MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: Supermoon and Perseid Meteors (o...
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: Supermoon and Perseid Meteors (o...: Supermoon On August 10 Will Be Biggest Of 2014
Teachable Moment: Supermoon and Perseid Meteors (on Sunday 8/10/14)
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Supermoon On August 10 Will Be Biggest Of 2014 |
File this under: The Sky Is Cheap Entertainment. Not quite as amusing as a family member in Choir or the Glee Club or Dance--but the sky is pretty entertaining.
Keep your eye on the sky: Supermoon, annual meteor shower collide Sunday
Most “super” supermoon of 2014 on August 10
Supermoon On August 10 Will Be Biggest Of 2014
How you can watch the Perseid meteor shower, even with the full moon
Everything you need to know: Perseid meteor shower
Kid's Astronomy
Bigger, brighter ‘supermoon’ set to shine this weekend
The Science Behind the Super Moon
And for fun:
Evening of Music With the Supermoon
MzTeachuh: The Summer Wind
MzTeachuh: The Summer Wind: Tree in the Wind, Van Gogh Sirocco? 热风--首页? Santa Ana? (SoCal reference to hot winds.) Frank Sinatra -Summer Wind (1966)...
The Summer Wind
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Tree in the Wind, Van Gogh |
Frank Sinatra -Summer Wind (1966)Arrangement by Nelson Riddle.
The summer wind, came blowin' in from across the sea
It lingered there to touch your hair and walk with me
All summer long we sang a song and then we strolled that golden sand
Two sweethearts and the summer wind
Like painted kites, those days and nights, they went flyin' by
The world was new beneath a blue umbrella sky
Then softer than a piper man one day it called to you
I lost you, I lost you to the summer wind
The autumn wind and the winter winds, they have come and gone
And still the days, those lonely days, they go on and on
And guess who sighs his lullabies through nights that never end
My fickle friend, the summer wind
The summer wind
Warm summer wind
Mmm, the summer wind
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/9/14
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/9/14: Game On: 10 Best Sports for Kids with ADHD or Learning Disabilities Intervie...
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/9/14
Game On: 10 Best Sports for Kids with ADHD or Learning Disabilities
Interview with Dr. Lawrence Diller
A Complete Guide to Natural ADHD Treatments
How Childhood Trauma Could Be Mistaken for ADHD
How Do IEPs and 504 Plans Work?
Advice For Dating With Asperger's: Don't Call 100 Times A Week
When Food goes from Foe to Friend
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/9/14
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/9/14: 10 Questions To Encourage Math Thinking Apps That Challenge Ki...
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/9/14
10 Questions To Encourage Math Thinking
Apps That Challenge Kids to Solve Environmental Issues
The NY Times Replica Edition - Free for K-12 Classrooms
Survey Says: 2.3 Million Tablets in U.S. K-12 Schools
Two Flipped Lessons on Aspects of Meteorology
5 ways to choose and use K-5 apps, mobile devices
How Technology Is Being Used In Music Classrooms
MzTeachuh: Cool Things To Do In Class Tweets of the Day 8/9/1...
MzTeachuh: Cool Things To Do In Class Tweets of the Day 8/9/1...: Books | Reading Rockets: Topics A to Z
Cool Things To Do In Class Tweets of the Day 8/9/14
Books | Reading Rockets: Topics A to Z
A Mighty Girl's book section
Inventive Games That Teach Kids About Empathy and Social Skills
Over 5,000 complete Common Core-aligned lessons from our 130 Master Teachers.
Fantastic Foldable Freebies Link Up!
What Kids Should Know About Their Own Brains
Using Dialogue Circles to Support Classroom Management
MzTeachuh: The Human Side of Assessing Writing
MzTeachuh: The Human Side of Assessing Writing: Commas, all I can think about is commas. The higher level thinking skills it requires to write, and assess writing, brings humans righ...
The Human Side of Assessing Writing
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Commas, all I can think about is commas. |
I've seen what those programs did to the Gettysburg Address. Low scores for brevity and poor sentence structure, no doubt. "I Have A Dream," I bet too much repetition and veering off the main topic. We won't consider what a computer would try to do to poetry--ha, it kind of makes me laugh--the overload e e cummings would give it (just on written conventions!)
