MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box #9
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box #9: These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make som...
Principal's Suggestion Box #9
These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and
not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make some
adjustments. Principals have the best chance to do that.
Dear Principal,
Just thought I'd give you a progress report, and let you know I am so excited about the new schoolyear. The plans for teacher collaboration seem to be a reasonable amount of time, and very creative that some of the teams are based on areas of interest rather than only grade levels or teaching areas. Already, Mr. -- and Ms.-- and I have been emailing this summer for plans on the school garden. Mr.-- is so helpful, knows vegetables, and excited to be included on a GenEd team. He says his Special Ed. class will be very enthusiastic gardeners! Ms.-- is a Master Gardener in the community and is keeping us so organized. Mr.-- isn't on our team, but hopes to bring out his English class to the garden to sit write from time to time. Mrs. -- from the cafeteria staff. says she can use the veggies, and let the kids know what recipes they are going into. I've been able to get donations from Home Depot and Lowe's for equipment and supplies. Of course, I am also preparing for my incoming 9th grade math kids--I feel more invigorated with the garden being in the mix. So much math in gardening--even if we don't spent an inordinate amount of time there, the kids will love it. And we get to be outside once in awhile.
Thanks again for your innovation.
Teacher Enjoying A Break in the Monotony
School Garden Checklist
Dear Principal,
Just thought I'd give you a progress report, and let you know I am so excited about the new schoolyear. The plans for teacher collaboration seem to be a reasonable amount of time, and very creative that some of the teams are based on areas of interest rather than only grade levels or teaching areas. Already, Mr. -- and Ms.-- and I have been emailing this summer for plans on the school garden. Mr.-- is so helpful, knows vegetables, and excited to be included on a GenEd team. He says his Special Ed. class will be very enthusiastic gardeners! Ms.-- is a Master Gardener in the community and is keeping us so organized. Mr.-- isn't on our team, but hopes to bring out his English class to the garden to sit write from time to time. Mrs. -- from the cafeteria staff. says she can use the veggies, and let the kids know what recipes they are going into. I've been able to get donations from Home Depot and Lowe's for equipment and supplies. Of course, I am also preparing for my incoming 9th grade math kids--I feel more invigorated with the garden being in the mix. So much math in gardening--even if we don't spent an inordinate amount of time there, the kids will love it. And we get to be outside once in awhile.
Thanks again for your innovation.
Teacher Enjoying A Break in the Monotony
School Garden Checklist
The Benefits of a School Garden
Nature Deficit Disorder
My suggestion: Principals, be flexible. Most of the staff time is preordained. No choice, really a huge, highly stressful sequence of tasks. Every day. If staff members have an idea that may relieve the monotony or tenseness--let them give it a shot. Poetry Reading Festival? Vincent van Gogh Chalk drawing on the quad? Sing Alongs at lunch? Learn a New Soccer (or Dance) Move before school? Prepare and give speeches at assemblies?A garden? Why not, if it isn't too expensive, it's safely administered, and sounds like a bit of fun. Let the staff and kids blow off a little steam. But the garden would be awesome.

Mr. Kashiwagi's garden at Jehue Middle School.
MzTeachuh: Summer Bump Not Slump: MzTeachuh's Top 20 Movies T...
MzTeachuh: Summer Bump Not Slump: MzTeachuh's Top 20 Movies T...: You've got the time, you've got the audience. So share some of your favorite movies with your kids. It's almost, almost, like ...
Summer Bump Not Slump: MzTeachuh's Top 20 Movies To Watch
You've got the time, you've got the audience. So share some of your favorite movies with your kids. It's almost, almost, like an important reading list. But films that were central to our growing up and our cultural experience are worth sharing. And making a special occasion creates a lasting bond as the older generation shares experiences and preferences from your own life with your kids. Some of these films may be famous, but that doesn't mean your 14 year old ever heard of it. Let them know why you chose this film, what it represented to your generation at the time, why you want to watch it with them. Be conscious of appropriate ratings for your audience.
Here are some of my favorites, that I also think are important to view for a cultural background. I watch a lot of television and movies (documentaries, too.)
Hurrah for Hulu and Netflix!
Set a time to watch when it is really too hot to go outside, or you are replacing Xbox time.
In no particular order, here is MzTeachuh's Top Twenty Movies to Watch:
Here are some of my favorites, that I also think are important to view for a cultural background. I watch a lot of television and movies (documentaries, too.)
Hurrah for Hulu and Netflix!
Set a time to watch when it is really too hot to go outside, or you are replacing Xbox time.
