MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
MzTeachuh's Classroom: The Excellent Effect of Music In All Classrooms
MzTeachuh's Classroom: The Excellent Effect of Music In All Classrooms: Can Music Education Enhance Brain Functioning and Academic Learning?
MzTeachuh's Classroom: Learning Ed Tech? Feel Lost At Sea?
MzTeachuh's Classroom: Learning Ed Tech? Feel Lost At Sea?: I won't say the 'average' teacher has issues with the rapidly changing ed tech classroom. I would say 'normal' teacher...
MzTeachuh: Cheer up--it's Ella singing 'Sleigh Ride'
MzTeachuh: Cheer up--it's Ella singing 'Sleigh Ride': Wishing you a Swinging Christmas and Very Cool New Year. Sleigh Ride - Ella Fitzgerald Jazz Collection - (Remastered High Quality)...
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Making A Kid Feel Uniquely Important
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Making A Kid Feel Uniquely Important: 1. How Can Teachers Foster Self-Esteem in Children? Teachers play an important role in nurturing a student's sense of dignity an...
MzTeachuh: You're Still A Mean One Mr. Grinch
MzTeachuh: You're Still A Mean One Mr. Grinch: The little dog reminds me of my chihuahua. Dr. Seuss' poetry is renowned--but here his talent as lyricist also excels. I think Charl...
Friday, December 4, 2015
MzTeachuh: Vivaldi and Vincent: Winter
MzTeachuh: Vivaldi and Vincent: Winter: Winter Landscape (Memories of the North) Vincent Van Gogh Who knows how Vivaldi made music sound cold. Listen to this with a cup of hot...
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Having With It Ness
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Having With It Ness: 1. Teacher Withitness Teacher Withitness - Inside USC Rossier , the blog of USC Ro...
Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts About Christmas
What has four legs, a red nose and flies? Rudolf the Red-Nosed Roadkill.
What is Frosty's favorite dinner?
Spaghetti and snowballs.
Where doe Santa keep his red suit? In his Santa Clauset.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Earl who?
Earl I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.
Why does Santa use reindeer to pull his sleigh?
Because the elephants kept crashing through the roof.
What is the best Christmas carol in the Twilight movies?
I'm Dreaming of a Bite Christmas.
What has a red suit, a white beard and rows of razor sharp teeth? Santa Jaws.
What would you call your wedding anniversary if it was December 25th?
A Marry Christmas.
Who had a beard, webbed feet and wrote "A Christmas Carol?"
What do you call being caught in a chimney with a fat man?
Santa Claustrophobia.
What happened when the family cat swallowed some tinsel?
He needed a tinselectomy.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Anna who?
Anna partridge in a pear tree.
What is Santa's favorite American state?
Question: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
Answer: Frostbite.
Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
In the dictionary.
This is for English teachers.
Q: What do you call Santa's Helpers?
A: Subordinate Clauses
What is the snowman’s breakfast?
Answer: Frosted flakes!
How do snowmen greet each other?
Answer : Ice to meet you!
You just had to know eventually I would get to the funny cat pics.
Now for the serious talk. Christmas is a full on holiday--it smells
good (catch that scent from the cinnamon pine cones?), looks sparkly and
cute (lights up again), feels cozy (snuggly blankets in front of the fire with hot cocoa or wassail), tastes yummy (yeah, bite the head off that gingerbread man!), sounds great (all
types of music singing cheer and closeness and holiday, etc.) It is
entertaining with endless gifts, movies and music and fun.
Except for that annoying bell the Salvation Army persists in ringing
at the front of stores. That is so annoying to be bugged to give to the
less fortunate. The homeless, or impaired, or orphaned--is that my business?
Shouldn't we have a right not to have them bug us? Isn't that the
separation of church and state? I don't need all that Jesus stuff at
this holiday, like giving to the poor, or kindness to strangers if I
don't wish to. Peace and forgiveness. That's my business. Condemnation
for behavior that's nobody's business but mine. And I shouldn't have to
be reminded on a public street. At school Jesus and all that radical
Christian stuff has been eradicated. When can I finally have a secular
Well, first of all the very word holiday is rooted from holyday. A
day to meditate on the spiritual side of life. Christmas means Christ
worship in the old days. He is still memorialized as the greatest
teacher who ever lived, the proclaimer of brotherhood, kindness and
conscience. All the major religions admire him. Why is he considered so
irritating to some Americans?