Can we trust our kids' thought development to a computer program?
1. The Algorithm Didn’t Like My Essay
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No points for free indirect discourse, Jane. |
Even English teachers have different perspectives on writing. I've worked with English teachers that will say, "Oh, I don't like poetry." How can that be? How can a person with no taste for the higher developed thoughts of man train young people to be eloquent? How can a machine with no soul?
2. Computers Grade Essays Fast ... But Not Always Well
The choice of words (and using written conventions, sentence structure, new use of vocabulary) to express thought really need an educated, well-read person to analyze it. And a person tolerant of new ideas. Are we looking for Data from Star Trek? He couldn't even use a contraction or understand an idiom.
Don't we want our kids to create new idioms?
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What do they mean, "Miss Bronte, Wuthering Heights too emotional?" |
"There's a terrible tendency to confuse raising standards with standardizing."
— Sir Ken Robinson
Yes, Sir Ken, standardizing the genius of the next generation will only make them really bored with education. And finding a new venue to express themselves besides traditional school. I think maybe they've already found the acceptance of new ideas online.
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I scored 3 on the rubric, same as the Emancipation Proclamation? |
"On a scale of 1 to 6, one of the greatest presidents of the United States was only getting 2s and 3s. "
- University of Akron's Mark Shermis, on a computer's evaluation of the Gettysburg Address
I've often thought it was a good thing Lincoln had a frontier education. More clear thinking. More clarity of action. Our kids are on the tech frontier and will reject the criticism of an algorithm that is from the past, traditional and can't think; just like they reject intolerant and backword teachers.
We won't be climbing the ladder of Bloom's Taxonomy if we remain super-glued to written on the lower rungs of convention and sentence structure without the inspiration of living language. Woops, that was another metaphor a computer couldn't evaluate.
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Man, I only got a 3 on the Writing Rubric. |
"Devise, wit; write, pen; for I am for whole volumes in folio."
Love's Labour's Lost -- Act I, Scene II
Almost funny how William's words would end in the clutches of a computer program--maybe Word's Labour's Lost
Friday, August 8, 2014
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/8/14
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/8/14: Possible Causes of ADHD
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/8/14
Possible Causes of ADHD
Prenatal Influences in Autism
A Cruel Paradox When It Comes to Mental Disorders
Is Your Child a “Class Clown” to Gain Acceptance?
What Does Full Inclusion Really Mean?
9 Terms to Know If Your Child Struggles With Writing Issues
Apps to Help Students With Dysgraphia and Writing Difficulties
What Does Full Inclusion Really Mean?
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/8/14
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/8/14: Tests That Look Like Video Games
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/8/14
Tests That Look Like Video Games
How to Teach Kids About Factoring a Polynomial
Screen Time That’s Valuable For Young Kids
Scratch Releases "Creative Computing" Teaching Guide
Help Students Explore the U.S. Constitution With This Interactive Site
3 Reasons Why Chromebook Beats iPad in 1:1 Programs
It’s Time to End the Device Debate
"Personally, I have no strong emotion tied to one device or another. In
fact, as a learner, I get a great deal of satisfaction by figuring out
how I can get my daily tasks done on any device that is placed before
me. In fact, my main takeaway from most of these debates regarding one
device or another is that those of us in schools need to steer clear of
strapping on the blinders that can come along with one platform or
another." Patrick Larkin
MzTeachuh: Counseling and Supervision; Supervision and Counse...
MzTeachuh: Counseling and Supervision; Supervision and Counse...: What to initiate positive change in a school? I have reflected upon what change would have the greatest impact based just upon my ow...
Counseling and Supervision; Supervision and Counseling
Counseling and supervision. More and more effective supervision and counseling. Kids learn better when their minds are focused. Internal and external conditions affect their ability to be successful in school, therefore counseling and supervision.
Counseling usually indicates a counselor working in scheduling classes and sometimes personal intervention with parents and kids. Of course keep this, adding more opportunities for individual students and groups to interact with trained counselors. Have a variety of topics, a variety of groups. Maybe even a club. A qualified counselor at every school site.
