MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
MzTeachuh: Life Too Fiberoptic?
MzTeachuh: Life Too Fiberoptic?: Cinnam on Sp ice Mocha , anyone? Your Own Rhythm (Cafe Jazz Coffee) Acoustic Alchemy - Playing for The Time http:/...
Life Too Fiberoptic?
Cinnamon Spice Mocha, anyone?
Your Own Rhythm (Cafe Jazz Coffee) Acoustic Alchemy - Playing for The Time
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box #15
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box #15: These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make som...
Principal's Suggestion Box #15
These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and
not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make some
adjustments. Principals have the best chance to do that.
Dear Principal,
With all the renovations on campus right now, I'm having difficulty finding space to IEP test students and hold IEP meetings. I share the Resource Room with Ms. L, the Grade 8 Resource Specialist, and we both have so many pull-out classes that the room is always in use.
I've thought about having a Tailgate IEP Meeting since I park my truck in the staff lot nearest the Admin. building. Or maybe IEP testing there. I'm sort of joking.
Since this has never happened before, I am hoping the Counselors or teachers that actually have a period off and an empty classroom can help out by allowing the use of their space.
The situation will resolve itself in about six months, I know. But just until the end of the first semester, as Grade 6 Resource Specialist, I have 13 initial IEPs to test and meetings to hold, 11 annual IEPs, and 4 tri-ennual IEPs to test for; and we could have transfers. I don't mind the work, but I must have somewhere to do it.
Thanks for your help. See you at the IEP meetings.
Highly Qualified Special Education Teacher
Testing and Assessment for Special Education -- a Testing Overview
Dear Principal,
With all the renovations on campus right now, I'm having difficulty finding space to IEP test students and hold IEP meetings. I share the Resource Room with Ms. L, the Grade 8 Resource Specialist, and we both have so many pull-out classes that the room is always in use.
I've thought about having a Tailgate IEP Meeting since I park my truck in the staff lot nearest the Admin. building. Or maybe IEP testing there. I'm sort of joking.
Since this has never happened before, I am hoping the Counselors or teachers that actually have a period off and an empty classroom can help out by allowing the use of their space.
The situation will resolve itself in about six months, I know. But just until the end of the first semester, as Grade 6 Resource Specialist, I have 13 initial IEPs to test and meetings to hold, 11 annual IEPs, and 4 tri-ennual IEPs to test for; and we could have transfers. I don't mind the work, but I must have somewhere to do it.
Thanks for your help. See you at the IEP meetings.
Highly Qualified Special Education Teacher
Testing and Assessment for Special Education -- a Testing Overview
Tips for a Successful IEP Meeting
Building the Legacy:IDEA
My suggestion: If you, as a Special Education teacher, need support to properly implement an IEP--ask and explain. Principals are tasked with the support of the Special Education program. If the reluctance, or inability of the principal to resolve the issue creates serious deficiencies in your ability to fulfill your Special Education task, talk to your district Special Education folks. The kids with IEPs have very specific rights, and the protocol for testing and the IEP meetings is very strict; the IEP process has to rumble through to an ultimate end. Your job is to see to it.
If possible, Resource teachers really need their own space to test, write the documents and programs, consult with other Special Education professionals, communicate with parents, and hold meetings.
MzTeachuh: Google, Google, Google--Omnipresent And Now In The...
MzTeachuh: Google, Google, Google--Omnipresent And Now In The...: Awesome Helper or Big Brother? More teaching, Less tech-ing: Google Classroom Launches
Google, Google, Google--Omnipresent And Now In The Classroom
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Awesome Helper or Big Brother? |
More teaching, Less tech-ing: Google Classroom Launches
One of the first schools to use Classroom was Fontbonne Hall Academy in Brooklyn, New York. Sister Rosemarie DeLoro, who has been teaching for more than 60 years, had never used computers with her students before Classroom was introduced at her school. Classroom made it easy for her to assign digital worksheets to students in her Italian class and provide direct feedback to help them learn. In fact, after just a few weeks, Sister Rosemarie was showing the other teachers how to use it. “You can’t stay in teaching and keep going to the old ways,” she said.
I say, "Go, Sister Rosemarie, go!" Everyone has a learning curve here, and it is grand to know Google isn't too tricky to implement.
Google's Classroom tool open to teachers worldwide
The goal is to help teachers "spend more time teaching and less time shuffling papers.
The communication potential is mind-boggling, and the writing apps are pretty good, too.
