MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
MzTeachuh: Next Week's Lesson Plans: 4/5/14
MzTeachuh: Next Week's Lesson Plans: 4/5/14: Yeah, yeah, that's what all the veteran teachers say. This link may help you develop plans for current events. From PBS:...
Next Week's Lesson Plans: 4/5/14
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Yeah, yeah, that's what all the veteran teachers say. |
This link may help you develop plans for current events.
From PBS:
Current Events Awareness
These links are good to bring depth to your lesson plans:
Facing Race Issues In the Classroom: How To Connect With Students
Survive and Thrive During Testing Season
These links will help you schedule fun and physical activity.
10 simple activities to encourage physical activity in the classroom
Active Schools - Classroom Physical Activity Breaks
Empower Teachers with Data and They Can Spark Change
iOrganized: How a teacher can use the iPad to stay organized?
Analyzing Data
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Teaching Is Analyzing the Data |
MzTeachuh: Everyone Helps Kids Read
MzTeachuh: Everyone Helps Kids Read: Teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle Reading Rockets is an extremely valuable resource for reading education, but m...
Everyone Helps Kids Read
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Teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle |
Reading Rockets
For Parents
For Teachers
For Principals
For Librarians
For School Psychologists
For School Counselors
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First Book |
For Preschool & Childcare
ABCs of Teaching Reading
The Common Core Standards
Classroom Strategies
Reading Topics A-Z
The Best in Children's Literature
Children’s Books & Authors
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Breton Children Reading Emile Vernon |
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: When Lilacs Bloom'd...
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: When Lilacs Bloom'd...: I happily discovered we have a lovely-scented lilac bush growing in our courtyard. It reminded me of Whitman's poem. Abraham Li...
Teachable Moment: When Lilacs Bloom'd...
I happily discovered we have a lovely-scented lilac bush growing in our courtyard. It reminded me of Whitman's poem. |
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated April 15, 1865. He is memorialized by contemporary poet Walt Whitman in this poem of perennial sorrow and loss.
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d
Here are other blogs about Lincoln that may give perspective on his influence during his day.
Teachable Moment: Learning About Lincoln
Lincoln and the Fourth of July
Movie Review: Lincoln
Teachable Moment: Activities for Lincoln's Birthday
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Teachers Talking To Each Other
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Teachers Talking To Each Other: 1. How to make friends and influence people - a teacher's guide
Teaching Is Teachers Talking To Each Other
1. How to make friends and influence people - a teacher's guide
2. 5 Tips for Bonding with New Teaching Colleagues
3. 25 Ways Teachers Can Connect More With Their Colleagues
4. Good teachers make colleagues better
5. Check out the comments
How much do your colleagues influence your teaching?
6. 101 Ways to Cope with Teaching Stress
Getting the Support You Need
Numbers 51 through 60.
7. How Can Teachers Be Stressed?
It's a little stressful to take this test.
8. Teacher Stress Test
MzTeachuh: Does My Child Have a Learning Handicap?
MzTeachuh: Does My Child Have a Learning Handicap?: Our Mission: To ensure success for all individuals with learning disabilities in school, at work and in life. (National Center fo...
Does My Child Have a Learning Handicap?
I like that mission statement very much. As a Special Education professional for over twenty years, I witnessed wonderful success for most of our students identified with a learning disability, or specific learning handicap. But that is with identification of the problem, a current and evolving individual learning plan development, and a coordinated team effort to execute the plan every day, including the family.
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Reading and writing frustration may be a first sign. |
Specific Learning Disabilities – Definitions
Introduction to Learning Disabilities
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A child may have normal performance except in reading. |
Learning Disabilities: Signs, Symptoms and Strategies |
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Sometimes children have a different way of interpreting speech and sounds that interfere with learning.
About Auditory Processing Disorder
Other times children may have a different way of interpreting what they see that interferes with learning.
Visual Processing Disorders
All children change every day, that's a part of growing up. Maybe there is not a disability. Check with your child's school and if you, as the parent, believe your child needs to be checked by the district educational psychologist for the possibility of a specific learning disability, by all means insist upon it. A few changes in the style of instruction can mean a huge difference in your child's academic performance. And the process of checking may indicate some valuable suggestions for helping your child learn even if there is no disability.