Classes and class activities can identify and/or aid in relief of tensions and stressors. Activities can give kids confidence and bolster their ability to learn.
One year when I was teaching a Special Day Class for the Severely Handicapped, a group of students from the student government class came once a week for a class period for peer interaction. My students and the gen. ed. student leaders interacted while I ran a very simple self-esteem class. The benefits? The gen ed. kids were exposed to new career choices (SPED teacher, counselor, etc.) and my students gained language and other academic skills, plus great self-confidence and new friends. It was like pouring Miracle-Gro on them.
Here are a few activities I developed to help students relieve stress:
Writing Prompts to Sooth Kids' Toxic Stress
Books to Relieve Kids' Toxic Stress
Here are curriculum sources for self-esteem:
Discovery Education
Writing prompts have therapeutic effects for students, too. The counseling comes in with discussion, either through teacher's written response or carefully guided group discussion. Kids are eloquent when narrating their own feelings and experiences. Teachers are professionals who interact with students at least 35 hours a week--we need to know them and how they are doing. Reading their thoughts in writing will do that. Then it is up to us to interact personally with them. Identify a student's internal stressor a student leads to getting them the help she/he needs.
Here are sources for writing prompts for self-esteem:
Self Esteem & Confidence 52 Journal Prompts for Kids
Reflective Journal Writing Prompts
Supervision-oh my! By my observation, only one school I taught with in the about a dozen in the past two decades actually followed the principal's directives on supervision consistently. On the playground, at the classroom doors before and after school, during assemblies. It was amazing. It was as though that principal had somehow cornered the teacher market on efficiency and cooperation. As a result, the kids were more secure, cooperative and generally happier. School rules were consistently enforced. The teachers were dependable in their appearances to supervise. At this school, the principal was also present on the campus, even making surprise visits to the classrooms, where he was welcome.
No teachers at any other school I encountered, except for the one above, even consistently enforced supervising passing time between classes. Every year the principal of these schools would announce the importance of teachers being at the door during this time, and in about a week most of the teachers stopped doing it. Why? Because people do what you inspect, not was you expect. The principals had no system to verify if teachers were doing this, except the increase of horseplay, fights and other misbehavior in the hallways based on referrals. Parents of my students would tell me their child was afraid to go down the fall, to lunch or even to the restroom.
Supervision, or lack thereof, enhances the student's learning environment or detracts from it. Personally, I believe the leadership in the admin. building needs to step up on this matter.
Just to put a chill down our spines.
School Supervision Problem Areas
MzTeachuh: Checklists for Parents and Teachers Special Needs ...
MzTeachuh: Checklists for Parents and Teachers Special Needs ...: IEP Checklist for Parents Checkli...
Checklists for Parents and Teachers Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/8/14
IEP Checklist for Parents
Checklist, General Info
Forms, Tables, Checklists, and Procedures.
IEP Checklist for Parents
Checklist IEP
Is Your Child's IEP Really Individualized?
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 8/8/14
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 8/8/14: Is Handwriting Instruction Important? Teaching Is....
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 8/8/14
Is Handwriting Instruction Important?
Teaching Is...Soothing the Soul (SEL)
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/2/14
Music for the Soundtrack of Your Classroom (Music to Work To)
Teaching Is Collaborating Until You're A Team
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/6/14
Books to Soothe Kids' Toxic Stress
Special Needs Tweet of the Day 8/6/14
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/4/14
BYOD--Is It Fair and Equitable for the Poor Kids?
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...unless you're a poor kid. |
Thursday, August 7, 2014
MzTeachuh: BYOD--Is It Fair and Equitable for the Poor Kids?
MzTeachuh: BYOD--Is It Fair and Equitable for the Poor Kids?: ...unless you're a poor kid. In the year 2000, there was a lawsuit called the Williams Case in the State of California (The Wi...
BYOD--Is It Fair and Equitable for the Poor Kids?
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...unless you're a poor kid. |
In the year 2000, there was a lawsuit called the Williams Case in the State of California (The Williams Case -- An Explanation that specified students in less affluent districts were not having access to appropriate curriculum, such as textbooks. The state was required to maintain current curriculum, and by my observations in various California schools, there was diligence to do so. Not outdated or worn textbooks. Nice new ones; many students having a text at home and a class text.
