Today this blog passed 100,000 hits. Folks from around the world have opened it, for many different reasons, I think, because I enjoy putting up a variety of blogs.
The title expresses gratitude to the geographical locations that the Blogger data tells me the hits came from in descending order: USA, Russia, UK, France, Canada, Germany, Australia, Poland, Philippines, India. There were many others, I have really enjoyed noting that. What an amazing honor that we have an international voice.
The most popular blogs reflect my eclectic interests in blogging: Garfield's art contest, tranquil music from Debussy and Mr. Tumnus, learning topics, Edgar Allen Poe, Edutopia, Jesus, Marvin Gaye, a movie about Red Tails, and a kind of simple word of encouragement to perk yourself up. And not forgetting that time Paul McCartney made me cry.
Mr. Tumnus the Bold |
The other day one of my family had a task for me. I said, "In about five minutes, I'm finishing this blog for my teachers."
My teachers. A Freudian slip. You're my community now. My hope is that reading
MzTeachuh is helpful, informative, amusing, relaxing, and encouraging as we pursue the best cause of educating the next generation for their amazing task of creating the world.
I'm very much enjoying the internet research associated with this blog because I better know outstanding educational sites and commentators; my artistic license to revisit favorite artists and composers and find new ones and then share them is very rewarding (I guess that's the teacher in me); and telling jokes, sharing humor, that's something I just can't help.
I'm learning every day. Please forgive the typos (and from an English major!), internet discourtesies (its a whole new culture), and my technological inexpertise at the website. The learning curve there is epic.
The MzTeachuh blog will continue as is, though I believe its time to write more formal articles, too.
Thank you again. Melanie Link Taylor