MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 1/10/15
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 1/10/15: IDEA and Expectations Part I – The Problem of Low Expectations - See more at:
Educational Links 1/10/15
and Expectations Part I – The Problem of Low Expectations - See more
and Expectations Part I – The Problem of Low Expectations - See more
IDEA and Expectations Part 1: the problem of low expectations
IDEA and Expectations Part 2: the importance and promise of high expectations
and Expectations Part I – The Problem of Low Expectations - See more
10 inexpensive ways to get children’s books for the classroom
Update: Middle School Readers Need More Precise RTI Screenings, Study Finds
Classroom Games Involving Math
Classroom Games that Incorporate Spelling
Caring for Teachers Supports SEL for Students
MzTeachuh: Letter from Birmingham Jail
MzTeachuh: Letter from Birmingham Jail: Published to celebrate the unveiling of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial on August 28, 2011 in Washington, DC. The...
Letter from Birmingham Jail
Published to celebrate the unveiling of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial on August 28, 2011 in Washington, DC. The silk screen comes with a 52 page book depicting why MLK wrote the "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" response in 1963. |
MLK's Letter from Birmingham Jail - "A Call for Unity" (1963)
Letter from Birmingham Jail
MzTeachuh: Some Good News for Education
MzTeachuh: Some Good News for Education: President weighs in with plan for free community college
Some Good News for Education
President weighs in with plan for free community college
CDC Stepping Up Autism Monitoring Efforts
How Educators in Rural New York got Creative with Common Core
A Delectable and Academically Integrated School Lunch?
The Question Game: A Playful Way To Teach Critical Thinking
Handwriting and Music: The Strong Correlation
How to Constructively Leverage Mistakes as Part of Your Teaching Strategy
Friday, January 9, 2015
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 1/9/15
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 1/9/15: Educational Links 1/3/15 Educational Videos for Teachers ...
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 1/9/15
Fresh Ed Tech STEM Links
"You are as good as anyone." |
Teachable Moment: Book Review: Martin's Big Words
Teachable Moment: Dr. Martin Luther King
Special Needs Recent Links
Things Go Better With Bach
Teacher Resolution #1
Indoor Classroom Activities for January
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Why not a classroom garden? You can get started now. How to bring green into the classroom |
Thank you so much, international readers. It is a privilege to serve you. USA, France, Taiwan, Germany, China, Ukraine, Canada, Bulgaria, UK.
MzTeachuh: Subscribe to email or RSS feed for MzTeachuh's Blo...
MzTeachuh: Subscribe to email or RSS feed for MzTeachuh's Blo...: You can have new posts through cool email or RSS feed. See, it's on the right hand side, right under the Teach 100. Ah, brave ne...
Subscribe to email or RSS feed for MzTeachuh's Blogs!
See, it's on the right hand side, right under the Teach 100.
Ah, brave new world.
MzTeachuh: Speeches of MLK #1
MzTeachuh: Speeches of MLK #1: I've Been to the Mountaintop, Martin Luther King Delivered the day before his assassination. "And let u...
Speeches of MLK #1
I've Been to the Mountaintop, Martin Luther King
Delivered the day before his assassination.
I've Been to the Mountaintop
delivered 3 April 1968, Mason Temple (Church of God in Christ Headquarters), Memphis, Tennessee
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MzTeachuh: Taking Care of Teacher
MzTeachuh: Taking Care of Teacher: Here is some information and health strategies to stay well and effective. There has been a reappearance of whooping cough an...
Taking Care of Teacher
Here is some information and health strategies to stay well and effective.
There has been a reappearance of whooping cough and measles, so be sure these immunizations, as well as the current flu shot, are updated for the new
Staying Healthy and Managing Stress While Teaching
Taking care of teacher is not as much fun as taking care of your kids-- but we aren't superheroes, so get your shots.