In no particular order, here is MzTeachuh's Top Twenty Movies to Watch:
Forrest Gump (1994)
Lincoln (2012)
Men in Black (1997)
Frankenstein (1931)
A Hard Day's Night (1964)
Sophie's Choice (1982) in the Indiana Jone series, but especiallyRaiders of the Lost Ark (1981) |
All in the series, but especially The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
All Mel Brooks' films, but especially The Producers (1967)
A Patch of Blue (1965)
Gravity (2013)
Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
Schindler's List (1993)
Glory (1989)
All Episodes--but definitely Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
The Sound of Music (1965) - IMDb
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
My Left Foot (1989)
Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here are a couple lists from experts:
The 55 Essential Movies Kids Must Experience (Before They Turn 13)
Top 100 Kids & Family Movies
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/28/14
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/28/14: Find Your Digital Space
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 6/28/14
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 6/28/14: Is "Sensory Processing Disorder" a Real Medical Condition?
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/28/14
Find Your Digital Space
3 Digital Reading Challenges for Summer
Games In The Classroom: What the Research Says
Use Google Voice or Speak Pipe to Hear Students Proofreading Their Papers
Chasing The Elusive 'Quality' In Online Education
4 apps for astronomy, grading, videos, and more
45 Powerful Tools To Create Polls And Quizzes In The Classroom
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 6/28/14
Is "Sensory Processing Disorder" a Real Medical Condition?
Why Autism Risk Rises with Mom’s Age: Study May Shed Light
Many Parents Of Kids With Autism Have Autistic Traits Too
Higher Expectations to Better Outcomes for Children with Disabilities
Video: Experience A Little Bit Of What Someone With Autism Feels….
Sex-Abuse-Prevention Efforts Urged for Students With Disabilities
Is it Auditory Attention or Auditory Distractability?
MzTeachuh: Looking Out For The Kids Tweets of the Day 6/28/14...
MzTeachuh: Looking Out For The Kids Tweets of the Day 6/28/14...: Is Technology Widening Opportunity Gaps Between Rich And Poor Kids?
Looking Out For The Kids Tweets of the Day 6/28/14
Is Technology Widening Opportunity Gaps Between Rich And Poor Kids?
Sending Mixed Message: Do Parents Value Kids’ Achievement Over Empathy?
The Best Kind Of Summer Slide: A Summer Bucket List
Higher Expectations to Better Outcomes for Children with Disabilities
What We Can All Learn from a No-Hitter
What We’re Watching: Arne Duncan on New Roles for Teachers
What's Your Relationship with Your Textbook?
What’s Your Relationship with Your Textbook?
What’s Your Relationship with Your Textbook?
Friday, June 27, 2014
MzTeachuh: GenEd and SpecEd Communication
MzTeachuh: GenEd and SpecEd Communication: Collaborative Teaching: Bridging the Gap Between General and Special Education Instruction
GenEd and SpecEd Communication
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Collaborative Teaching: Bridging the Gap Between General and Special Education Instruction during busy schools days is vital and tricky. As GenEd and SpecEd collaborate in a class, both experts are gleaning information from their specific perspectives. These two views can reap a bountiful harvest of success for all the students. The expertise combines, forming a living, thriving academic experience. |
GenEd Keeping records--so valuable! Every classroom teacher keeps attendance, grades, and discipline records, which are communicated to the office and to the parents. But when do the Special Education teachers become aware of this important information? The office and the teachers together need to formulate a system so the Special Education teacher, who is a prime liason to the parents, has timely information about the students. Discipline, in particular, needs to be communicated to the SecEd teacher immediately. Your records will be important input at IEP meetings when discussing current academic performance. Have a hard copy for the SpecEd teacher's file and the parents.
SpecEd Keeping records--so valuable! No matter the grade, there frequently are students that may have an unidentified learning disability, emotional disability, or physical ailment that a SpecEd teacher may help pinpoint. That could lead to the Special Education process, or the School Nurse. The expectation is for all students to succeed, and when there are bumps in the learning road, having other experts in the class can help smooth things out.
When parents contact the teacher--whether GenEd or SpecEd--let the other teacher know what's up. Have each other's back. Be supportive of parents together. If it seems serious, include the administration or District level SpecEd staff in on it. The IEP team is called a team for a reason. We all play for the same side, our goal being success for the student.
Schedules--SpecEd needs to develop an efficient system of scheduling so all members of the IEP team have a heads up when the meetings will be. Special Education is very fluid, and this scheduling information can change quickly. Flexibility is the name of the game. But most SELPAs and Districts give a general list to each teacher, so there are initial expectations of annual and triennual IEPs. There can be addendums and behavior plans added any time. The communication to parents is formulated, but communication to teachers, other professionals involved with the student, and admin needs to be most likely more than one method. I suggest email as well as hard copy in schoolsite teacher/admin boxes, ponied to the district, or mailed to other support staff. Don't make them guess. If meetings are cancelled, the same process or a phone call. all of our time is so very valuable, it is important to be sensitive to that.
