Saturday, May 16, 2015

MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh: Is This The Most Cheerful Music Ever?

MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh: Is This The Most Cheerful Music Ever?: MzTeachuh: Is This The Most Cheerful Music Ever? : This is such cheerful music, it even makes the dog smile. Amazing that Swing Music w...

MzTeachuh: Is This The Most Cheerful Music Ever?

MzTeachuh: Is This The Most Cheerful Music Ever?: This is such cheerful music, it even makes the dog smile. Amazing that Swing Music was birthed during the Great Depression,  then k...

Is This The Most Cheerful Music Ever?

This is such cheerful music, it even makes the dog smile.

Amazing that Swing Music was birthed during the Great Depression, 

then kept swinging during WWII.

1. Benny Goodman Sing Sing Sing from Hollywood Hotel

Benny Goodman: clarinet
Harry James, Ziggy Elman, and Chris Griffin: trumpets
Red Ballard and Vernon Brown: trombones
Hymie Schertzer and George Koenig; alto saxophones
Art Rollini and Babe Russin: tenor saxophones
Jess Stacy: piano
Allan Reuss: guitar
Harry Goodman: bass
Gene Krupa: drums
Composed by Louis Prima

2. Bach Brandenburg 3 complete. Abbado.

3. The Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand (Ed Sullivan ) 

4. Stevie Wonder - I Wish Lyrics

5.  Mozart " Eine kleine Nachtmusik" Allegro

6. Happy  Pharrell Williams 

MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/16/15

MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/16/15: Wish List: Piecing Together an Ideal School From the Ground Up

Educational Links 5/16/15

Wish List: Piecing Together an Ideal School From the Ground Up

Girls in STEM Fields

Successful Entrepreneurs With Learning and Attention Issues 

The Difference Between Technology Use And Technology Integration 

A Parent's Guide for Getting Girls Into STEM Careers 

What Really Causes Autism? 

Teach Responsibility in the Elementary Classroom 

#ToyLikeMe Facebook Campaign Helps Launch Custom-Made Dolls With Disabilities 

Creativity and the Brain: What We Can Learn From Jazz Musicians






MzTeachuh: Teacher Burnout--U Gotz It?

MzTeachuh: Teacher Burnout--U Gotz It?: 1. Teacher Burnout: Four Warning Signs

Teacher Burnout--U Gotz It?

1. Teacher Burnout: Four Warning Signs 

2. How to Rewire Your Burned-Out Brain: Tips from a Neurologist

3. Mentorship for New Educators Helps Combat Teacher Burnout, Improve Retention 

4. Blogs on Teacher Burnout 

5. Staying Healthy and Managing Stress While Teaching 

6.  5 Stress Reduction Strategies for Teachers 

7.  Staying Healthy in the Classroom - Or Not 


MzTeachuh: The Tower Of London Is Really Creepy

MzTeachuh: The Tower Of London Is Really Creepy: Raven, Tower of London 2011 Photo by Melanie Taylor My daughter and I visited England a year ago. We're both English majors, so it...

MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Finishing Strong

MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Finishing Strong: Finishing the School Year Strong   End of Year Activities http://www...

MzTeachuh: Teacher's Profile

MzTeachuh: Teacher's Profile: A Balanced Approach To Social Media For Teachers   ...

Teacher's Profile

A Balanced Approach To Social Media For Teachers 

Top 12 Summer Tips for Top Teachers

Understanding Google Certification

It’s not accelerated learning; we just stopped decelerated teaching 

5 Tips For Keeping Your School iPads Safe (And Not Cracked)

Does Losing Handwriting In School Mean Losing Other Skills Too? 

The Problem With “Boot Camp”-Style Learning 

Making Learning Fun: Engaging Students With Imagination 


MzTeachuh: Power Up That Brain! Understanding Learning

MzTeachuh: Power Up That Brain! Understanding Learning: 4 Neurosystems Of Learning   This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain On Mu...

Power Up That Brain! Understanding Learning

4 Neurosystems Of Learning 

This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain On Music.

Learning Through the Arts 

Five of our best posts on autism acceptance

Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity 

How can we engage all learners? Let students play 



MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: Go Outside!

MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: Go Outside!: Nerf baseball sounds good! Doctor's Orders: More Outside Time for Kids

Summer Activity: Go Outside!

Nerf baseball sounds good!

Doctor's Orders: More Outside Time for Kids

Connecting Kids and Nature: Working Towards 10 Million Kids Outdoors

50 Outdoor Summer Activities For Kids 

7 Outside Activities for Kids This Summer 

8 Garden Projects for Kids 

Doctor’s Orders: More Outdoor Time For Kids
Outdoor Games

10 Water Play Activities for Children of All Ages 

Super Fun Water Balloon Games! 

