Saturday, February 23, 2013

MzTeachuh: Circle of Joy--Living Your Dream

MzTeachuh: Circle of Joy--Living Your Dream: The Irish cultures embraces delight, melancholy, whimsy, rage-- the full humor experience.   Here is a lovely pi ece of music inspired ...

Circle of Joy--Living Your Dream

The Irish culture embraces delight, melancholy, whimsy, rage--the full human experience.

 Here is a lovely piece of music inspired by Irish heritage and instruments. As I listen, I can see the spirits dance in the faery rings of the forest.

Lisa Lynne - Circle of Joy 


Here is Lisa's story and how she lives her dream.

Lisa Lynne Vblog #30 - My passion in life.. 

 Love this rendition by two musicians who are at the beginning of living their dreams.

circle of joy 

MzTeachuh: I Will Send You Another Comforter

MzTeachuh: I Will Send You Another Comforter: Art by Twila Carney Schoeppner The Spirit of Truth, The Message Bible 15-17  “If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you. I...

I Will Send You Another Comforter

Art by Twila Carney Schoeppner

The Spirit of Truth, The Message Bible

15-17 “If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you. I will talk to the Father, and he’ll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. The godless world can’t take him in because it doesn’t have eyes to see him, doesn’t know what to look for. But you know him already because he has been staying with you, and will even be in you!
18-20 “I will not leave you orphaned. I’m coming back. In just a little while the world will no longer see me, but you’re going to see me because I am alive and you’re about to come alive. At that moment you will know absolutely that I’m in my Father, and you’re in me, and I’m in you.

Alexander Scourby has the loveliest voice for interpreting the Bible.

Scourby Audio Bible Reading (John 14) KJV

MzTeachuh: Kids Making Connections Tweets of the Day 2/23/13

MzTeachuh: Kids Making Connections Tweets of the Day 2/23/13: Climate Change in a Bottle: Complete Lesson Grade 6, Science, Climate Change

Kids Making Connections Tweets of the Day 2/23/13

Climate Change in a Bottle: Complete Lesson

Grade 6, Science, Climate Change 

NEA's Read Across America 

Teachers As "Persuaders": An Interview With Daniel Pink 

The Common Core Classroom 

Tablets, Smartphones Influence Reading Instruction 

March In- March lion and lamb bulletin board and art project 

Belly Up to the Book Buffet for Dr. Seuss Titles You Probably Don’t Know… But Should 




Friday, February 22, 2013

MzTeachuh: Best Articles for Educators Week of 2/23/13

MzTeachuh: Best Articles for Educators Week of 2/23/13: Practice makes creative? Can Repetitive Exercises Actually Feed the Creative Process?   “Creativity is play within a system of rules,...

Best Articles for Educators Week of 2/23/13

Practice makes creative?

Can Repetitive Exercises Actually Feed the Creative Process?

 “Creativity is play within a system of rules, and you can only play with the rules once you understand the systems.” 

School Help for the Child Struggling with Distractions and Lack of Focus

The important thing to consider is whether we are moving the student toward greater success and independence by including them and accepting that their challenges are real and not willful disregard 

Empowering Students Through Empathy and Collaboration

People often mistake kids doing whatever adults want them to do with kids thinking for themselves, which doesn't sustain itself for long. Students absolutely need to take the reins of their projects for them to have ownership of those projects. 

To Perform At Your Best, Manage Competition Carefully

 "...when young people feel anxious, parents and teachers can help by downplaying the evaluative nature of the event. But when we feel strong and capable, when we feel like a contender—then we can use the spur of competition to reach new heights." 

Be a Behavior Detective: Improving Prospects for Challenging Students 

 The more intensely the student is taught the underdeveloped skills, and the more the environment is changed to encourage appropriate behavior, the more quickly the student’s behavior is likely to change. 



MzTeachuh: Book Review: Song of the Swallows

MzTeachuh: Book Review: Song of the Swallows: "Song of the Swallows," las golondrinas, is a picture book which won the Caldecott Award in 1949.  Written and illustrated by Leo Politi...

Book Review: Song of the Swallows

"Song of the Swallows," las golondrinas, is a picture book which won the Caldecott Award in 1949.  Written and illustrated by Leo Politi, the story highlights Hispanic customs in San Juan Capistrano, California, that blend nature, Catholicism, and the history of California from a child's perspective.

