MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
MzTeachuh: Something for Everyone (Educators, That Is) Tweets...
MzTeachuh: Something for Everyone (Educators, That Is) Tweets...: You may want to join, 1. Non-Figurative Art: Lines, Movement and Feelings Grades 6-8, Arts, ...
Something for Everyone (Educators, That Is) Tweets of the Day 8 25 12
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You may want to join, |
1. Non-Figurative Art: Lines, Movement and Feelings
Grades 6-8, Arts, Drawing
2. Resources for Understanding the Common Core State Standards
3. Latino College Graduation Rate Is Key To Meeting Obama's 2020 College Completion Goals (VIDEO)
4. Beyond Grades and Trophies, Teaching Kids the Definition of Success
5. 40+ Schools Using Facebook And Twitter For Home-School Communication
6. Finding The Beauty In At-Risk Teens
MzTeachuh: Let's Help First Book Get Funds--Vote Today!
MzTeachuh: Let's Help First Book Get Funds--Vote Today!: Help First Book get a share of $5 million I just voted for First Book. You should too. This year, Subaru will...
Let's Help First Book Get Funds--Vote Today!
MzTeachuh: Neil Armstrong Passes Away--Self-Described Nerdy E...
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: Neil Armstrong "I am, and ever will be, a white-socks, pocket-protector, nerdy engineer," Armstrong said in February 2000, in a rare public appearan...
Teachable Moment: Neil Armstrong
"I am, and ever will be, a white-socks, pocket-protector, nerdy engineer," Armstrong said in February 2000, in a rare public appearance.
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Definition: Nerd
One who has great intelligence, focus, and raw guts. A brilliant adventure hero.
1. US astronaut Neil Armstrong dies, first man on Moon
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Apollo 11 takes off. |
2. Obituary: Neil Armstrong, moon landings astronaut
3. Neil Armstrong, 1st man on the moon, dies
This music seems appropriate, and NASA video.
4. Elton John - Rocket Man
5. The Eagle Has Landed: The First Moon Landing (1969)
Here is a link to Kennedy's famous Space speech; I have observed it many times in CAHSEE Writing prompts. Good to study, plus just so eloquent. It would be very effective to have your class, whether it is math, English, History Science or Art-- listen to this speech, especially in the light of the Curiosity success.
John F. Kennedy Address at Rice University on the Nation's Space Program
"Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked." JFK
Friday, August 24, 2012
Chillaxin' With My Homies
You are never too young for Monopoly, apparently.
I was looking for fun kids' music, and found Emoticons singing the Beatles. That's a first for me. Although, I do believe the last line is "Hey la, hey aloha." Because 'aloha' is both hello and goodbye in the Hawaiian language. Guess the Beatles could also have used 'Shalom.'
Hello Goodbye The Beatles Kids Music Songs Dance Shows Videos Kids TV show kidz
MzTeachuh: Support Versus Bias for Kids in School Tweets of t...
MzTeachuh: Support Versus Bias for Kids in School Tweets of t...: We can all always learn more. 1. Leadership Lessons: Ten Ideas to Take into 2012
Support Versus Bias for Kids in School Tweets of the Day 8 24 12
We can all always learn more.
1. Leadership Lessons: Ten Ideas to Take into 2012
U S education system needs to attend to all the kids.
2. Exiel Sanchez, Bronx Teen, Headed To College But Feels Nervous And Unprepared
This is unbelievable. A self-fulfilling prophecy?
3. Virginia New Achievement Standards Based On Race And Background
And now for something a little different/
4. An Open Letter to Students Returning to School
Let's support first books.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
MzTeachuh: Teacher Business, and Don't Neglect Recess! Tweets...
MzTeachuh: Teacher Business, and Don't Neglect Recess! Tweets...: Don't neglect recess! What! Humor? But this is so serious. 1. A Day In The Life Of A Teacher: A Poem Dedicated To Teachers And S...
Teacher Business, and Don't Neglect Recess! Tweets of the Day 8 23 12
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Don't neglect recess! |
What! Humor? But this is so serious.
1. A Day In The Life Of A Teacher:
A Poem Dedicated To Teachers And Students For The New School Year
More humor? You decide.