Google Apps for Education - Common Questions
Google Apps for Education is free. We plan to keep the core offering of Google Apps for Education free. This includes user accounts for future incoming students. As you may know, Google was founded by a research project at Stanford University, and this is just one way we can give back to the educational community.
It's all free. That is a great selling point.
Google Apps for your iPad you are looking for Google best apps for iOS ? Well you landed in the right place. I have just finished compiling and reviewing a bunch of Google apps that you can use on your iPad. All of these apps work perfectly well and can have some educational value as well.
Apple devotees can join the conversation. Google is negotiating a truce between the PCers and the Apple enthusiasts. Goggle isthe Henry Kissinger of tech.
10 apps that make Chromebooks feel like a real desktop
While critics initially wrote off the Google Chromebook as a curiosity, Chromebooks are gaining traction with consumers, in education, and in the enterprise.And we get to check it out.
Teachers Are Worried Google Will Data-Mine the Classroom
A Canadian teacher’s union is worried that Classroom will allow for the progressive ideas that proliferate in academia to be tracked and mined for data, potentially causing professors worried about becoming targets of government surveillance to self-censor. In other words, they claim Classroom is a limit on academic freedom.
Ah, there's the rub. I've been reading that all classrooms, including Special Education classes, are going toward Google Classroom. How much confidential data will be spilled--who knows? How much thought policing? We should be vigilant.
MzTeachuh: Next Week's Lesson Plans 8/16/14
MzTeachuh: Next Week's Lesson Plans 8/16/14: Already for school, Lesson Plans and teacher haute couture. Hear ye! Hear ye! Current Events Helping Students Make Sense Of A Youn...
Next Week's Lesson Plans 8/16/14
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Already for school, Lesson Plans and teacher haute couture. |
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Hear ye! Hear ye! |
Helping Students Make Sense Of A Young Black Man's Death In Missouri
'They're Talking To People': Tensions Ease In Ferguson As Police Change Tactics
How Social Media Helped Spread Protest In Michael Brown Shooting
Education Didn't Save Mike Brown
Let Me Think About That
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Hmmm... |
Why Is It So Hard to Change How We Teach Math?
4 Ways Technology is Changing How People Learn
Transforming Education Starts In Your Classroom
Maybe An Activity the Kids Will Like
Engaging Classroom Games for All Grades
Arts Across the Curriculum
Integrate Music and Visual Arts with Social Studies, Math & Science
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Lauren Steele, high school student. Poetry Slam. |
Holding a poetry slam
Gotta Keep Organized
100 Classroom Organizing Tricks
Introducing Google Classroom
Edmodo, Where Learning Happens
Plan for fun--a relaxed moment of humor, art, physical activity, student presentations of music or poetry--gives the brain a moment to assimilate the cognitive studies. For teacher, too.

Teaching Is Having Fun Learning

Teaching Is Having Fun Learning
MzTeachuh: Educational Links of the Day 8/16/14
MzTeachuh: Educational Links of the Day 8/16/14: General Education Links The Most Dangerous Phrase In Education ...
Educational Links of the Day 8/16/14

The Most Dangerous Phrase In Education
The problem with the safe approach to teaching is that it won’t yield anything other than what we’ve always had. Without doing things radically different, the most we can hope for is some kind of increment. This isn’t a plea for chaos, but rather the courage to make mistakes. To “experiment” on students, because that’s what’s already happening anyway.
Be brave, be creative, be proactive; be ready for repercussions.
Avoiding Common Mistakes When Implementing SEL
Children need a supportive environment created by caring adults for them to succeed, and all children can succeed. Those working in the educational context, in any position, must act with respect, challenge, caring, safety, civility, support, inspiration, and encouragement of opportunity and resilience. We must go about this with No Alibis, No Excuses, and No Exceptions. Ultimately, "We must prepare our children for the tests of life, not a life of tests,"
Helping Students Make Sense Of A Young Black Man's Death In Missouri
Students should have the opportunity to express and to wrestle with what they are seeing. Teachers have a responsibility to help kids find their own voice and to really empower them with strategies for changing this messed-up world we inhabit.
Yes, teaching is empowering kids to do something about changing this messed-up world we live in.
Also check these websites for more interesting articles: Edutopia, TeachHUB, TeachThought, MindShift KQED.

Video Games and the Future of the Textbook
The thing about interactive electronic media is that it allows us to rethink the way we interact with information. The internet has already changed the way we think about media and now it is time to let it redefine the way we think about content in general.
Sounds innovative and interesting--just make sure all students have access.