Tips for Easy Picnics With Kids  

TIPS FOR SKETCHING OUTDOORS : How to Draw Outside & Drawing Travel Sketches 

Friday, May 15, 2015

MzTeachuh: Weekend--Music for Feeling Flippant

MzTeachuh: Weekend--Music for Feeling Flippant: Flippant Part of Speech: adjective Definition: irreverent Synonyms: brassy, breezy, cheeky , cocky , disrespectful , flig...

MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 5/15/15

MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 5/15/15: Hubble snapshot of black hole in the Circinus Galaxy. For some unknown reason, this post went viral on Stumbleupon. Music For When You...

MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 5/15/15

Hubble snapshot of black hole in the Circinus Galaxy.
For some unknown reason, this post went viral on Stumbleupon.

Music For When You Feel Pressured

Summer Activity: How Does Your garden Taste?

Teaching Is Finishing Strong

Summer Bump Not Slump: For Budding Environmental Scientists

All American Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts

The Soul of a Mother

Summer Bump Not Slump: Summer Reading

Music to Take A Deep Breath To

Best Articles for Educators

Thanks to our international audience. It is a privilege to serve you. USA, Canada, France, Germany,UK, India, Japan, Netherlans, Australia, Russia.

Hubble Space Telescope records the beauty surrounding the black hole at the heart of the Circinus Galax - See more at:

Thursday, May 14, 2015

MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: The Sky Is Cheap Entertainment

MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: The Sky Is Cheap Entertainment: Perseid meteor shower. We lived in Hawaii at Hickam AFB for several years, and the list of advantages to that is long--but one that st...

Summer Activity: The Sky Is Cheap Entertainment

Perseid meteor shower.

We lived in Hawaii at Hickam AFB for several years, and the list of advantages to that is long--but one that stands out is the clarity of skyviewing.  The Honolulu newspaper had a wonderful weekly section on astronomy, and what to look for in the nightsky. I was hooked. Now we can check out

Everything you need to know: Perseid meteor shower 

May 2015 guide to the five visible planets

Best photos of Apollo 11 and first footsteps on moon 

Buzz Aldrin becomes the second man on the moon, July 20, 1969.


MzTeachuh: Learning Ed Tech? Feel Lost At Sea?

MzTeachuh: Learning Ed Tech? Feel Lost At Sea?: I won't say the 'average' teacher has issues with the rapidly changing ed tech classroom. I would say 'normal' teachers...

Learning Ed Tech? Feel Lost At Sea?

I won't say the 'average' teacher has issues with the rapidly changing ed tech classroom. I would say 'normal' teachers do. The complexities of the nano-second ed tech progress confuses even the techies. Now the Common Core requires testing online soon and very soon K-12.

Try not to panic, 92% of teachers that are floundering with these all pervasive, complex, overwhelming classroom changes. Don't cry. You are not alone. Not really.
  • Where can I find help? We're going to Chromebook.  I'm a teacher with not much tech expertise.  
Google Chromebook is a good deal for many districts. And the students can really learn to write with it. I have an affiliation with a district that I feel represents the complexities of rural, poor, and tech challenged students and their teachers. They have just acquired 1:1 Chromebooks in the classroom for grades 2-12 . Just weeks ago. The only required training for teachers was the very first level for Google Certified Teachers, and they are walked through it district assistance. Is that enough? For the great number of average teachers who only go online maybe for Facebook, no. What should I do if I'm a teacher in this category? Here are some resources: 

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Understanding Google Certification 

Chrome: Getting started

This is a quote from this page. DON'T YOU FEEL BADLY after reading it. If you are a teacher, such as myself, who has actually spent 24-7 planning and teaching and not sitting in your computer chair--this isn't that simple to you. So here is the smug quote:

It’s easy to get started with a Chrome device, whether you are an IT administrator, a teacher or a student. There’s no steep learning curve standing in the way of learning, teaching and sharing, and the web-based management console makes it easy to administer a fleet of Chrome devices.

I really despise the stuck-up attitude given by some of the ed tech community. We are not stupid, and we have legitimate questions. Don't you tell me, sonny, there's no steep learning curve. Anywho, ask for help, from your grade level, from the tech person, from family. You could pray about it. Don't give up. Some teachers I spoke to said they were retiring because of the changes with ed tech. Retire if you are ready, not to avoid learning something new.