Juan is the main character, a boy of about seven or eight years old. He attends the school by the Mission, and is a friend of the bell ringer/gardener, grandfatherly Julian. Julian is the only adult mentioned in the book, the Mission is the only setting. The story occurs in the timelessness of childhood, so we don't really know if the illustrations depict the 1940's or not. There is no clue by the clothing, activities, or countryside. The Mission and garden are not dated. There are no automobiles, but even today in coastal California, you might go miles without seeing a motorized vehicle. And there is no clue from the birds; swallows don't follow fashion dictates. One of the main attractions of "The Song of the Swallows" is this untainted marvel-of-childhood quality.

Julian tells Juan about the settling of California by Father Serra and the Franciscan friars. Every fourth grader in this state (myself included) studied this period of California history, and created model missions, maybe even visiting a Mission. There are over twenty missions up and down the California coast, with many cities named after the nearby Mission, i.e., San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and, of course, San Francisco.  I've seen a few and the facilities are well maintained and beautiful.

There is no controversy in this book about the treatment of the Indians by the Franciscans.
A 1985 stamp immortalizing Father Junipero Serra

The following link is a balanced biography of Father Serra. 

Father Junipero Serra also has a statue in the United States Statuary Hall, in Washington, D.C.

Politi's portrayal of Mission San Juan Capistrano.

You can purchase this model of San Juan Capistrano for a Grade Four project.

Julian, the St. Francis look-a-like.
Julian, in little Juan's eyes,  is portrayed almost St. Francis-like with the beautiful garden and hummingbirds, pigeons, sparrows and other birds being comfortable around the gentle soul.

Juan learns of the mystery of the swallows. How do they know to arrive on St. Joseph's Day? (March 19.)  It has nothing to do with Joseph, the stepfather of the Savior  (of Jesus, Mary and Joseph fame.) It just coincides with the season the swallows migrate to their familiar habitat.

Happy birdie family, happy boy.
Juan wonders about the nests
Why is there a St. Joseph's Day? In the worship schedule for Catholics, each day has one or more saints honored throughout the year at daily Mass with a feast day, or worship service. For example, many communities have the blessing of the animals on October 4, the feast of Francis of Assisi, to honor his saintly lifestyle that was so peaceful that it is said that even wild animals were gentle with him and birds would perch on him. Francis also propagated peace, forgiveness, and taking care of the poor.  Francis lived in twelfth century Italy, and wrote some lovely prayers.

Happy kids enjoying the beautiful Mission and the birds.
 As the birds get comfortable, the child personifies the male and female birds as the nest is built, the female incubates the eggs, and the male serenades her with sweet, twittering song. Then both the parents diligently feed the hatchlings, like a happy family.

 The children thoroughly enjoy the presence of the birds, the  spring season, and the safety and contentment of the belief system supplied by the Mission. It is interesting, though, in  the story that parents, priests, nuns, teachers or any other adult besides Julian, the grandfatherly gardener, do not make an appearance. Not even an older brother or sister.

In due time, the swallows migrate to a mysterious island for the winter. The human inhabitants of Capistrano will wait for their return. Juan and the other happy kids are very excited when the birds return. The birds actually fly to Goya, Argentina.

The swallows leave Capistrano on their mission to a mysterious island.

Leo Politi
 Leo Politi, although an Italian-America, wrote warmly of the Hispanic culture in Southern California. He authored several children's books. I met him when I was in college in Los Angeles. He was very encouraging to a young English student.

This year in San Juan Capistrano, the swallows are sort of hiding from the big to-do that the residents of Capistrano throw on March 19, St. Joseph's Day.  Now the occasion is kind of a mixed metaphor, with a large variety of traditions celebrated, but still a beautiful day out in a remarkably lovely part of the world.
This is a wonderful, cheesy song about the swallows returning to Capistrano by Pat Boone recorded in the 1950's, with great pictures of the little birds.
Singing with Pat.

MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 2/22/13

MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 2/22/13: Understanding Autism; Trying To Understand Adam Lanza   Re...

MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 2/22/13

Understanding Autism; Trying To Understand Adam Lanza 

Read! Classic Adventure, Romance, Mystery 

Best Articles For Educators Week of 2/18/13 

Resilient and Empathetic: Our Kids 

Lessons From Seuss and Info On Education Tweets of the Day 2/19/13 

Teaching The World Tweets of the Day 2/20/13 

Meteorites and the Harlem Shake Tweets of the Day 2/16/13 


 Here is the top ten readers from around the world: The USA, Russia, U K, Canada, France, Germany, India, Australia, Japan and Turkey. It is a privilege to serve you.





MzTeachuh: By Jove, I've Got It! Tweets of the Day 2/22/13

MzTeachuh: By Jove, I've Got It! Tweets of the Day 2/22/13: By Jove, I've got it 1. The Brightest Young Minds in Ed-Tech

By Jove, I've Got It! Tweets of the Day 2/22/13

By Jove, I've got it

1. The Brightest Young Minds in Ed-Tech 

2. School Help for the Child Struggling with Distractions and Lack of Focus 

3. Alan November: How Teachers and Tech Can Let Students Take Control 

4. Spring-Cleaning for Your Psyche 

5. Ten Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Parenting a Child with Special Needs 

6. Researchers Link New Autism Gene to Serotonin Production 

7. Will You Pass On Your Junk Food Addictions? 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

MzTeachuh: Resilient and Empathetic: Our Kids

MzTeachuh: Resilient and Empathetic: Our Kids:   There is a lot of educational literature out there (espec ially this week) on social and emotional education so kids will be re silie...

Resilient and Empathetic: Our Kids


There is a lot of educational literature out there (especially this week) on social and emotional education so kids will be resilient and empathetic. Here are a few.

Empowering Students Through Empathy and Collaboration 

Lisa Michelle Dabbs
Dr. Robert Brooks


Teaching Kindness: More Than a Random Act 

"Raising Resilient Children" 

How to Foster Grit, Tenacity and Perseverance: An Educator’s Guide 

Tina Barseghian


MzTeachuh: Vote For A Book! Free Books Through First Books

MzTeachuh: Vote For A Book! Free Books Through First Books: Vote! Help our friends at Cheerios decide which of their kids' books will return to Cheerios box...

Vote For A Book! Free Books Through First Books

Vote! Help our friends at Cheerios decide which of their kids' books will return to Cheerios boxes. (And for every vote, they’ll donate a new book to a kid in need through First Book).

MzTeachuh: Math Really Counts Tweets of the Day 2/21/13

MzTeachuh: Math Really Counts Tweets of the Day 2/21/13: 1. 8 Videos That Prove Math Is Awesome 2. Algebra Team: Overview of Teach...

Math Really Counts Tweets of the Day 2/21/13

1. 8 Videos That Prove Math Is Awesome

2. Algebra Team: Overview of Teaching Styles

Grades 6-8, Math, Factoring
Common Core Standards: Math.MP.1 Math.A-SSE.3a

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

MzTeachuh: Current Special Ed. Info

MzTeachuh: Current Special Ed. Info: Got that? 1. Your Child's Rights   2. Video: What Is the IDEA Parent Gui...

Current Special Ed. Info

Got that?

1. Your Child's Rights 

2. Video: What Is the IDEA Parent Guide? 

3. Top Ten Parental Rights in Special Education 

4. Asperger's: A Study on Empathy 

5. Have I Lost My Autism Diagnosis? 

6. Five Special Needs Apps You Should Know About 

7. Will You Watch ‘Raising Adam Lanza’ on ‘Frontline’? 

8. Temple Grandin, Phd.

MzTeachuh: Teaching The World Tweets of the Day 2/20/13

MzTeachuh: Teaching The World Tweets of the Day 2/20/13:   10 Free Web Tools For Teachers Being Used Right Now ...

Teaching The World Tweets of the Day 2/20/13

10 Free Web Tools For Teachers Being Used Right Now 

PBL Design Deep Dive –What Products, and How Many? 

10 Things To Know About Your School Textbooks 

A Model School Focuses on Students Taking Global Action 

World Autism Awareness Day 

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: A Primer 

Freedom Stories 

 Weather Science








Tuesday, February 19, 2013

MzTeachuh: Understanding Autism; Trying To Understand Adam La...

MzTeachuh: Understanding Autism; Trying To Understand Adam La...: I do not believe any two persons with autism is the same. Their neurological processes may have similar patterns and distinctions, but as in...