A Collection of Examples of Classroom Blogs
As the new school year starts many teachers will be trying to develop classroom blogs for the first time or revamping old blogs for the new year. The slides below contain examples of classroom blogs. You may find a new-to-you idea in these examples.
How fun to virtually visit these teachers and checkout how they empower kids to write.
How Visuals Help Us Learn
This is Point #10
The use of visuals improves learning outcomes by about 400%
Check out the other nine excellent points.
Check out these websites for more interesting articles: Edudemic, eSchoolNews , and EdTechReview.
Special Needs
Virtual Therapy Expanding Mental Health Care
Despite hurdles related to insurance reimbursement and concerns about whether an interpersonal connection can survive in the virtual world, proponents say that online therapy is an effective solution to bring mental health care to those who might not otherwise get it.This service could be so helpful to folks, but the unavailability of the internet could again hinder progress.
Google Classroom for SPED
From my new perspective of a push-in support teacher, I see this as a way to push out modified assignments to students. Part of our new reading curriculum involves discussion guides and we, as a special education team, are considering modifying them so they are Google Docs. This would give me a way to push out specific docs, to specific students easily. I also think giving students a place they can post questions might be useful, especially students who may not want to speak up in class. I can see it as a way for those students to contact me when we are not together in class.Back-to-School: Four Sticky Situations…and How to Handle Them
Certain scenarios can create unusually sticky situations, but you can navigate them if you’re armed with knowledge, a proactive spirit and a can-do attitude.
Keep that can-do attitude.
Check out these websites for more interesting articles.
National Center for Learning Disabilities , Special_Ism, Special Needs Digest.
Friday, August 15, 2014
MzTeachuh: End of Summer Activity: Grow Herbs for Thanksgivin...
MzTeachuh: End of Summer Activity: Grow Herbs for Thanksgivin...: These redwood containers of herbs are now in our area home improvement store , but herb pots are frequently available in grocery stores f...
End of Summer Activity: Grow Herbs for Thanksgiving Cooking (In August?)
Kids love Thanksgiving--and what fun to grow some lovely herbs to include in the special traditional dishes like stuffing/dressing, turkey, mashed potatoes, and Turkey Soup.
Garden of delights comes inside. |
I've moved parts of my herb garden indoors for the winter. I am blessed with a large, sunny, southern-exposed window in the family room near the kitchen, so I am developing an indoor garden area. It is very cheerful and convenient to snip what's needed for a special, fresh addition to a recipe.
Garlic--keeping the vampires away. |
Well-established garlic. |
Rosemary has a strong, pleasant scent, and is used in many dishes.
Sage |
Sage is the best herb for stuffing and dressing. Easy to grow. This is my plant just bought for the upcoming holiday season. Really anticipating great holiday aromas!
Parsley |
Parsley is a great addition for mashed potatoes, and soup, as a garnish (don't forget to make Turkey Soup during Thanksgiving week.)
Of course, cooking with your own herbs is precious all year--but there is something extra special about the growing and harvesting of herbs in the fall, and filling an autumnal chilly house with the homey scent of Thanksgiving dinner--and because they are the herbs your kids grew, the fragrance amplifies the experience and makes an even more lovely memory.
Here are a few of my favorite recipes (nothing wrong with planning ahead.)
Thanksgiving Sides Show (delicious all year)
Stuffing Or Dressing?
Preparing Your Soup Stock for Turkey Soup
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech Equity: Let All Students Learn in the 21st...
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech Equity: Let All Students Learn in the 21st...: Ye Olde Computer Room--an archeological dig for computers in a storage space down the hall from the classrooms. And the kids are happy to...
Ed Tech Equity: Let All Students Learn in the 21st Century
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Ye Olde Computer Room--an archeological dig for computers in a storage space down the hall from the classrooms. And the kids are happy to visit it for CoolMath once a week. |
All teachers need to become master teachers right now to successfully develop classroom effectiveness in using ed tech if the demographic includes serious stressors such as poverty, diversity, and instability. Every quality of sound teaching is in play to create and maintain a positive, secure learning environment for kids in difficult situations. To briefly research what it is to be an effective teacher, you can check out my Mzteachuh's 'Teaching Is...' Collection of posts,
Have I always been the perfect teacher? Heavens, no, but I do always give it my best shot. What else can we expect of ourselves?
Why would students not bring devices to school?