Adult Immunizations: What You Need
Information for Schools & Childcare Providers
Why air purifiers are important in schools
Teaching takes an inordinate amount of mental focus and emotional output. But what happens when teachers are stressed or deal with emotional or mental issues?
Being There for Students When You're Emotionally Unavailable
When the Teacher Is Depressed
Are you in shape? What's that you say, its none of my business? Well, its your business--and your future. So get up out of that computer chair and get moving! You'll be very glad you did.
Benefits of Being Fit & Eating Well - The President's Challenge
Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity
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That's what I'm talking about! |
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 1/9/15
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 1/9/15: 20 Ways To Get A Noisy Classroom’s Attention Are Principals an...
Educational Links 1/9/15
20 Ways To Get A Noisy Classroom’s Attention
Are Principals and Vice Principals Unsure What CompSci Courses Offer?
Grolier Club's "Famous 100" Children's Books Named: Many Are Available in Alternative Formats
Open Educational Resources Meet Instructional Design
Questions for Eric London: Alternative Diagnoses for Autism
An IEP Refresher: Everything You Need to Know About an IEP
[Infographic] How a Flipped Classroom Model Works
Thursday, January 8, 2015
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 1/8/15
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 1/8/15: Why Reading Strategies Usually Don't Help the Better Readers
Educational Links 1/8/15
What Schools Could Use Instead Of Standardized Tests
IEP FAQs Pop-Up Developing Yur Child's IEP
Kill Creativity
Animated Filmmaker Kirsten Lepore
5 Math Games Every Classroom Needs to Play
New Apps for Kids With Learning and Attention Issues
Developing Your Child's IEP
MzTeachuh: Fresh Ed Tech STEM Links
MzTeachuh: Fresh Ed Tech STEM Links: Popular Video Lessons and Tutorials Websites Which Can Add Value to Your Classroom Resources Pool
Fresh Ed Tech STEM Links
Popular Video Lessons and Tutorials Websites Which Can Add Value to Your Classroom Resources Pool
PBL Science Empowered by Discussion Forums
Lessons Learned from Technology in the Classroom
How using technology can keep parents in the loop
Top 10 Ways iPads Are Key to Teaching Kids With Learning Disabilities
Why Programming Teaches So Much More Than Technical Skills
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Recent Links
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Recent Links: Pets Bring Kids with Autism Out of Their Shells ...
Special Needs Recent Links
Pets Bring Kids with Autism Out of Their Shells
Strategies for Getting and Keeping the Brain’s Attention
New Apps for Kids With Learning and Attention Issues
Students Design Calming Chairs For Those On The Spectrum
New Prenatal Tests Called Into Question
Third Grade: Reading Challenges Rear their Ugly Head
Molecular network identified underlying autism spectrum disorders
Special Education Groups Urge Continued Testing in NCLB Reauthorization
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: Book Review: Martin's Big Words
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: Book Review: Martin's Big Words: Martin's Big Words This is a picture book by Doreen Rappaport and profoundly illustrated by Bryan Collier. The quotations...
Teachable Moment: Book Review: Martin's Big Words
Martin's Big Words |
This is a picture book by Doreen Rappaport and profoundly illustrated by Bryan Collier. The quotations arise from Dr. King's childhood up to his last speech. The thoughts and words insert themselves into all open minds, and really encourage all kids to feel empowered.
If kids want to know more about Dr. King's early years, that he loved to play baseball and really missed his grandma when she passed, here are some links:
"You are as good as anyone." |
Here are some links to enhance a kid's self image.:
"When I grow up, I'm going to get big words, too. |
Infusing confidence in kids is vital "When I grow up, I'm going to get big words, too." Even a little boy or girl can have a vision of a future where they are empowered, valued, and important.
Dr. King included everyone in his philosophy. When he stated, "Everyone can be great." that included all people of all races, ages, nationalities, genders, and religions. Everyone.
Everyone can be great. |
Comments from President Obama.
"Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that." |
Kids need strength to overcome negativity just like adults do. Moms, dads, families, schools, churches all coordinate to grow strength of character and develop focus for positive emotions in the young. /social_emotional_learning_what_it_how_can_we_use_it_help_our_children
"I have a dream..." |
Now we can all have a dream.
There is more to this book.
This is a must-have book for all teachers' library, no matter the age of the students. Read it aloud even to seniors in high school.
There is a wonderful site called 'Frame-a-Quote' with thousands of quotations listed by topic and author; kids can also create their own quotes and frame them. It is very empowering. Please check it out. I used it with high school sophomores, and it was excellent. We pretty much wall-papered the classroom with their original quotes, their 'big words.'
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MzTeachuh: Martin Luther King Day Reading Resources (Reading ...
MzTeachuh: Martin Luther King Day Reading Resources (Reading ...: Books by Theme http://www.readingrockets....
Martin Luther King Day Reading Resources (Reading Rockets)
Books by Theme
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Books for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebrates the life and civil
rights work of Dr. King. In 1994, the holiday was officially recognized
as a National Day of Service where volunteers across the country work
together to make a difference in their communities. The titles below
include children's books about Dr. King, fiction and nonfiction books
about ordinary people who stand up for what's right, and stories about
helping others and giving back.

Child of the Civil Rights Movement
By: Paula Young Shelton
Illustrated by: Raul Colón
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
The youngest daughter of civil rights leader Andrew Young
shares a time when she and her two older sisters moved from New York to
Atlanta to protest and ultimately change unfair laws. The narration is
innocent and child-like — effectively describing what Jim Crow was and
giving glimpse of the leaders of the period (including Martin Luther
King, Jr.). Soft lined, textured illustrations evoke the time and its
tenor while portraying people in a recognizable way. An end note
provides additional information about the people depicted. 
City Green
By: DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
There is a garbage-filled, vacant lot on the street where
Marcy lives. Instead of growing flowers in coffee cans like they usually
do each spring, she and her friend Miss Rosa decide to plant a garden
there. Their enthusiasm and energy spread and everyone in the
neighborhood joins together to create an urban oasis. (From School
Library Journal)
Dear Mr. Rosenwald
By: Carole Boston Weatherford
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
A 10 year old girl narrates this fictionalized story, based
on real events and people, of how her rural southern town builds a new
school for African American children with the help of Julius Rosenwald
(then president of Sears Roebuck).
Feliz Cumpleaños, Martin Luther King
By: Jean Marzollo
Illustrated by: Brian Pinkney
Age Level: 3-6
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
En un paquete atractivo se presenta la importancia e
influencia del Dr King y por qué se celebra su cumpleaños. Un texto
fluido combinado con maravillosas ilustraciones hechas en esgrafiado y
pintura para presentar a los niños un tema que a veces resulta difÃcil.
Freedom on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins
By: Carole Boston Weatherford
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
A girl and her mom want to have a sweet treat on a hot day
but cannot sit at the soda fountain simply because they are "colored."
Impressionistic paintings soften the harshness of the story of
segregation in the South during a turbulent time.
Freedom Summer
By: Deborah Wiles, Jerome Lagarrigue
Illustrated by: Jerome Lagarrigue
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
Joe and John Henry are friends who have many interests in
common, including swimming. But because John Henry has brown skin and
Joe's is the "color of pale moths," they cannot swim together in the
town’s pool. Told by Joe and eloquently illustrated, the emotions and
power of friends trying to understand an unfriendly world are timeless.
Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King
By: Jean Marzollo
Illustrated by: Brian Pinkney
Age Level: 3-6
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
The significance and impact of Dr. King and why his
birthday is celebrated is presented in a handsome package. Fluid text
combines with stunning illustrations done in scratchboard and paint, to
make a sometimes difficult subject accessible to younger children. Also
available in Spanish.
