Wednesday, September 28, 2016

San Francisco, Here I Come! Right Back Where I Started From!

Well, I started in the East Bay--Oakland--but close enough.
Will be traveling a couple days--to see family and two S F Giants games in the most beautiful stadium of all.
Gotta go and catch my flight!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Educational Links 9/28/16

What We are Doing to Ensure High-Quality PBL for All 

New Teacher Survival Guide: Differentiating Instruction 

Why School Stress is Toxic for Our Kids 

Redesigning the Traditional Assembly 

The Difficult (and Satisfying) Run of Teaching Defiant Students 

7 Afterschool Activities That Sneak Math Into Your Child’s Day 

Slow Processing Speed and Anxiety: What You Need to Know 

Most kids with learning and attention issues face situations that make them feel anxious. Often, these situations involve their weakness. For a child with dyslexia, it might be reading out loud in class. For a child with dysgraphia, it might be writing a book report.

But for kids with slow processing speed, anxious moments can pop up throughout the day, and without warning. That’s because their processing speed issues can impact everything from taking tests to talking with friends. And in some cases, the frequent anxiety turns into an anxiety disorder.




Monday, September 26, 2016

Educational Links 9/27/16

Garden Grants 

3 Ways Teachers Can Hurt Their Students 

Types of Tests for Dyslexia 

Seattle changed school bell times to let teens sleep in. Here's what happened 

Some Interesting Statistics & Facts on Social Media in Education You Must Know 

An Appeal to My Child’s Kindergarten Teacher 

Behavior Management Tips of the Week 

This tip archive offers helpful advice for dealing with a wide variety of classroom situations, including student inattention, noise, and tardiness as well as inappropriate behavior, lost supplies, boredom, bullying, irresponsibility, and many others.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Educational Links 9/26/16

See what a kid with autism sees for 90 eye-opening seconds. 

Mindfulness for Educators 

Every 504 Plan Should Include These ADHD Accommodations 

Does Presence Equal Progress? Tracking Engagement in Online Schools 

What is Adaptive Learning? 

365 Creative Writing Prompts 

How Pineapple Charts Revolutionize Professional Development

In fact, so many teachers bristle at the thought of PD because most of the time, it’s executed so poorly. Although the typical one-size-fits-all format—where every teacher in the building is herded together to listen to an expert speak—has been widely denounced, it still persists as the default model. Sometimes, if the speaker happens to be engaging, some teachers will walk away with a small tidbit they can apply to their own work. For most teachers, though, it feels like a waste of precious time, time that could be spent developing skills that would make a real difference in their specific practice.