He was an all or nothing sort of person. You were with him or not. He
was who he said he was or not. No in between. Forgiveness, purity,
mercy. Very, very hard precepts. It is hard to hang with Jesus. Its all
or nothing with Christ.
Students in public schools who profess Christianity are in danger of
having their civil rights violated by some administrators and staff who
find the message of Christ to be very irritating--not only those
horrendous ten commandments, but that part about not lusting or lying
and giving to the poor and such. These leaders will nail kids for even
saying, 'Merry Christmas.'
Not much holiday spirit there. Or tolerance. I've observed it first
hand towards kids and staff. I was told even playing Handel's Messiah
was against the separation of church and state. So, I chose to play it
anyway, thinking you have to take a stand sometimes. Might as well be
Handel. No problems arose. No lawsuits.
It is our obligation as a democracy to extend tolerance to all. Even the annoying, I-Am-The-Only-Way Jesus, and his followers.
Educational Links 12/5/15
Passes Every Student Succeeds Act to Overhaul NCLB - See more at:
House Passes Every Student Succeeds Act
Passes Every Student Succeeds Act to Overhaul NCLB - See more at:
High Possibility Classrooms: Student Agency Through Technology-Enhanced Learning
What Teacher Training for New Science Standards Could Look Like
Channeling innovation in the anti-testing fervor
Therapeutic Riding Proves More Than Horse Play
Parent Power Surges!'s First Year Successes, Toy Guides for Learning, Attention
The Teacher’s Guide To Flipped Classrooms Helpful Hints for When Teacher Is Overwhelmed
MzTeachuh: Helpful Hints for When Teacher Is Overwhelmed: Time Saving Tips for Teachers Replacing Classroom Chaos...
MzTeachuh: The Snow Is Dancing
MzTeachuh: The Snow Is Dancing: Snow near Honfleur Monet Hope not too much. Claude Debussy - The Snow is Dancing
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is...Soothing the Soul (SEL)
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is...Soothing the Soul (SEL): 1. Resources and Lesson Plans for Social and Emotional Learning
Thursday, December 3, 2015
MzTeachuh: Read! Classic Adventure, Romance, Mystery
MzTeachuh: Read! Classic Adventure, Romance, Mystery: Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson Illustration by N.C. Wyeth Classics! These are still around because they're compell...
MzTeachuh: Mary, Did You Know?
MzTeachuh: Mary, Did You Know?: Madonna and Child (Madonna Litta) Leonardo da Vinci ...
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Being Organized (Within Reason)
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Being Organized (Within Reason): 1. CLASSROOM ORGANIZATION 2. 100 Classroom Organiz...
Educational Links 12/4/15
What Educators Need to Understand About Poverty
IEPs Have to be Honored until the Expiration Date? - See more at:
‘Not a Math Person’: How to Remove Obstacles to Learning Math
The Responsive Classroom: "Why Is Everyone So Nice Here?"
How Schools Can Respond To The Age Of Information
Decades of Progress, Challenges Under Federal Special Education Law
Mass Shooting At Developmental Disabilities Center
5 Mid-Year Teaching Strategies to Re-Energize Your Class
The blended learning model every district can try
MzTeachuh: Have You Talked To Your Kid Today?
MzTeachuh: Have You Talked To Your Kid Today?: 1. Find out how they're feeling? Bored, tummy ache, excited, melancholy. Do you know how they're feeling? Do they know you care...
MzTeachuh: Do I Have to Go to the IEP meeting? I'm Not Specia...
MzTeachuh: Do I Have to Go to the IEP meeting? I'm Not Specia...: That confusing enough for you? Am I required to attend IEP meetings if I am not a Special Education teacher? I've been ask...
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Ca...
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Ca...: Charles Dickens is remembered as the greatest creator of literary characters after Shakespeare. He is also a hero of the Victorian Er...
MzTeachuh: Do Behavior Support Plans Work?
MzTeachuh: Do Behavior Support Plans Work?: I don't know how many BSPs I have written, probably an average of five a year for fifteen years. The This is a pretty way to pictur...
MzTeachuh: ...To Face Unafraid The Plans That We Made...
