MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
MzTeachuh: The Up-Side of Teaching
MzTeachuh: The Up-Side of Teaching: Learn the Top 10 Benefits of a Being a Teacher W...
The Up-Side of Teaching
Learn the Top 10 Benefits of a Being a Teacher
Why Teach?
Why Consider Becoming a Teacher?
Why Teaching is Good For You
What's good about teaching?
MzTeachuh: Teacher's Checklist for Excellence 8/23/14
MzTeachuh: Teacher's Checklist for Excellence 8/23/14: Back to School: A Surefire Strategy for Building Classroom Community
Teacher's Checklist for Excellence 8/23/14
Back to School: A Surefire Strategy for Building Classroom Community
More Important Resources On Race & Racism
Auditory Awareness: Are Students Hearing the Lesson?
8:00 a.m.: I'm at the Classroom Door
Classroom Strategies
The Week in Review - The Most Popular Posts
MzTeachuh: Educational Links of the Day 8/23/14
MzTeachuh: Educational Links of the Day 8/23/14: How Play Wires Kids’ Brains For Social and Academic Success
Educational Links of the Day 8/23/14
How Play Wires Kids’ Brains For Social and Academic Success
When it comes to brain development, time in the classroom may be less important than time on the playground.
And not to mention getting oxygen to the frontal cortex.
Brain Study Gives a Peek at Move From Problem-Solving to Fact-Finding in Math
Fluent math-fact retrieval is a predictor of later math achievement, the Stanford Medicine News Center notes.
Acquiring a basic skill, such as math facts, also gives students confidence for more complex tasks.
As Testing Frenzy Grows, So Does Opt-Out Movement
Across the U.S., students are returning to classrooms where even more time will be devoted to standardized exam preparation and administration. Over the summer, some districts developed hundreds of new tests to comply with mandates from federal and state politicians who are still not listening to their constituents.
Want better test scores? Use chld development principles all the way through secondary.
Also check these websites for more interesting articles: Edutopia, TeachHUB, TeachThought, MindShift KQED.
How Kids Are Learning to Code While Playing Minecraft
Teachers are already capitalizing on their students’ fascination with the computer game Minecraft to teach everything from math to history. Now, a new add-on teaches kids to code their own modifications to the game.
It is also helpful to relay to the students the computer skills they are learning as they play.
Enhance Student Writing Style with Free Interactive Map, students start with identifying their thesis statement or goal. Then, they move on to determine three main supporting arguments to back up their thesis statement or claim. For each of these supporting arguments they are asked to provide a substantiated fact or a set of examples to validate it. All of these ideas are sketched in an interactive map graphic that students can draw on to organize their arguments. Then end product or finished map can then be saved, emailed, or printed.
An online graphic organizer--saves trees.
4 Ways to Enhance Your Class with Google Hangouts
If you are familiar with Google Tools, then you have probably heard of Google Hangouts or even used them yourself. Hangouts is Google’s video conferencing tool, and it’s an incredibly powerful way to engage with others.
Google continues to empower teachers to communicate.
Check out these websites for more interesting articles: Edudemic, eSchoolNews , and EdTechReview.
Researchers to Journalists: Stop Blaming Mothers
Being pregnant these days can be more stressful than ever, with growing lists of dos and don'ts. Don't eat sushi, don't drink alcohol. Exercise, sure, but not too much. Then there's our society-wide unease about the rise of developmental disorders.
Autism, as with many other disabilities, are complex mysteries. Placing blame on parents raising a special needs child is not only counterproductive but cruel.
A Special Educator Shares Her Perspective on the Common Core State Standards
According to research, students with LD spend more time on task in the classroom when technology is thoughtfully integrated into instruction. It’s not merely the novelty of technology that excites students, but rather the access to the curriculum that technology gives them.
Technology, when appropriately used, is an effective extension of executive function.
What’s the Difference Between ADD and ADHD?
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are both brain-based conditions that affect people’s ability to stay focused on things like schoolwork, social interactions and everyday activities such as brushing teeth and getting dressed.
Information concerning ADD and ADHD should be frequent topics for professional development for all educators.
Check out these websites for more interesting articles.
National Center for Learning Disabilities , Special_Ism, Special Needs Digest.MzTeachuh: Next Week's Lesson Plans 8/23/14
MzTeachuh: Next Week's Lesson Plans 8/23/14: Now we need to write some for students. Informational reading that might do some good. Why not teach First Aid? Welcome to Life. Live ...