  • I'm a Principal and my teaching staff has the deer-in-the-headlights-look when we talk about ed tech at staff meetings. Its just about an emergency. What to do?
Be reassuring. Remember teaching? Evaluate your students (staff) and differentiate instruction. Organize trainings lead by compassionate ed tech savvy staff that won't embarrass or leave the teachers behind. Maybe there's a Special Ed. teacher who knows ed tech and could do this for you. I'm actually not joking about that. Don't take the teachers' word that they understand ed tech, (their jobs depend on this, they'll smile and nod just like a student), check for understanding through walk-throughs, demonstrations, asking the right questions in a non-threatening environment. Just like a good teacher. Grade level reports with evidence of success. Remember teaching? Check for understanding and, as we all know, teachers (and everyone else) don't do what you expect, they do what you inspect. Ed leadership has to actively support ed tech learning with your staff. Your future test scores depend on your teachers knowing ed tech. Here are some resources:

Office of Education Technology 

Why Teachers Hate Tech Training ... and What to Do About It 

Training Teachers to Integrate Technology
  • I want to use ed tech in my class, but we are not getting the ed tech equipment. I teach Special Education, and also need time for training in ed tech.

Red flag here. By my informal observation, special education classes are not receiving current ed tech. In the past, special education classes customarily received out-dated textbooks, inadequate or inferior classrooms, no equipment or it was shoddy, and somehow funding earmarked special education did not make it to the student even when in an IEP. I'm not naming names, or stating it happened under my watch (it didn't because I'm kind of a watchdog about that.) I have recently been in a Special Education for the Severely Handicapped/Autism Classroom that very effectively used iPads with the students. I would be very interested to see how Chromebooks with the simplified writing opportunities work with this student community. Do Special Education students have a right to ed tech like the other students? How about the teachers?

This is a Special Education legal website. Don't tell anyone I sent you.

Technology and Assistive Teachnology 

Chromebooks for Special Education and Assistive Technology 

What does edtech look like in the special ed classroom?

  •   Ed tech looks so exciting online. Why does seem so dull in a real classroom?

News from Skype in the Classroom
Ed tech is absolutely, mind-boggingly exciting. We have lived to see the future! And the kids are launched exponentially, literally launched into a future of success, productivity, equity, and fascination no one can even dream about. Some teachers are like the explorers of the 'New' World, the New Digital World. What are they reporting back? How can all teachers get in on it? First, all teachers need to board the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria and launch into the unknown. Shake up those lesson plans from 1989 (or even 2011) and incorporate the communication values of the internet. Skype. Email. Virtual tours. TED talks. Research using curiosity. Poetry Slams. Virtual Art Shows between schools. Dance Festivals. School Gardening Shows. Sing offs. Pen pals--an online community for your class from anywhere your district will let you skype. IMAGINATION will drive the best teachers to learn ed tech. Truth be told, not all teachers need to be ed tech experts. Collaborate with ideas for educational experiences within your PLN--how exciting to have all that enthusiasm and expertise united for learning fun. The best part is no one is bored, not the kids, not the teachers. The Common Core is reinforced with teachers reaching the highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy. Principals can arrange for collaboration time. Go beyond CoolMath and Accelerated Reader. The teachers that don't want any change? Let them retire or find another profession.

Exciting Ideas for the Implementation of Educational Technology in the Classroom 

Learn the Ins and Outs of Google Classroom from an Expert 

Cool Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom

Teaching Is Learning Ed Tech
Teaching Is...Learning Ed Tech

Teaching Is...Learning Ed Tech II


MzTeachuh: Take That, Summer Slide!

MzTeachuh: Take That, Summer Slide!:   Summer Reading Programs Boost Student Achievement, Study Says

Take That, Summer Slide!


Summer Reading Programs Boost Student Achievement, Study Says 

Take THAT Summer Slide! 15,000 Books to Kids in DC

1. Take That! Summer Slide!

2. 5 Great Math Apps for Grade School Kids 

3. 5 Ways To Really Connect With Online Students 

4. Stopping the Summer Slide 

5. Use Arts Integration to Enhance Common Core

6. An At-Home Summer Reading Camp 

7. Disengaged and Non-Traditional Learners Can Thrive Through Summer Learning 

8. Games and Learning for Kids (also review for secondary)


Youth sports, Oakland, CAL

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

MzTeachuh: Social and Emotional Learning-- How Do You Feel Ab...

MzTeachuh: Social and Emotional Learning-- How Do You Feel Ab...: Empathy: The Most Important Back-to-School Supply     Empa...

Social and Emotional Learning-- How Do You Feel About That?

Empathy: The Most Important Back-to-School Supply 

 Empathy starts with putting yourself in someone else's shoes -- a key step in understanding perspectives that differ from your own. This isn't just a nice thing to do; it's an essential, active skill. It's foundational to embracing differences, building relationships, gaining a global perspective, conducting richer and deeper analysis, and communicating more effectively.