MzTeachuh: ...To Face Unafraid The Plans That We Made...: Winter Wonderland - Tony Bennett with the Count Basie Big Band "Winter Wonderla...
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
MzTeachuh: Activities for Winter--Grab Your Mittens!
MzTeachuh: Activities for Winter--Grab Your Mittens!: One of my backyard visitors last January. How To Make Pine Cone Bird Feeders
MzTeachuh: Twelve Days of Nonsense
MzTeachuh: Twelve Days of Nonsense: Please forgive me, Christmas purists. Relient K - 12 Days of Christmas "12 Day...
MzTeachuh: Everyone Helps Kids Read
MzTeachuh: Everyone Helps Kids Read: Teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle Reading Rockets is an extremely valuable resource for reading education, but mo...
MzTeachuh: Paul McCartney Rewrites the Christmas Song
MzTeachuh: Paul McCartney Rewrites the Christmas Song: Never tried these, but I bet they taste good. As a vegetarian, Paul feels he should 'set the turkey free in the forest' and cha...
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Principal's Suggestion Box #17
These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and
not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make some
adjustments. Principals have the best chance to do that.
Dear Principal,
I wish to apologize to you, the school, and the parents (and the District, if necessary). I didn't mean to be controversial or inconsiderate. I just didn't know that saying, "Some families believe in Santa, and some do not," would cause so much trouble to Fifth Graders.
I respect the right of every person to believe what they choose. I promise not to mention Santa ever again.
If there is any other form of apology I have to make to keep my job, please let me know.
Yours Truly,
Chagrined Teacher
The Santa controversy
Expelling Santa from school? Holiday observance in a politically correct age
My Jewish child was asked to wear a Santa hat at school. Should I care?
Dear Principal,
I wish to apologize to you, the school, and the parents (and the District, if necessary). I didn't mean to be controversial or inconsiderate. I just didn't know that saying, "Some families believe in Santa, and some do not," would cause so much trouble to Fifth Graders.
I respect the right of every person to believe what they choose. I promise not to mention Santa ever again.
If there is any other form of apology I have to make to keep my job, please let me know.
Yours Truly,
Chagrined Teacher
The Santa controversy
Expelling Santa from school? Holiday observance in a politically correct age
My Jewish child was asked to wear a Santa hat at school. Should I care?
My two bits worth: I generally talk like a lawyer when teaching in a public school. Just to be politically correct, plus to not hurt the kids' feelings. Some people believe (fill in the blank), some people don't. Teacher may not know (nor does she need to) the religious or non-religious background of the students or staff. Do I have a right to say, "Merry Christmas?" I believe so, because I intend the positive. Is believing in Santa a religious right? I don't think so, any more than the Tooth Fairy. Do I feel obligated to tell kids 'the truth' about Santa or the Tooth Fairy? No, the Tooth Fairy is especially sacred. Some schools create inclusive winter holidays, with Hannukah, Kwanza, Christmas, etc., but draw the line at Islam. And definitely won't allow Satanism. How to choose? It's up to the principal and District, but there must be a fair, just way to acknowledge the kids' customs in your school. Some schools have a Peace Program.
And, by the way, Santa--like love and generosity-- comes in all races, colors, customs, and diversity.

Jahleel Logan, 3, poses with Santa, a.k.a. Langston Patterson, 78, of
Rudolph Holiday Photo, at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza. (Jay L.
Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)

MzTeachuh: Civil War Era Christmas Carol--True Story
MzTeachuh: Civil War Era Christmas Carol--True Story: A Mournful Christmas Eve 1863--Thomas Nast The lyrics to the Christmas Carol, "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day' were wr...
MzTeachuh's Christmas Music Playlist
Cheer up--it's Ella singing 'Sleigh Ride'
...and the soul felt its worth...
...To Face Unafraid The Plans That We Made...
Paul McCartney Rewrites the Christmas Song
Laughing All The Way
What Child Is This?
Feliz Navidad!
Silent Night in Irish
You're Still A Mean One, Mr. Grinch
Run, Run Rudolph!