Next Week's Lesson Plans 8/23/14
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Now we need to write some for students. |
Welcome to Life. Live it. First aid education for children To Teach Basic First Aid To Kids
Lesson Plan Title : First Aid Kit
Thought-Provoking Articles
Rethinking Tolerance: Ensuring That All Students Belong
25 Things Successful Teachers Do Differently
From Chalkboards To Chat Boards: What Will eLearning Look Like In 2075?
Back To School ActivitiesBack to School Activities for Children
Classroom Activities: Welcoming Back Middle-School Students
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New school? |
Back to School Archive Secondary
Fun Activities
Get the School Year Off
To a Good Start - See more at:
Get the School Year Off

To a Good Start - See more at:
Fun Activities for Back to School
10 Team-Building Games That Promote Critical Thinking
We Will Stay Organized
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Setting up the class library! |
Classroom Jobs for All Your Student Helpers
Ideas for Classroom Jobs & Classroom Helper Systems
Student Jobs in the Elementary Classroom
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How to Teach Basic First Aid to Kids
Read more :
Read more :
MzTeachuh: Communication Between General Ed and Special Ed
MzTeachuh: Communication Between General Ed and Special Ed: Communication during busy schools days is vital and complex. As GenEd and SpecEd collaborate in a class, both experts are glea...
Communication Between General Ed and Special Ed
SpecEd Keeping records--so valuable! No matter the grade, there frequently are students that may have an unidentified learning disability, emotional disability, or physical ailment that a SpecEd teacher may help pinpoint. That could lead to the Special Education process, or the School Nurse. The expectation is for all students to succeed, and when there are bumps in the learning road, having other experts in the class can help smooth things out.
When parents contact the teacher--whether GenEd or SpecEd--let the other teacher know what's up. Have each other's back. Be supportive of parents together. If it seems serious, include the administration or District level SpecEd staff in on it. The IEP team is called a team for a reason. We all play for the same side, our goal being success for the student.
Schedules--SpecEd needs to develop an efficient system of scheduling so all members of the IEP team have a heads up when the meetings will be. Special Education is very fluid, and this scheduling information can change quickly. Flexibility is the name of the game. But most SELPAs and Districts give a general list to each teacher, so there are initial expectations of annual and triennual IEPs. There can be addendums and behavior plans added any time. The communication to parents is formulated, but communication to teachers, other professionals involved with the student, and admin needs to be most likely more than one method. I suggest email as well as hard copy in schoolsite teacher/admin boxes, ponied to the district, or mailed to other support staff. Don't make them guess. If meetings are cancelled, the same process or a phone call. all of our time is so very valuable, it is important to be sensitive to that.
Be nice, be thoughtful. You don't have to be best friends to collaborate, but you do really need to be professional. Teaching is very demanding, and teaching Special Education in any scenario is more complicated. So, SpecEd teacher, remember that GenEd teacher's work just got a lot more complex with your students on their classlist and you in their class collaborating. And GenEd teacher, understand the SpecEd teacher's job is very demanding, and he/she now needs to handle you, too. Be courteous, the kids are glad to see that. Be flexible, it takes time to find a rhythm. Be honest. Take time to communicate what can be better, or just different. If you feel like a Grumpy Cat some days, tell each other, be a support. You're only human, even if you're being asked to perform as a Superhuman every day.
Collaborative Teaching: Bridging the Gap Between General and Special Education Instruction
Friday, August 22, 2014
MzTeachuh: Weekend--Music for Feeling Flippant
MzTeachuh: Weekend--Music for Feeling Flippant: Flippant Part of Speech: adjective Definition: irreverent Synonyms: brassy, breezy, cheeky *, cocky , disrespectf...
Weekend--Music for Feeling Flippant
Part of Speech: | adjective |
Definition: | irreverent |
Synonyms: | brassy, breezy, cheeky, cocky, disrespectful, flighty, flip, fresh, frivolous, glib, impertinent, impudent, insolent, lippy, nervy, offhand, pert, playful, rude, sassy*, smart*, smart-alecky, superficial |
Antonyms: | courteous, respectful, reverent, serious |
Yeah, cheeky, too. |
Jazz Instrumental Smooth Bossa Nova | | ||||
MzTeachuh: Current Educational Challenges 8/22/14
MzTeachuh: Current Educational Challenges 8/22/14: How to Design Right-Sized Challenges Why LA sends failing...