2. 7 Habits Of Highly Ineffective Educators
Wonder if this is intended for administrators.
3. 5 Don'ts for Teacher Professional Development
Mind the gap.
3. The Common Core’s Digital-Literacy Gap
Not a bad idea--how about that for all schools?
4. Op-ed: Improve early learning with a child-care rating system is a very good reminder.
5. 10 Tips to Raise Your Kid's Self-Esteem
Teachers can learn, too.
6. Teachers learn to integrate technology into curriculum
The arts! We will always need the arts! Ask the ancient Greeks about it.
7. Using Visual Arts to Engage At-Risk Students
Grades 9-12, Arts, Engagement
Dr, Judy always has something helpful to say.
8. Experienced Teachers Reflect on Their First Year
Fun Tweets of the Day 8 23 12
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Greetings, Earthlings via Twitter |
I follow Rover on Twitter; am waiting for a follow back.
1. Rovers Are From Mars: How Curiosity Is Killing It On Twitter
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Guinea pigs are great listeners. |
What wonderful parents.
2. Parents share strategies for inspiring children to love books|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|p
Meeting the daily requirement for art.
3. Children's Artful Science Experiments
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These are a must-do. |
May be time to teach in Portugal.
4. The Most Beautiful and Imaginative Public Schools in the World
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Talk about a school going green. |
MzTeachuh: New Ideas, New Connections, New Goals Tweets of th...
MzTeachuh: New Ideas, New Connections, New Goals Tweets of th...: New year--new kids, new chance, new colleagues, new tech. Woopee! Nice job, Teach Hub 1. Connect Your Classroom to the Outside World...
New Ideas, New Connections, New Goals Tweets of the Day 8 23 12
New year--new kids, new chance, new colleagues, new tech. Woopee!
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Nice job, Teach Hub |
1. Connect Your Classroom to the Outside World
I just love Mind/Shift articles.
2. For Educators, the Importance of Making Meaningful Connections
Here's a great quote:
"Though schools possess tremendous resources in teachers, the challenge can be how to connect teachers with each other, to ward off isolation and leverage the power of the “room” and the collective intelligence."
This is actually the greatest educational question right now.
3. Improving Academic Achievement for Disadvantaged Children
Is there a question in there?
4. Making the Leap to Socratic Seminars
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Must have catitude. |
I like Number 5: Bring Joy to Your Classroom. I put up a Garfield joke every day--giving the punchline at the end of class. Worked for us.
5. Five Things To Do Now That Will Pay Off All Year Long
People, people needing people. Are the luckiest people in the world.
6. The Tech-Driven Classroom Is Here, But Grades Are Mixed
Amazing title.
7. Thank Goodness the Writing Scores are Going to Drop
MzTeachuh: Special Ed. Kids May Mainstream In Your Class Spe...
MzTeachuh: Special Ed. Kids May Mainstream In Your Class Spe...: Stephano in his class in Kosovo. Many schools mainstream kids with learning disabilities or other handicaps. The best advice I give to...
Special Ed. Kids May Mainstream In Your Class Special Education Tweets of the Day 8 22 12
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Stephano in his class in Kosovo. |
Many schools mainstream kids with learning disabilities or other handicaps. The best advice I give to General Ed teachers is to accept these students as your own, ask questions of the Special Ed. professional, the district psychologist, or even the county Special Ed professionals who are experts on this child. Don't try to passively (or aggressively) get out of servicing this child. It only makes matters worse. Get to know the parents immediately, letting them know you are accessible. Give them your email, school phone and relay personally the grading cycle, and progress information cycle you generally use; be open to more frequent input if they request it. Read the IEP, see the student's specific goals and objectives and the timetable. Be involved. Read up on the general terms of the child's handicap. I am of the opinion that all teachers are Special Ed. teachers now. We will step up to the plate as teaching professionals and our teaching will improve for everyone.
My advice on teaching methods. Actually, these are good for all classes, anyway.
Use visual prompts. A graphic organizer, notebook, notetaking from the board while teacher writes, specialized vocabulary and concepts on the bulletin board. Let the class clearly see what you are saying and doing. Show them how to read the vocabulary words through syllabicate, decode and context methods. What is important remains in sight for an appropriate amount of time.