 As a further suggestion, living through literature creates empathy, such as journeying through 'The Story of My Life' by Helen Keller. All literature, and poetry, can serve this purpose.

Start Empathy Videos 

We know that a child who masters empathy at the age of six is less likely to bully ten years later, and that, for students, having one supportive relationship with an adult outside the family can be the difference between success and failure as an adult.

As educators, we need to support opportunities to be the 'one supportive adult relationship' outside the home through clubs, tutoring, sports, in-class support--however we can create a productive bond with a student to provide emotional support for healthy development. We need to 'be there' for the kids. 

Social and Emotional Learning 

Why educators must help students develop the skills to manage their emotions, resolve conflicts nonviolently, and make responsible decisions.

Can schools provide students (and teachers) with insight and support to develop empathy thus limiting bullying and violence to the end of growing tolerance, camaraderie and global teamwork? We surely must try.

It's Time for Social and Emotional Learning for All 



MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/14/15

MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/14/15: 4 Strategies To Recharge Your Teaching   Dysgraphia: Wha...

Educational Links 5/14/15

4 Strategies To Recharge Your Teaching 

Dysgraphia: What You’re Seeing in Your Grade-Schooler 

3 Strategies to Conquer Math Word Problems 

Personalizing Engagement: Checking In Before They Check Out 

Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners: Six Differentiation Strategies for New Teachers 

Should Teachers Be Held Responsible for a Student’s Character? 

2015’s Top Education Technology Trends 



MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Having With It Ness

MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Having With It Ness: 1. Teacher Withitness   2. Withitness...what does it mean? http://...

MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/13/15

MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/13/15: Developing a Teaching Persona   Simplifyi...

Educational Links 5/13/15

Developing a Teaching Persona 

Simplifying Our Increasingly Complex Social Interactions 

Skype Translator Preview Opens to All Windows 8 & 10 Users 

How to Keep Classroom Sleepers Awake 

Smart-Shaming: Sorry But Your Child Is Too Bright To Qualify for Help 

Despite Laws, Mental Health Coverage Often Falls Short 

Behind the Headline: Rise In Latino, Black High School Grad Rates Boosts National Numbers 

'Building a Grad Nation' Report Outlines Challenges in Special Education 


MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box #1

MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box #1: These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make some ...

Principal's Suggestion Box #1

These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make some adjustments. Principals have the best chance to do that.

Dear Principal,

You probably don't know me. I sub for the Special Ed. classes. Everything's okay, but I would like to ask for a little more information in the lesson plans. The instructional assistants (who are very nice and helpful) usually tell me who the difficult kids will be (for example, who is likely to throw a tantrum or a chair), but isn't there supposed to be a behavior plan or something? I would like to try to keep things consistent for the students. I was told I wasn't on the list to read the IEP.

I'm okay. For a retired teacher I'm pretty spry, and caught the stapler midair. I hope the referral was written adequately.

Rather Shaken Substitute

The best resource concerning the legalities of Special Education is the site Wrightslaw 

Here is a quote from the page on Discipline & Discipline Problems:

Discipline is a hot topic. When the federal special education law was passed in 1975, Congress found that most handicapped children were not receiving an appropriate education - and that millions of children were excluded from school altogether.
Students miss classes every day because of suspensions and expulsions, sometimes for only a minor infraction. Office for Civil Rights data shows that minority students and students with disabilities are disproportionately impacted.
Today, schools continue to suspend and expel students with disabilities for behavior caused by their disabilities. If you are advocating for a child with behavior problems, the articles and resources collected on this page will help.

Other resources:

Positive Behavioral Supports and the Law

Substitute Teachers Gain National Voice

 Substitute Teachers Gain National Voice

Routines help children with special needs 

My suggestion: Have a specific section in the lesson plans that indicate special interventions with students that have behavior needs but not necessarily include the exact section from the IEP. If a student has history of tantrums or violent outbursts he/she needs a Behavior Support Plan, and a substitute definitely needs input from the classroom teacher in writing, not instructions from an instructional assistant.

Teaching Is Having With It Ness

1. Teacher Withitness

Teacher Withitness - Inside USC Rossier, the blog of USC Rossier School of Education's online teaching degree


2. Withitness...what does it mean? 

3. Withitness in the Classroom 

4.  “Withitness”: Being Aware of What’s Going on in the Classroom 

5. The Kounin Model of Discipline 

6. Teacher Engagement and "Withitness" in the 21st Century Classroom 

Great video--relieve some stress!

7. With-it-ness 


MzTeachuh: Summer Means Fun (And Learning) According To MindS...

MzTeachuh: Summer Means Fun (And Learning) According To MindS...: Literacy..don't leave home without it.   1. 74 Creative Ways to Stop Summer Brain Drain