Teachers can expect a higher level of disruption in some demographics. Property damage and theft discourages students from exposing expensive tech at school. Admin and effective classroom management can create a safe place for students to use ed tech equipment. That means in every area of the school: the gym, lunchroom and classes in which the tech isn't used. Making a safe facility for personal property involves security, including all school staff as well as teachers and admin. Everyone needs to be at their best every day.
Why are teachers relunctant to use personal devices in class?
Many teachers really love direct instruction because it requires less classroom management. The students sit. They don't talk to each other, and there is no required teacher interaction. That doesn't work now. (Never did very well.) A teacher must be active to facilitate the students using devices in class, make the rules clear and implement the rules through interaction with the students. Get up out of that computer chair and participate in what's going on in class.
How to minimize digital classroom distractions
• No smartphones are allowed when the teacher is conducting a lecture.
• Devices should be put on silent/airplane mode before the start of the class.
• Tablets should only be used during group exercises and note-taking sessions.
Teachers mostly come from homes that encourage learning even if those homes were not affluent or privileged. Many students who are left out of the Tech Equity Circle do not have such advantages. Teachers need to work hard at developing personal relationships with each student and his/her family to provide the positive stability in class and home for effective learning.
How to Get the Most Out of Student-Owned Devices in Any Classroom
“The kids who ‘have’ are going to keep having and the kids who ‘have-not’ are going to keep being over there,” Mills said. He suggests the best way to build equitable classroom technology use is to create a culture of trust. That takes time, but Mills said teachers need to give students a chance to prove themselves before displaying mistrust. “Instead of automatically saying, ‘I don’t trust you,’ why not create opportunities where you can trust them,” he said.
Can teachers cross the cultural divide in their own classrooms?
The United States will increase in cultural diversity. That includes economic diversity. The social and emotional learning task for teachers will be whether we can see the student instead of the demographic.
How can we prepare teachers to work with culturally diverse students and their families?
Diversity capital is intended to name the type of teaching enhancement that embraces emotion and drives teachers to seek new opportunities and ideas for building positive relationships with students and families from culturally diverse backgrounds. Diversity capital can in turn afford teachers the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for a sustainable commitment to, validation of, and exchange with culturally diverse students and families.
Communicating Cross-Culturally: What Teachers Should Know
In the United States, with so much cultural mixing, teachers no longer have a choice as to whether they want to interact with diversity or not.
Classroom management requires a teacher to daily analyze how things are going, how things went, and how will we do better tomorrow. Classroom management involves the whole team of teachers the students see each day--so communicate! Classroom management involves admin to discipline fairly and consistently. Quite a task for all.Top Ten Strategies for Classroom Management and Discipline: Proximity and Mobility
Goofing off in the classroom is inevitable in every classroom regardless of how much experience a teacher has. However, there are specific strategies that teachers use to maintain off-task behavior and that is the use of Proximity and Mobility.
Just goofing off would be a relief for some classrooms, but the basics are the same. Clarify the rules, enforce the rules, and present effective activities.
The following is an article from one educator who addressed the lack of tech for her students. We all really need to keep working on this: access for all students to appropriate ed tech and internet service at home and school. Let all students learn in the 21st century. I believe it is a student's civil right to enjoy a free and appropriate education which now includes fluency in educational technology as a part of becoming literate.
Innovative Strategies for Ensuring Device Equity
School officials wondering what to do
for students who lack their own notebook computers, smartphones or
tablets can acquire extra devices with a little bit of ingenuity.
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 8/15/14
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 8/15/14: BYOD--Is It Fair and Equitable for the Poor Kids? ...
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 8/15/14
BYOD--Is It Fair and Equitable for the Poor Kids?
Teachable Moment: Supermoon and Perseid Meteors (on Sunday 8/10/14)
ADHD Epidemic?
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/12/14
Teachers and Online Networking

Teachable Moment: What Is Depression?
Meatless Monday: Tofurger Helper To The Rescue
Ed Tech and STEM Monday Review 8/11/14
Vincent and the Supermoon
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Evening Landscape with Rising MoonVan Gogh |
Thanks to our international readers. It is a privilege to serve you. USA, France, Ukraine, Germany, Brazil, Russia, Poland, UK, Netherlands, and China.
MzTeachuh: Fun Books for Fall! Reading Rockets' Guides, Resou...
MzTeachuh: Fun Books for Fall! Reading Rockets, Guides, Resou...: by Dr. Seuss Fall Harvest of Books Research, Guides and Resources http://www....