Use auditory prompts. Rephrase important concepts several ways, include the class and individual students in repeating and rephrasing. This really works. Be sure the class can repeat important vocabulary without mispronouncing. Speak the vocabulary in syllables while pointing to a written form of it. Have the students discuss with each other in groups and one on one, using your proximity to monitor their progress.
Use writing. Have the student write what they want to learn, are understanding, have learned. Write, write, write. Have them read each others writing and make comments, not only to correct spelling and writing conventions, but presentation of thought. You will also read what they write and comment. This is so powerful it can't be overstated.
Use group and partner interaction. The kinesthetic and/or Attention Deficit learner cannot sit for long periods of time; actually it is very unhealthy for any of us to sit for an hour. Moving to groups, think-pair-and-share, stand up to repeat information...the possibilities are endless to keep the kids from becoming statuary in your classroom. They may be compliantly sitting and appear to be listening--but their minds are far from you. Action will engage their concentration. The learning retention spikes with activities. Train the classes to follow your instructions. I know this works, I use it. There are many effective methods, such as Kagan, for K-12.
No teasing or bullying. Aside from a class disruption, this behavior is breaking the law. Make it absolutely clear that no one for any reason gets teased or bullied, and that you, as a contracted professional, would use all resources to condemn and punish such behavior. Then DO THAT! Autistic kids with certain mannerisms, girls and boys with wheelchairs, students with speech difficulties---no one is fair game for teasing or bullying. And that includes race, religion, economic status or ethnicity. Or nose size, hair style, or age of tennis shoes. Everyone has a right to an appropriate classroom and school experience.
Here are some links with general knowledge about frequent disabilities kids have who are mainstreamed into general ed. classes.
1. Intellectual Disabilities in Your Classroom: 9 Tips for Teachers
2. Emotionally Disturbed Students
2 a The Bipolar Puzzle: Kids and Bipolar Disorder
4. Choosing The Right School For Special Needs
5. Most Frequent Disorders for students maintreaming:
Visual and Auditory Processing Disorders
Learning Disabilities
ADD & ADHD Health Center
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Symptoms of ADHD
7. Autism Speaks
What is Autism » Facts about Autism
Children with physical handicaps who need special equipment such as wheelchairs or visual aid equipment should be able to expect courtesy and kindness from General Ed. teachers (and all staff.) Their world always involves inconvenience to a degree we don't know. Rearranging the class to help them is a small inconvenience.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
MzTeachuh: Politics, Test Scores and Beautiful Schools Tweets...
MzTeachuh: Politics, Test Scores and Beautiful Schools Tweets...: I am not a political person, so to be equitable, here's criticism of both political sides concerning education. Fill-in your own cause...
Politics, Test Scores and Beautiful Schools Tweets of the Day 8 22 12
I am not a political person, so to be equitable, here's criticism of both political sides concerning education.
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Fill-in your own cause. |
1. Obama: Romney, Ryan Cuts 'Unfair' To Kids, Would Cripple Schools
2. School officials, teachers unions scrutinize Obama's divisive education agenda
While we're at it, let's bash George Bush...we already did Obama and Romney.
3. No Child Left Behind Worsened Education, 48 Percent Of Americans 'Very Familiar' With The Law Say In Gallup Poll
4. Every reading strategy is worth looking at.
Jigsaws: A Strategy for Understanding Texts
Grades 6-8, ELA, Reading
5. Will we flip all classes?
Private Technology Will Fix Education Where Tapped Out Governments Cannot
I want to teach here!
6. The Most Beautiful and Imaginative Public Schools in the World
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May be time to teach in France. |
Giving kids a clue about what college is like.7. ACT Results Show 60 Percent Of 2012 High School Graduates Are At Risk Of Struggling In College, Career
8. Student Misconceptions About College Life Can Undermine Success
MzTeachuh: American Rhetoric--Great Resource for Speeches
MzTeachuh: American Rhetoric--Great Resource for Speeches: Okay all you ELA teachers, history and English teachers. How about all you teachers? We are going to take a small piece out of our Common ...