Current Educational Challenges 8/22/14
How to Design Right-Sized Challenges
Why LA sends failing students on to the next grade
Timeline: Marking Demographic Changes in Schools
Inside the Mind of the Teenage Boy with ADHD
Go Green/Health and Physical Education
Get Tech Out of Schools
Students interact plenty with technology outside of classrooms, so let’s leave it there.
It's Not Just About the Test: A Teacher Talks About the Classroom
MzTeachuh: What GenEd and SpecEd Need to Know About Each Othe...
MzTeachuh: What GenEd and SpecEd Need to Know About Each Othe...: With the new federal push to improve outcomes for Special Education students, GenEd will be asked to participate more fully in the devel...
What GenEd and SpecEd Need to Know About Each Other
With the new federal push to
improve outcomes for Special Education students, GenEd will be asked to
participate more fully in the development and execution of services for
Special Education.
Behind the Headline: States’ Special Education Services Face Tighter Oversight by the Obama Administration
Behind the Headline: States’ Special Education Services Face Tighter Oversight by the Obama Administration
What do both GenEd and SpecEd need to know to create an efficient collaboration?
First, I suggest GenEd do a
little homework on the Special Education system, and the types of needs
they will most frequently encounter in their classrooms or at the school
What do General Education Teachers Need To Know About Special Education?
And, SpecEd
needs do a little research, too, checking out their school sites
participation in Common Core (or other standards adopted) in order to
write copacetic goals and objectives into the IEP. The best goals and
objectives are ones that are already being taught in the general
instruction, with as little need for adaptation to service the student
as possible. When students need assistance outside of class or the
schoolday, what tutoring or help classes do the school offer? Find out
the teachers' schedules, office hours, and style of teaching. Be sure to
relate your schedule.
Resources for Writing IEPs Aligned to Common-Core Standards
Collaborating on a daily basis, in the same room, requires a
great deal of communication. You don't have to be best friends to
collaborate, but you do need to be professional. There are several
methods of collaboration in the classroom. Together GenEd and SpecEd
teachers choose the best plan for the lesson.
Collaboration Between General and Special Education Teachers
Collaboration between General and Special Education Teachers. ERIC Digest.
teacher is a professional, highly qualified in an area of expertise. I
would suggest SpecEd teachers only do direct instruction of a GenEd
class if they hold credentials in that specific area, and GenEd teachers
absorb information and advice from
the SpecEd teacher on the Special Needs student's detailed program (as
in the IEP) and input from the parents. The school experience of a
Special Needs student is very fluid, possibly including health issues,
emotional balance, and input from parents at least on a weekly basis.
GenEd and SpecEd really need to communicate!
MzTeachuh: Educational Links of the Day 8/22/14
MzTeachuh: Educational Links of the Day 8/22/14: Growing Closer To Your Most Challenging Students
Educational Links of the Day 8/22/14
Growing Closer To Your Most Challenging Students
As a new school year approaches, the guidance offered by six “pillars” can help you stay at the top of your game by dramatically influencing even your most challenging students to want to behave and achieve.
Teachers can create and maintain positive relationships with the hard-to-teach kids without being 'all warm and fuzzy.' Actually, being 'all warm and fuzzy' isn't very effective. The protocol to establish limits for students is scientific, and demands scientific application. Teaching, after all, is much more a science than an art.
#6: Instructional Design: Have Conversations with Your Colleagues (Back-to-School Countdown)
An important practice as we’re designing our course is to talk to our colleagues and get their thoughts on how to make our big ideas relevant to students. What do I do because of that conversation? How am I mapping out the learning?
Creating a camaraderie of teaching with your team has effects outside of the school--parents realize there is a unity, students recognize the teachers are hanging together, and, of course, your colleague might just have a valuable insight.
Getting into the PBL Groove
Building PBL culture is intentional and must start as soon as students walk in the door on the first day of school.
This is the most fun part of school--taking lots of planning, organization and execution, of course-but sharing time and activity with the students is always the most rewarding for a teacher.
Also check these websites for more interesting articles: Edutopia, TeachHUB, TeachThought, MindShift KQED.