Understanding Autism; Trying To Understand Adam Lanza

I do not believe any two persons with autism is the same. Their neurological processes may have similar patterns and distinctions, but as individuals each person can be very different.

Adam Lanza, I'm guessing about 8 years old.
So it is with Adam Lanza. His story is being investigated on a global scale. As a professional in the Special Education field, I have questions that no one is asking. Did Adam have current connections with the educational system in his area? Did he have an occupational therapist? Did he have a counselor or psychologist? Did his medical doctor recommend medication? From publicized records, it appears he had no discipline record at school. That would indicate he had not been classified as Emotionally Disturbed and did not have specialized classes in high school; he was able to navigate regular classes with a good GPA. Though he was considered 'odd' or 'different,' he had never even verbally threatened anyone.

I have other questions. Did his mom involve psychologists or other health professionals to counsel Adam in his transition to adulthood? In this state, transition is a really big deal, a separate portion of an IEP. Why was Adam isolated? Here in California, Special Ed. services continue into the twenties. There was no Social Worker from the local SELPA involved? Then mom decided Adam needed to be 'independent' (apparently which meant isolated for days during a major holiday.) How did mom and her friends and family members think of Adam? No one missed seeing Adam on Thanksgiving?

I don't have definitive answers about Adam, his family, and his tragic choices. Journalists are going to continue to dig into his life with the hope of preventing other tragedies.

My main thought right now is to question how Adam and his mother were isolated away from the nuclear and extended family as well as how a student who qualifies for Special Education services goes off the grid.

I have taught autistic students on every level of handicap, from Profoundly Handicapped to mainstreamed into regular classes. When these students would include me in their world through discussion, comment or art, I was very privileged. One student wrote the best Grade 10 essay I've ever read. Another was in a Non-Public School with an additional handicap of Emotional Disturbance. Unique individuals. No single answer for interventions.

Tonight is a PBS Frontline. They're asking questions, too.

Raising Adam Lanza
Coming February 19, 2013 

MzTeachuh: Lessons From Seuss and Info On Education Tweets of...

MzTeachuh: Lessons From Seuss and Info On Education Tweets of...: 1. New Teacher Survival Guide: Classroom Management Grade 6, Social Studies, Behavior

Lessons From Seuss and Info On Education Tweets of the Day 2/19/13

1. New Teacher Survival Guide: Classroom Management

Grade 6, Social Studies, Behavior 

2. Learning Disabilities and Asperger's Syndrome 

3. 7 Pieces Of Wearable Tech Being Developed Right Now 

4. Why Confusion Can Be a Good Thing 

5. 5 Quick Tech Tips For Homeschoolers 

6. Send a math-o-gram … 

7. The Underground Railroad 


Monday, February 18, 2013

MzTeachuh: Best Articles For Educators Week of 2/18/13

MzTeachuh: Best Articles For Educators Week of 2/18/13: Admit it. We've all wondered which way to turn from time to time. Annie Murphy Paul FULL TEXT: Why Feeling Confused Will Help You L...

Best Articles For Educators Week of 2/18/13

Admit it. We've all wondered which way to turn from time to time.
Annie Murphy Paul

FULL TEXT: Why Feeling Confused Will Help You Learn Better 


The Media's Post-Newtown Autism Fail 

Todd Finley


The Gettysburg Address: Literary Nonfiction and the Common Core 


 Finding Students' Hidden Strengths and Passions 

 School Academic Success and Athletic Commitment Boost Each Other, Study Finds 

 Is ADHD A Real Disorder? 

A Special Ed. label can be like a life sentence. Is that necessary?


MzTeachuh: Getting It Right Tweets of the Day 2/18/13

MzTeachuh: Getting It Right Tweets of the Day 2/18/13: Who's missing today? 1.   1 in 10 kids in kindergarten are chronically absent

Getting It Right Tweets of the Day 2/18/13

Who's missing today?

1.   1 in 10 kids in kindergarten are chronically absent

2. Video: What Is Executive Function? 

3. Brain Matters: Maximizing Your Classroom for Learning 

4. The Time-Tested Dos and Don'ts of Using Classroom Technology 

5. The Media's Post-Newtown Autism Fail

From Mother Jones' Blog - Political Mojo

6. Show Presidents’ Fun Sides To Inspire Kids With Special Needs 

7. Oscar Week Special: Seven Teaching Resources on Film Literacy