Teachable Moment: "I Have A Dream" Speech Anniversary Today
Okay all you ELA teachers, history and English teachers. How about all you teachers? We are going to take a small piece out of our Common Core, State Standards-mandated lesson plans and let the kids listen to the voices of the greatest speakers give their greatest speeches. I used this frequently whatever class I was teaching from Grad 5 to Grade 12. Hearing inspiration is important. Kids are impacted in a positive way. You don't have to make a big deal out of this. An introduction, 5-7 minutes, the speech maybe 10-12. At the end of a class.
Today, August 28, is the 49th anniversary of Dr. King's 'I Have a Dream Speech.' And you can easily give a little prep for it and have the kids listen.
Puh-leeze? There is nothing like hearing the real voice give the real speech.
This site has hundreds of speeches. It is awesome. And actors giving Lincoln speeches, etc. Some movie segments even.
Here's the link:
Today, August 28, is the 49th anniversary of Dr. King's 'I Have a Dream Speech.' And you can easily give a little prep for it and have the kids listen.
Puh-leeze? There is nothing like hearing the real voice give the real speech.
This site has hundreds of speeches. It is awesome. And actors giving Lincoln speeches, etc. Some movie segments even.
Here's the link:
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Always inspires me. |
I Have a Dream
I have a dream hundreds of you in twitterland will have your students listen to this speech and be inspired.
MzTeachuh: St. Francis and the Vinca
MzTeachuh: St. Francis and the Vinca: Garden sculpture of St. Francis of Assisi, born 1181-1286, in Italy Positive way to start the morning. Prayer of Saint Francis of As...
St. Francis and the Vinca
Garden sculpture of St. Francis of Assisi, born 1181-1286, in Italy |
Positive way to start the morning.
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.This is the prayer set to music for use in all Christian churches, not only Catholic.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace - Sinead O'Connor
This is a piece of music by Francis.
Canticle of the Sun
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Maybe it was October 4 |
Who was St. Francis, that Ace Ventura Pet Detective would emulate him?
Francis of Assisi
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
MzTeachuh: Why Do I Have a Special Ed. Kid in My Class? Spec...
MzTeachuh: Why Do I Have a Special Ed. Kid in My Class? Spec...: Teachers collaborating. I've always been surprised at some reactions general education teachers have at mainstreaming. Here in Californi...
Why Do I Have a Special Ed. Kid in My Class? Special Education Tweets of the Day 8 21 12
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Teachers collaborating. |
Participating in the IEP process for students will require extra time for a Gen Ed teacher. Of course, I personally find it very rewarding and interesting. I wish I had time to tell you all the excellent success stories just from last school year that involved Gen Ed and SpEd collaborating. So very rewarding. I appreciated my Gen Ed teachers from last year immensely. Yes, it did take up time meeting with parents. But what a reward.
So here are some links and some thinks (thoughts) on mainstreaming hopefully will help.
1. Collaboration Between General and Special Education Teachers
2. Special Education in Collaborative Classrooms
This is a PDF with some very good points about transparency between professionals.
3. Now is a critical time for principals and special educators to work together to serve the needs
of all children.
4. IEP Collaboration Techniques
Always, communication is prime. Don't have to be best buddies, teachers, but you do have to communicate.
MzTeachuh: Here Are Some Good Ideas Tweets of the Day 8 21 12...
MzTeachuh: Here Are Some Good Ideas Tweets of the Day 8 21 12...: Good to listen to effective teachers, look to the future, and consider why things are the way they are. Three cheers for Donalyn. 1. Bo...
Here Are Some Good Ideas Tweets of the Day 8 21 12
Good to listen to effective teachers, look to the future, and consider why things are the way they are.
Three cheers for Donalyn.
1. Books That Build Community
In Rhode Island, Reinventing Summer School to Prevent Kids' Learning Loss
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Donalyn Miller |
When is school out? I'm looking forward to summer school.
Tech it up.
3. 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know
No, no. No all nighters.
4. High School Daze: The Perils Of Sacrificing Sleep For Late-Night Studying
A smile and comradery will do.
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Nicholas Provenzano |
5. Four Simple Tips to Start the Year Strong
How to compete?