Fun Books for Fall! Reading Rockets' Guides, Resources, and Research
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by Dr. Seuss |
Fall Harvest of Books
Research, Guides and Resources
Federal Reports on Reading Issues
Helping Struggling Readers
Children's Books & Authors
Reading Tips for Parents
MzTeachuh: Educational Links of the Day 8/15/14
MzTeachuh: Educational Links of the Day 8/15/14: Students up and about cooperating on art project. General Education Links Why Students (And Teachers) Need To Be Physically Active...
Educational Links of the Day 8/15/14
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Students up and about cooperating on art project. |
General Education Links
Why Students (And Teachers) Need To Be Physically Active In The Classroom
Despite more time in the classroom sounding like something that would drive academic performance, research shows a strong connection that reduced physical activity limits a student’s ability to learn.
We need oxygen in our frontal cordex to think--that's pretty simple. But kids, in particular, need socialization, sensory stimulation, and break time to assimilate what they are learning.
Relationship Building Through Culturally Responsive Classroom Management
Culturally Responsive Classroom Management (CRCM) seeks to provide “all students with equitable opportunities for learning” by minimizing discriminatory school discipline practices that occur when the behaviors of nondominant populations are misinterpreted.
Bias is sometimes subtle, not just between students but even in the teacher's mind. We need to examine and adjust our responses to students and their families constantly to maintain a fair balance of service.
Robo-readers aren’t as good as human readers — they’re better
First, the feedback from a computer program like Criterion is immediate and highly individualized — something not usually possible in big classes like those at Alexandria University, the site of the study by El Ebyary and Windeatt. Second, the researchers observed that for many students in the study, the process of improving their writing appeared to take on a game-like quality, boosting their motivation to get better. Third, and most interesting, the students’ reactions to feedback seemed to be influenced by the impersonal, automated nature of the software.
All writers are very sensitive to criticism and suggestions. A computer program, being totally neutral emotionally, would be a good sounding board in the early stages of rough drafts, Most English teachers don't have time for that. I would be interested to know if it hampers the development of individual style, though.
Also check these websites for more interesting articles: Edutopia, TeachHUB, TeachThought, MindShift KQED.
How to minimize digital classroom distractions
Using technology in the classroom can also bring multiple distractions to students. Without your proactive supervision, students might access games, web pages, and social networking sites as you deliver instruction.
Ah, yes, supervision. Getting up from the computer chair and motoring about the classroom. Nothing like the use of proximity to raise the level of classroom management.
10 Social Media Mistakes You’re Probably Making
This is #10--read the other nine!
Keep Learning: Different types of social media and social media tools do different things and connect different types of groups. If you only use one, you may be missing out! Check things out, and don’t be shy!
I won't relate the online social blunders I've committed and maybe unknowingly still be guilty of, but I'm learning.
How to Get the Most Out of Student-Owned Devices in Any Classroom
The best way to build equitable classroom technology use is to create a culture of trust. That takes time, but Mills said teachers need to give students a chance to prove themselves before displaying mistrust. “Instead of automatically saying, ‘I don’t trust you,’ why not create opportunities where you can trust them,” he said. To do that, Mills recommends developing engaging lessons that use technology in collaborative and creative ways.
Run an efficient classroom with limits, supervision, and interest. Keeping the personally owned devises secure should be the first order of business schoolwide.
Check out these websites for more interesting articles: Edudemic, eSchoolNews , and EdTechReview.
Special Needs Links
The Power of the Parent-Teacher Conference
Remind teachers of your child’s strengths and weaknesses. Share strategies that are working in other classes or that have worked before. Discuss solutions that are not just focused on what the teacher can do, but on what everyone can do to make the situation better.
Teachers, in return, should keep good communication with parents about the student's progress and interests. Parents and teachers daily lay a foundation for the student's happiness and productivity.
Autism Spectrum: Are You On It?
If so, you're in good company. From Asperger’s to “Asperger’s,” how the spectrum became quite so all-inclusive.
What ever happened to kindness? Recently, the 'r' word was retired from use do to inappropriate, insulting language. It seems with terminology associated with autism and Asperger's syndrome are going through the same cycle. When will we, as a society, grow up?
Be an LD Advocate
Do learning disabilities (LD) affect your life? Whether you are a parent of a child with LD, an adult with LD, an educator or an LD professional, there's a place for you in the world of LD advocacy.
The more knowledge, the more success and support. Parent, educator, friend--keep learning about learning disabilities to see our students thrive.
Check out these websites for more interesting articles.
National Center for Learning Disabilities , Special_Ism, Special Needs Digest
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