Be nice, be thoughtful. You don't have to be best friends to collaborate, but you do really need to be professional. Teaching is very demanding, and teaching Special Education in any scenario is somewhat more complicated. So, SpecEd teacher, remember that GenEd teacher's work just got a lot more complicated with your students on their classlist and you in their class collaborating. And GenEd teacher, understand the SpecEd teacher's job is very complex, and he/she now needs to handle you, too. Be courteous, the kids are glad to see that. Be flexible, it takes time to find a rhythm. Be honest. Take time to communicate what can be better, or just different. If you feel like a Grumpy Cat some days, tell each other, be a support. You're only human, even if you're being asked to perform as a Superhuman every day.
MzTeachuh: What GenEd and SpecEd Need to Know About Each Othe...
MzTeachuh: What GenEd and SpecEd Need to Know About Each Othe...: About Collaboration Among Regular & Special Education Teachers
What GenEd and SpecEd Need to Know About Each Other
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About Collaboration Among Regular & Special Education Teachers |
With the new federal push to improve outcomes for Special Education students, GenEd will be asked to participate more fully in the development and execution of services for Special Education.
Behind the Headline: States’ Special Education Services Face Tighter Oversight by the Obama Administration
What do both GenEd and SpecEd need to know to create an efficient collaboration?
First, I suggest GenEd do a little homework on the Special Education system, and the types of needs they will most frequently encounter in their classrooms or at the school site.
What do General Education Teachers Need To Know About Special Education?
Types of Learning Disabilities
And, SpecEd needs do a little research, too, checking out their school sites participation in Common Core (or other standards adopted) in order to write copacetic goals and objectives into the IEP. The best goals and objectives are ones that are already being taught in the general instruction, with as little need for adaptation to service the student as possible. When students need assistance outside of class or the schoolday, what tutoring or help classes do the school offer? Find out the teachers' schedules, office hours, and style of teaching. Be sure to relate your schedule.
Resources for Writing IEPs Aligned to Common-Core Standards
Collaborating on a daily basis, in the same room, requires a great deal of communication. You don't have to be best friends to collaborate, but you do need to be professional. There are several methods of collaboration in the classroom. Together GenEd and SpecEd teachers choose the best plan for the lesson.
Collaboration Between General and Special Education Teachers
Collaboration between General and Special Education Teachers. ERIC Digest.
Each teacher is a professional, highly qualified in an area of expertise. I would suggest SpecEd teachers only do direct instruction of a GenEd class if they hold credentials in that specific area, and GenEd teachers absorb information and advice from the SpecEd teacher on the Special Needs student's detailed program (as in the IEP) and input from the parents. The school experience of a Special Needs student is very fluid, possibly including health issues, emotional balance, and input from parents at least on a weekly basis. GenEd and SpecEd really need to communicate!
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/27/14
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/27/14: A Look at Recent Findings on Technology in the Classroom
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/27/14
A Look at Recent Findings on Technology in the Classroom
Instead Of Getting Ready For The Tech Revolution, Schools Are Scaling Back
10 Ways To Use Mobile Devices in the Classroom
How Should Keyboarding Be Taught in Elementary School?
How I Blended My Math Class
Why Book Trailers Are Great Alternatives to Traditional Book Reports
Core Practices for Ambitious Science Teaching
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 6/27/14
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 6/27/14: Autism Act Clears House New Accountability Framework Ra...
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 6/27/14
Autism Act Clears House
New Accountability Framework Raises the Bar for State Special Education Programs
Sheltered Workshop Eligibility May Soon Be Limited
Common-Assessment Groups Differ on Accommodations
Court Affirms Reimbursement for Special Education
Ed Dept. Issues New Special Ed Rules
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 6/27/14
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 6/27/14: Best Articles for Educators 6/22/14 Check Out Edudemic...
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 6/27/14
Best Articles for Educators 6/22/14
Check Out Edudemic Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 3/8/14
BYOD--Is It Fair and Equitable for the Poor Kids?
Big Special Education News Tweets of the Day 6/26/14physcial edcuation necessary
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/25/14
Ah, A New Teacher Tweets of the Day 6/24/14
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 6/24/14
Diverse Educational Topics Tweets of the Day 6/25/14
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/24/14
Thank you to our internation audience. It is a privilege to serve you. USA, France, Germany, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Russia, UK, Turkey, India, Canada.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
MzTeachuh: Improving Teacher to Teacher Communication
MzTeachuh: Improving Teacher to Teacher Communication: Tips for Effective Teacher to Teacher Communication ...