6. Indiana Public Schools Wage Unusual Ad Campaign To Keep Students From Leaving For Private Schools In Voucher Program
Wow, how to teach creativity and innovation; lots of higher level thinking.
7. Mapping The Future Of Education Technology
it’s true that 65% of today’s grade school students will work in jobs
that don’t exist yet, then we better get ready for some drastically
different learning environments.
Monday, August 20, 2012
MzTeachuh: Does My Child Need Special Ed. Services? Special E...
MzTeachuh: Does My Child Need Special Ed. Services? Special E...: Resource Specialist in General Ed. Class No need to panic! Kids develop on their own schedules. But it is a good idea to notice how your...
Does My Child Need Special Ed. Services? Special Education Tweets of the Day 8 20 12
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Resource Specialist in General Ed. Class |
Here are some general questions to ask:
- Does the child remember verbal instructions well?
- Does the child retain information in written or graphic form?
- Is the child's attention span similar to that of her/his peers?
- Does the child's handwriting and art fall within the general expectations of the grade level?
- Can the child spell within grade level expectations?
In this state, the Special Education teacher would use specialized testing materials to pinpoint the current academic levels for the student. We tested with WIAT II or Woodcock Johnson and sometimes the TOWL, but there are many tests that will be sufficient. The law states that a qualified staff member must do the testing. To discern a processing disorder or other handicap, a district educational psychologist will administer other tests. Then the IEP team will initially meet and a decision will be made if the child qualifies for services.
Here are some links to further inform a parent or teacher of what performance or behavior might indicate a learning disability.
Learning Disabilities Association of America
Visual Processing Disorder (Dyslexia)
- Reads slowly and painfully
- Experiences decoding errors, especially with the order of letters
- Shows wide disparity between listening comprehension and reading comprehension of some text
- Has trouble with spelling
- May have difficulty with handwriting
- Exhibits difficulty recalling known words
- Has difficulty with written language
- May experience difficulty with math computations
- Decoding real words is better than nonsense words
- Substitutes one small sight word for another: a, I, he, the, there, was
Auditory Processing Disorders
- Learning to read
- Distinguishing difference between similar sounds. Example: Seventy and seventeen
- Understanding spoken language, following directions and remembering details
- Seems to hear but not listen
- Remembering people's names
- Memorizing telephone numbers
- Following multi-step directions
- Recalling stories or songs
- Confusing multi-digit numbers, such as 74 and 47
- Confusing lists and other types of sequences
- Remembering the correct order of a series of instructions
Check with the child's team--parents, teachers, Special Education staff--see what's up and how this young one can get the assistance to succeed.
MzTeachuh: Idea Factories, Algebra and A to Z tips Tweets of t...
MzTeachuh: Idea Factories, Algebra and A to Z tips Tweets of t...: New starts--gotta love them. New ideas. New kids. 1. Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy: Natural Land Art for Kids http://www.theimaginati...
Idea Factories, Algebra and A to Z tips Tweets of the Day 8 20 12
New starts--gotta love them. New ideas. New kids.
1. Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy: Natural Land Art for Kids
2. "Be Sure To": A Powerful Reflection Strategy
Grades 6-8, ELA, Reflection
3. Teacher on cursive: Worth its weight in gold
4. Exploring Math Practice Standards: Precision
Grades 3-5, Math, Habits
5. Algebra Team: Teacher Collaboration
Grade 8, Math, Collaboration
6. How to Turn Your Classroom into an Idea Factory
MzTeachuh: Dreams, School Staff and Tools Tweets of the Day 8...
MzTeachuh: Dreams, School Staff and Tools Tweets of the Day 8...: That's my kind of school bus. Imagine! 1. Making the Dreams of Young Musical A...
Dreams, School Staff and Tools Tweets of the Day 8 20 12
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That's my kind of school bus. |
The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus is a high-tech recording studio on wheels that brings music education to schools across the country.
2. Who's Who in Your Child's School
3. 12 Education Tech Trends to Watch in 2012
4. Giving Efficient Directions: Sometimes Less is More
All Grades, All Subjects, Expectations
5. Genographic Project
6. Obama Back-To-School Report Highlights Education Cuts, Teacher Layoffs
7. The Connected Science Teacher
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