Attention Science Teachers: Here’s How Superheroes Work
This handy infographic takes a look at some of the science behind superheroes. While (obviously) many of these superpowers aren’t attainable for humans, teaching your students to critically examine and calculate the (potential) science offers a lot of benefit for them. Keep reading to learn more!
I love Edudemic--always so helpful, fun and interesting. Especiall Katie Lepi's articles. Not pretentious or high-falootin'. Here is a great example, using superheros. Kids find the humor, fun, and best of all, the imagination. As a Star Trek fan from teenhood, I know how imagination becomes reality. Still waiting for the transporter pads, though.
How To Choose A Learning Game
Many teachers are excited about trying games in the classroom but don’t know where to begin. The landscape of learning games is vast and confusing — and it’s growing and changing rapidly. Moving at the pace of the software industry, games are often updated and iterated so that new versions replace familiar ones before you’ve even had a chance to implement them in your classroom routine.
I would also suggest that even more important than choosing the right game is budgeting just the right amount of class time for it. Don't forget about recess.
Top ed-tech stories to watch: Online testing looms
Next spring, new state exams tied to the Common Core standards in reading and math will be given for the first time in more than 40 states—and there are big questions about whether schools and students will be ready.
This is a conundrum. Many districts still don't have the bandwidth or tech for this.
Check out these websites for more interesting articles: Edudemic, eSchoolNews , and EdTechReview.
MUST SEE: This Film Could Help You Understand How Some People Experience Autism
Autism is a spectrum disorder, encompassing a wide range of conditions, symptoms, and experiences. But this short animation may help you understand, and empathize with, certain specific sensory and perception differences that some people with autism experience.
Empathy in educators. A hard quality to find, what with the budget crunches and pressure of testing. What about those outside the circle of 'making us look good?' This includes all students with handicaps. Empathy Education, not just for students, is needed.
General Learning Disabilities Info
What is and isn’t a learning disability (LD)? LD is more than a “difference” or “difficulty” with learning—it’s a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to receive, process, store and respond to information.All adults involved with kids, in the family and in the school, need to be well versed in identifying possible learning disabilities so appropriate referrals can happen.
Teaching Students with Emotional Disturbances: 8 Tips for Teachers
Do you have a student with an emotional disturbance in your class this year? Or perhaps you have a student whose behavior or demeanor makes you wonder if an emotional disturbance is going undiagnosed? If so, please read on.
This is the toughest assignment, I found. This is a very complicated disability. When you are teaching a student with an emotional disturbance, you really need to collaborate with the experts-the school and district educational psychologist in particular, and keep in close contact with the family.
Check out these websites for more interesting articles.
National Center for Learning Disabilities , Special_Ism, Special Needs Digest.![]() |
Need Empathy? Watch this movie. |
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 8/22/14
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 8/22/14: How About the Common Core? Educational Links of the Day 8/19...
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 8/22/14
How About the Common Core?
Educational Links of the Day 8/19/14
Google, Google, Google--Omnipresent And Now In The Classroom
Educational Links of the Day 8/18/14
Principal's Suggestion Box #15
A Writing Prompt to Really Get To Know Your Students
Best Articles for Educators 8/17/14
Need A Reverie? Debussy and Monet
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Water Lilies, Monet |
Thanks to our international audience. It is a privilege to serve you. USA, France, Germany, Ukraine, Moldova, China, Poland, Russia, UK, Canada.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
MzTeachuh: Need A Reverie? Debussy and Monet
MzTeachuh: Need A Reverie? Debussy and Monet: Monet Water Lillies Debussy: Rêverie (1890)
MzTeachuh: #Ferguson
MzTeachuh: #Ferguson: Teaching Ferguson Ferguson-Florissant Teachers to Re...
Teaching Ferguson
Ferguson-Florissant Teachers to Receive Crisis Management Training Today
Ferguson Teachers Use Day Off As Opportunity For A Civics Lesson
These Are Some Of The Inspiring Things Ferguson Teachers Are Doing While School Is Postponed
Ferguson-Florissant teachers helping kids catch up despite cancelled classes
Ferguson Library Becomes Refuge for Adults and Children Amid Strife
Ferguson Teachers Clean the Streets and Deliver Lunches to Students
What Ferguson Teachers Are Doing While School Is Delayed
Teacher Raises Over $100,000 to Feed Ferguson Students
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I nominate the Ferguson teachers for "Teachers of the Year."Period. |
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