Civil War Era Christmas Carol--True Story
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Victorian poor. |
Some Children See Him
A Soalin'
Christmas Music For Feeling Sorry For Yourself
A Charlie Brown Christmas: the Music
Monday, November 30, 2015
MzTeachuh: Hot Button Teacher Topics
MzTeachuh: Hot Button Teacher Topics: Feds: Inequalities in Ed Tech Resources 'Potentially Unlawful Discrimination'
MzTeachuh: Teaching Character
MzTeachuh: Teaching Character: Maybe It’s Time To Stop Talking About Bullying, And Talk Kindness Instead
MzTeachuh: Interesting Arts and Crafts for Diverse Winter Hol...
MzTeachuh: Interesting Arts and Crafts for Diverse Winter Hol...: Lights of Winter: Winter Celebrations Around the World Adven...
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Hard Work That Pays Off For Generation...
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Hard Work That Pays Off For Generation...: 1. The Impact of Education on Economic and Social Outcomes
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Reading Rockets Reading List: Snow
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Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
When the winter settles on Saranac Lake in New York state,
the community comes together to prepare for the winter carnival. A
ten-year old girl narrates this fictionalized account of the annual
two-week celebration that she and her father help plan and her uncle (as
well as other prisoners from a nearby correctional facility) help
build. Highly realistic, full color watercolors depict the excitement
and activity, which is further explained in an endnote.
By: Uri Shulevitz
Age Level: 3-6
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
No one except a small boy thinks the few falling snowflakes
will amount to much. As the snow continues to fall, however, the dull,
gray town becomes transformed into a winter wonderland, and all of its
residents come out to enjoy. The wonder of it all is captured through
dynamic illustrations and understated text.
By: Franklyn Branley, Holly Keller
Illustrated by: Holly Keller, Franklyn Branley
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
Snow is magical and beautiful and sometimes even dangerous.
Through both observation and experimentation, this book introduces the
many aspects of snow through crisp text and appealing illustrations
that are sure to engage, inform, and inspire younger children.

Tracks in the Snow
By: Wong Yee
Age Level: 3-6
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
A child follows animal tracks in the snow, wondering aloud
"Who made the tracks?/Where do they go?" Gentle illustrations depict
the child's walk across a snowy landscape while animals watch from afar.
Only upon returning home is it revealed that the tracks were made
yesterday when the child was "Out playing in the snow!"
By: Amy Hest, Anita Jeram
Illustrated by: Anita Jeram
Age Level: 3-6
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
On a snowy winter morning, Sam and his mom bake cakes to
surprise their friends in the neighborhood. Sam delivers them all by
himself – with a little encouragement from Mrs. Bear as she waits in
their pick-up truck. Their morning adventure ends back home with a cake
and a cup of hot cocoa for both Mrs. Bear and Sam. This reassuring
story is told in gentle, engaging language supported by appealing
illustrations that evoke the frosty weather.

Snow Music
By: Lynne Rae Perkins
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
The whisper of snow and the jingle of dog tags set a
wintery tone in this story of a boy and his friend in search of his
lost dog on a snowy day. Music is everywhere in the rhythm of the
language and patterns of the illustration in this unusual and memorable
By: Deborah Blumenthal, Ted Rand
By: Jacqueline Martin, Mary Azarian
Illustrated by: Mary Azarian
Age Level: 6-9
The Polar Express
By: Chris Van Allsburg
Illustrated by: Chris Van Allsburg
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
A magical train ride on Christmas Eve takes a boy to the
North Pole to receive a special gift from Santa Claus. This holiday
classic earned a Caldecott Medal.
Snowflake Bentley
By: Jacqueline Martin, Mary Azarian
Illustrated by: Mary Azarian
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
Strong line and narrative combine in this picture book
biography of the Vermonter who figured out how to photograph real
snowflakes. Dramatic illustrations won a Caldecott Medal.
The Polar Express
By: Chris Van Allsburg
Illustrated by: Chris Van Allsburg
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
A magical train ride on Christmas Eve takes a boy to the
North Pole to receive a special gift from Santa Claus. This holiday
classic earned a Caldecott Medal.
Best Articles for Educators Week of 11/29/15
Arts Integration or Arts and Crafts?
Four Inventive Games That Show Us the Future of Learning
Virtual farming lessons to educate crops of students
An Educator Speaks: Change the Approach; Not the Kid (with TedX Video)
NatureMapping: What It Is and How It Can Be Used as a Learning Tool
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Image via Flickr by USFWS Pacific |
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