project Based Learning Resources
7. Why Inquiry Learning is Worth the Trouble
8. Project-Based Learning as a Context for Arts Integration
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 12/20/13
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 12/20/13: 1. A Visual Schedule for Holiday Survival
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 12/20/13
1. A Visual Schedule for Holiday Survival
2. Building Resilience in Children
3. The Alarming Rise Of Adderall in Two Charts
4. Advocates Alarmed By ‘Backtracking’ On Teacher Standards
5. LD Basics
6. Traveling with a Sensory Seeking Child
7. 99 Questions About Autism
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 12/20/13
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 12/20/13: 1. Pivot Point: At the Crossroads of STEM, STEAM and Arts Integration
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 12/20/13
1. Pivot Point: At the Crossroads of STEM, STEAM and Arts Integration
2. What Is Social Learning (And Does It Work)?
3. Quizzem - The Junior Cert Biology Game
4. Magisto for Chrome - Magical Video Editing
5. Flipped Classroom Tips (From A Teacher Who Is Mid-Flip)
6. When parents want to opt their children out of ed tech
7. 12 Most Smart Steps to Optimize your Facebook Performance
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 12/20/13
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 12/20/13: George C, Scott's 'A Christmas Carol' 1984 Teachable Moment: Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" http://m...
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 12/20/13
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George C, Scott's 'A Christmas Carol' 1984 |
Teachable Moment: Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"
ePLNs for Teachers –Getting Connected

What Child Is This?
Excellent Christmas Short Story by Pearl S. Buck
Best Articles for Educators Week of 12/15/2013
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 12/19/13
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 12/19/13
...To Face Unafraid The Plans That We Made...
Ed Tech and STEM Monday Review Week of 12/16/13
Have You Talked To Your Kid Today?
Thanks to our international audience. It is a privilege to serve you. USA, UK, Russia, France, Germany, Canada, Bulgaria, China, Thailand, Japan.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
MzTeachuh: While You're On Break...Tweets of the Day 12/19/13...
MzTeachuh: While You're On Break...Tweets of the Day 12/19/13...: 1. Winter Break: Learning Resources That Won’t Feel Like Work https://www.teachingchannel.o...
While You're On Break...Tweets of the Day 12/19/13
1. Winter Break: Learning Resources That Won’t Feel Like Work
2. Top 10 Family Reading and Writing Ideas for the Winter Holidays
3. Changing Instructional Mindsets for the 21st Century
4. The Best Books on Writing and Creativity of 2013
5. Majority of high school seniors don't think smoking pot regularly is a big deal
6. Tricks of the Trade: Classroom Management Tips for Teachers (Video Playlist)
7. MindShift’s Big Ideas of 2013: Focus on Learning
Here's something for all of us to consider--and a great idea for the return to class in 2014. (you may wish to change the yar at the bottom of the page. We don't want to live in the past.)
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 12/19/13
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 12/19/13: 12/18/1903 1. The Wright Brothers Flew 110 Years Ago Today….
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 12/19/13


1. The Wright Brothers Flew 110 Years Ago Today….
2. Needing pencils, iPads or piccolos, teachers turn to crowdsourcing
3. 9 Characteristics Of The Shift To Learning With Tablets
4. How to Teach Math as a Social Activity
5. THE TWELVE GIFTS OF NATURE: And Now for a Completely Different Shopping Experience
6. What Role Is Google Playing In Education?
7. Plagiarism vs. Collaboration on Education’s Digital Frontier
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 12/19/13
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 12/19/13: 1. Your Brain Is a Ferrari 2. Apps for Parents of Children With LD http://www.n...
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 12/19/13
1. Your Brain Is a Ferrari
2. Apps for Parents of Children With LD
3. Common Warning Signs of Dysgraphia in Children in Grades 9–12
4. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
5. Assistive Technology
6. Active Listening
7. Resources for Writing IEPs Aligned to Common-Core Standards
MzTeachuh: Do I Have to Go to the IEP meeting? I'm Not Specia...
MzTeachuh: Do I Have to Go to the IEP meeting? I'm Not Specia...: That confusing enough for you? Am I required to attend IEP meetings if I am not a Special Education teacher? I've been ask...
Do I Have to Go to the IEP meeting? I'm Not Special Ed.
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That confusing enough for you? |
I've been asked that more than once as the Special Education teacher, and especially as a Resource Specialist, also known as Special Academic Instructor. The answer in our state is that at least one general education teacher who has the student on his/her caseload needs attend any IEP (Individualized Education Program) whether it be qualifying (evaluating to see if the student will enter Special Education), annual (the once a year assessment), triennial (every third year the educational psychologist also assesses), or an addendum which is called for a unique reason at any time. However, the better school sites have the entire teaching team there. The teachers at my middle school were very dedicated (and wanted to keep their positions) and supported the Special Ed. kids very effectively with attendance.
What should I bring to the IEP as the General Education teacher?
1. Bring a calm and caring attitude. Parents are always concerned about their kid. Even if you as the classroom instructor have concerns, even serious ones, about the child performance or behavior, a general education teacher must show a caring attitude and a calm demeanor. Even if you must fly out of the meeting at the speed of heat to finish your day's responsibilities--you are so very important to that parent and child that every bit of body language as well as spoken words means the world, and focusing on the positive will get things done better.
2. Bring your expertise and evidence of it. All teachers have grade books (on-line or otherwise), lesson plans, records of phone calls and communication to the parent, and copies of referrals and time-outs. Just be ready with this information and how to explain the ebb and flow of your classroom. Please have some positive comments to show you know little Johnny and how well he demonstrates a skill, reveals a talent or interest, or did something right in class. If little Janie is lacking, the parent should already have communicated with you because you called, or sent information home. The Special Education teacher should already know, too, if this is a big deal (actually, even a little deal.) The team of teachers plus family can really make it happen for a kid, and communication with coordination is the key.
How Should I Interact At The Meeting?
3. Be ready to explain your testing and grading system, including homework. The child's future hinges on what you do, how you grade, and do you offer help. The parent needs to know how you grade. Is there make up work? A Special Education student usually is not an independent learner, even if they have the intelligence, because of a visual or auditory learning handicap. Do you offer homework help? Test retakes? Tutoring? When and where? The Math Department at my last school was remarkable in the regular, systematic help for all kids. And it got results.
I Don't Feel Prepared For This--What Should I Do?
4. Coordinate with the Special Education teacher. I cannot adequately explain how complex, detailed and mind-boggingly intense all this Special Ed. stuff is. But it is to your advantage as a general education teacher to share information with the RSP or SAI teacher. Most Special Ed. teachers are type B personalities (myself included) and won't bully or force anyone to do anything. But there is such expertise there, one suggestion may change a classroom situation for the better. And frequently there are Behavior Plans to implement for a rascal. The teaching team wants to keep this side of legalities, having i's dotted and t's crossed. Of course, first and foremost, we want to help the kids. A Special Education teacher has district personnel resources and knowledge that can really help.
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