I Am Rosa Parks
By: Rosa Parks, James Haskins
Illustrated by: Wil Clay
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
The famous civil rights activist Rosa Parks has simplified
her autobiography for young readers in this Puffin Easy to Read book.
She describes how she was arrested for not giving up her bus seat and
shows that her personal role was part of a wider political struggle. 
March On! The Day My Brother Martin Changed the World
By: Christine King Farris
Illustrated by: London Ladd
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
Martin Luther King, Jr. prepared diligently for his now
famous "I have a dream" speech given on August 28, 1963 during the March
on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. It was King's unshakable belief in
nonviolence and the power of words that galvanized the country. This
informal account is both personal and satisfying as revealed by Martin's
older sister who watched it on television with their parents in
Atlanta. Full-color illustrations and expressive typography highlight
words and enhance the tone.
Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
By: Doreen Rappaport
Illustrated by: Bryan Collier
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
Martin Luther King Jr. grew up fascinated by big words. He
would later go on to use these words to inspire a nation and call
people to action. In this award-winning book, powerful portraits of
King show how he used words, not weapons, to fight injustice.

Mrs. Katz and Tush
By: Patricia Polacco
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
In this special Passover story, Larnel Moore, a young
African-American boy, and Mrs. Katz, an elderly Jewish woman, develop an
unusual friendship through their mutual concern for an abandoned cat
named Tush. Together they explore the common themes of suffering and
triumph in each of their cultures. 
By: Nikki Giovanni
Illustrated by: Bryan Collier
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
Rosa Parks was an ordinary woman who became a hero
because she "was not going to give in to that which was wrong." A
catalyst for the famous Montgomery Bus boycott in Alabama, she turned
the nation's attention to a glaring injustice in our society. Powerful
illustrations evoke a time before the Civil Rights era and give the
reader a glimpse at a person, her impact, and a period in American
Show Way
By: Jacqueline Woodson, Hudson Talbott
Illustrated by: Hudson Talbott
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
Soonie's great grandmother was only seven-years-old when
sold to the big plantation. A quilt that showed the way to freedom and
chronicled the family's history connects the generations, and continues
to do so. Idealized illustrations and the poetic text provide an
unusual family story. 
Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down
By: Andrea Pinkney
Illustrated by: Brian Pinkney
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
The words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., inspired four
students to protest in a way that ultimately changed the United States.
Their peaceful dissent at the segregated lunch counter in Greensboro,
North Carolina, would "combine black with white to make sweet justice."
The "Greensboro Four" began their sit-in on February 1, 1960 and
contributed to the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The text
suggests storytelling and is accompanied by light-lined but evocative
illustrations; back matter completes this compelling portrait. 
The Quiltmaker's Gift
By: Jeff Brumbeau, Gail de Marcken
Illustrated by: Gail de Marcken
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
A beautifully illustrated, sentimental tale about a king
who only takes and a master quiltmaker who only gives. The story tells
of the true benefits that come from both giving and receiving. 
The Story of Ruby Bridges
By: Robert Coles
Illustrated by: George Ford
Age Level: 3-6
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
This is the true story of a brave six-year-old child who
found the strength to walk through protesters and enter a whites-only
school in New Orleans in 1960. The sepia watercolors capture the warmth
of Ruby's family and community.
Through My Eyes
By: Ruby Bridges
Age Level: 9-12
Reading Level: Independent Reader
Six-year-old Ruby Bridges became the first African American
to integrate an elementary school. Her memories of that year, when so
much hatred was directed at her, makes for a powerful memoir. A 1999
Parents' Choice Gold Award Winner. 
Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge
By: Mem Fox, Julie Vivas
Illustrated by: Julie Vivas
Age Level: 3-6
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
Wilfrid helps an elderly friend, Miss Nancy, regain lost
memories by bringing her some of her favorite things to remind her of
them. This is a tender story of a friendship between two very different
people, both of whom have four names, and the nature of memories.
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