Improving Teacher to Teacher Communication
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Tips for Effective Teacher to Teacher Communication
The General Ed Teacher’s Guide to the Inclusive Classroom
Making the Most Out of Teacher Collaboration
The Benefits of Teacher Collaboration
Communicating with colleagues and administrators
How Technology Is Changing How Teachers Communicate With Students
The importance of communication between teachers, parents and students
MzTeachuh: Gen Ed/Special Ed Teamwork
MzTeachuh: Gen Ed/Special Ed Teamwork: What do General Education Teachers Need To Know About Special Education?
Gen Ed/Special Ed Teamwork
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Inclusive Classroom |
What do General Education Teachers Need To Know About Special Education?
Types of Learning Disabilities
Welcome to SERGE
Special Education Resources for General Educators
The General Ed Teacher’s Guide to the Inclusive Classroom
Collaboration Between General and Special Education: Making it Work Do I Have a Special Ed. Kid in My Class?
IEP Meeting? Do I Have To Go?
"Inclusion: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions from the NEA"
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/26/14
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/26/14: How to Use OpenEd to Create Practice Assessments Aligned to the Common Core
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/26/14
How to Use OpenEd to Create Practice Assessments Aligned to the Common Core
Mixing it Up with Mangahigh: Using Games to Differentiate Instruction
Learning in the Digital Age
Educational technology isn’t leveling the playing field
Trail’ Pioneer Developing Tablet Education Apps - See more at:
Oregon Trail pioneer developing tablet app
Sortify: a free open-ended game for all grade levels
MzTeachuh: Big Special Education News Tweets of the Day 6/26/...
MzTeachuh: Big Special Education News Tweets of the Day 6/26/...: States’ special education services face tighter oversight by the Obama administration
Big Special Education News Tweets of the Day 6/26/14
States’ special education services face tighter oversight by the Obama administration
Behind the Headline: States’ Special Education Services Face Tighter Oversight by the Obama Administration
Reaching the Ideal
Special education has its problems, but they mainly follow from the failure of schools to comply fully with the law
A 'Major Shift' In Oversight Of Special Education
U.S. Department to Increase Oversight of Special Education
Education Secretary Lauds Revised Special Education Evaluation System
Ed. Dept. Releases Results of New Special Education Evaluation Process
Sisyphean Tasks
The reams of paperwork that currently serve as special education’s “accountability" system distract from the practice of teaching and learning. It is time to focus on results
MzTeachuh: Meeting the Needs Tweets of the Day 6/26/14
MzTeachuh: Meeting the Needs Tweets of the Day 6/26/14: Red, White, and Blue Learning: Seven Resources for Independence Day
Meeting the Needs Tweets of the Day 6/26/14
Red, White, and Blue Learning: Seven Resources for Independence Day
Why It’s Imperative to Teach Empathy to Boys
Autism Act Clears House
Educational technology isn’t leveling the playing field
Technology Is Making Achievement Gaps Bigger
This Week’s “Round-Up” Of Good Posts & Articles On Education Policy
The Courage To Think Critically
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
MzTeachuh: What Fools These Mortals Be
MzTeachuh: What Fools These Mortals Be: Midsummer Night's Dream, P.D. White Looks like Puck's been working out on the stairstep machine. F.Mendelssohn. A ...
What Fools These Mortals Be
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Midsummer Night's Dream, P.D. White |
F.Mendelssohn. A Midsummer Night's Dream. Overture
Again, thank you William.
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 6/26/14
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 6/26/14: Cuzco, Peru 10 Striking Photos That Capture What Autism Looks Like Around The World
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM 6/25/14
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM 6/25/14: Help! My Students Have a Bad Case of Instamania
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 6/25/14
Help! My Students Have a Bad Case of Instamania
What Technology Does What: An #edtech Chart For Teachers
Young Birder of the Year Contest
How Vine videos can improve the classroom experience
5 Ways To Use Word Cloud Generators In The Classroom
Technology in the Classroom Offers Advantages for Introverts
32 Ways To Use Google Apps in the Classroom
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 6/26/14
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Cuzco, Peru |
10 Striking Photos That Capture What Autism Looks Like Around The World
A 'Major Shift' In Oversight Of Special Education
Tantrums, Meltdowns and More: Executive Dysfunction and Behavior Questions Answered with @LD_expert
Predicting Dyslexia — Even Before Children Learn to Read
Common Warning Signs of Dyscalculia in Children Pre-K to Grade 2
Summer Reading Tips for Parents
MzTeachuh: Diverse Educational Topics Tweets of the Day 6/25/...
MzTeachuh: Diverse Educational Topics Tweets of the Day 6/25/...: Apparently, you don't even have to be Italian to use expressive hand gestures Cracking a Secret Code to Learning: Hand Gestures h...
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