Could that concept apply when there is a BYOD or a flipped/blended classroom method of teaching? Would the financial burden of in-home technology and internet access not hinder the educational progress of the student if she/he did not have that tech or access?
I'm just thinking out loud here. The friends of mine teaching in various levels of public school all have a similar demographic: low income, and high percentages of ESL. Will the ed tech trends create a greater gap in opportunities for a large chunk of American students? Does Free and Appropriate Public Education mean a guarantee they can participate in flipped and blended learning classes? Could they be using a BYOSID-- Bring Your Own School-Issued Device?
Principals in our areas are definitely using funds to place iPads and notebook-type tech in the hands of students. But when the students go home, it is like time-traveling back fifty years. The assignments involving technology and the internet are impossible. The kids go home to a third world nation. For decades, around one-fourth of American children live in poverty (Evidence Mounting that Poverty Causes Lasting Physical and Mental Health Problems for Children to the detriment of our society. Will the conditions at also school recede decades behind other districts resulting in these student's further disadvantages?
Our communities definitely can solve this dilemma through far-sighted planning and recognition that all kids are our most valuable resource. How about laying out FIOs-type cables, free WiFi in the wider community, tracking school-issued tech so there isn't another LAUSD type situation where thousands of iPads disappear overnight. (My experience with school librarians--whom we lovingly called The Library Police--is they are so organized that if a first grader loses a book, they can't graduate 11 years later til they pay for it.)
MzTeachuh: Project Based Learning
MzTeachuh: Project Based Learning: Project Based Learning Improves Teaching Techniques
Project Based Learning
Project Based Learning Improves Teaching Techniques
Increase Student Mastery to Solve Real-World Problems with Project-Based Learning
Project-Based Learning Through a Maker's Lens
Project Based Learning (Huffington Post)
Project-Based Learning
Project-based learning done right
What Project-Based Learning Means for Your High School Child
Project-Based Learning and the Common Core: Resource Roundup
Mind/Shift and Edutopia are leading sources of educational thought, here's more to cogitate on!
The Challenges and Realities of Inquiry-Based Learning
Inquiry Learning Vs. Standardized Content: Can They Coexist?
Project-Based Learning
Project-Based Learning: Success Start to Finish
Creating Classrooms We Need: 8 Ways Into Inquiry Learning
Project Based Learning Resources
Why Inquiry Learning is Worth the Trouble
Project-Based Learning as a Context for Arts Integration
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/7/14
MzTeachuh: Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/7/14: Advocating for Your School-Aged Child ...
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 8/7/14
Advocating for Your School-Aged Child
The Kids Who Beat Autism
Long-Sought Autism Therapy A Medi-Cal Benefit, State Says
Controversy over shocking people with autism, behavioral disorders
How A Popular TV Doc Has Learned To Explain ADHD Simply
Uncovering the Why Behind the Rise in ADHD Cases
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/7/14
MzTeachuh: Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/7/14: EarthSky’s meteor shower guide for 2014 Science Media Collec...
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 8/7/14
EarthSky’s meteor shower guide for 2014
Science Media Collections (KQED)
Math Word Wall Posters for Elementary School Classrooms
Using Design Thinking to Create a School from Scratch
5 ways to choose and use K-5 apps, mobile devices
How To ‘App Smash’ And Implement Digital Storytelling On The iPad
The Best Education Apps (Android)
MzTeachuh: Storytime Tweets of the Day 8/7/14
MzTeachuh: Storytime Tweets of the Day 8/7/14: Why Storytelling in the Classroom Matters Four Ke...
Storytime Tweets of the Day 8/7/14
Why Storytelling in the Classroom Matters
Four Keys About Grading
3 Ways to Rock Your Classroom Library!
8 Needs For Project-Based Learning In The 21st Century
African-Americans Must Blaze Own Path on School Choice, Ed Reform
Things to Do Now to Be Better Organized When You Head Back to School
Your Two Kinds Of Memory: Electronic And Organic
Four Key Questions about Grading
Four Key Questions about Grading
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