Friday, April 4, 2014
MzTeachuh: Counseling and Supervision; Supervision and Counse...
MzTeachuh: Counseling and Supervision; Supervision and Counse...: What to change in a school? I have reflected upon what change would have the greatest impact based just upon my own observations...
Counseling and Supervision; Supervision and Counseling
What to change in a school? I have reflected upon what change would have the greatest impact based just upon my own observations.
Counseling and supervision. More and more effective supervision and counseling. Kids learn better when their minds are focused. Internal and external conditions affect their ability to be successful in school, therefore counseling and supervision.
Counseling usually indicates a counselor working in scheduling classes and sometimes personal intervention with parents and kids. Of course keep this, adding more opportunities for individual students and groups to interact with trained counselors. Have a variety of topics, a variety of groups. Maybe even a club. A qualified counselor at every school site.
Classes and class activities can identify and/or aid in relief of tensions and stressors. Activities can give kids confidence and bolster their ability to learn.
One year when I was teaching a Special Day Class for the Severely Handicapped, a group of students from the student government class came once a week for a class period for peer interaction. My students and the gen. ed. student leaders interacted while I ran a very simple self-esteem class. The benefits? The gen ed. kids were exposed to new career choices (SPED teacher, counselor, etc.) and my students gained language and other academic skills, plus great self-confidence and new friends. It was like pouring Miracle-Gro on them.
Here are a few activities I developed to help students relieve stress:
Writing Prompts to Sooth Kids' Toxic Stress
Books to Relieve Kids' Toxic Stress
Here are curriculum sources for self-esteem:
Discovery Education
Writing prompts have therapeutic effects for students, too. The counseling comes in with discussion, either through teacher's written response or carefully guided group discussion. Kids are eloquent when narrating their own feelings and experiences. Teachers are professionals who interact with students at least 35 hours a week--we need to know them and how they are doing. Reading their thoughts in writing will do that. Then it is up to us to interact personally with them. Identify a student's internal stressor a student leads to getting them the help she/he needs.
Here are sources for writing prompts for self-esteem:
Self Esteem & Confidence 52 Journal Prompts for Kids
Reflective Journal Writing Prompts
Supervision-oh my! By my observation, only one school I taught with in the about a dozen in the past two decades actually followed the principal's directives on supervision consistently. On the playground, at the classroom doors before and after school, during assemblies. It was amazing. It was as though that principal had somehow cornered the teacher market on efficiency and cooperation. As a result, the kids were more secure, cooperative and generally happier. School rules were consistently enforced. The teachers were dependable in their appearances to supervise. At this school, the principal was also present on the campus, even making surprise visits to the classrooms, where he was welcome.
No teachers at any other school I encountered, except for the one above, even consistently enforced supervising passing time between classes. Every year the principal of these schools would announce the importance of teachers being at the door during this time, and in about a week most of the teachers stopped doing it. Why? Because people do what you inspect, not was you expect. The principals had no system to verify if teachers were doing this, except the increase of horseplay, fights and other misbehavior in the hallways based on referrals. Parents of my students would tell me their child was afraid to go down the fall, to lunch or even to the restroom.
Supervision, or lack thereof, enhances the student's learning environment or detracts from it. Personally, I believe the leadership in the admin. building needs to step up on this matter.
Just to put a chill down our spines.
School Supervision Problem Areas
MzTeachuh: National Poetry Month: Poems # 4 and #5
MzTeachuh: National Poetry Month: Poems # 4 and #5: Harlem By Langston Hughes What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? ...
National Poetry Month: Poems # 4 and #5
By Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
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Langston Hughes biography |
Mother to Son
By Langston Hughes
Well, son, I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
’Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now—
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Learning With The Learners
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Learning With The Learners: Love the smile on the instructor's face, and the lack of one on everyone else. 1. 7 Professional Development Tips For Onlin...
Teaching Is Learning With The Learners
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Love the smile on the instructor's face, and the lack of one on everyone else. |
1. 7 Professional Development Tips For Online Teachers
2. 20 Technology Skills Every Educator Should Have
3. The 21st Century Skills Teachers Should Have
4. 30 skills a teacher should have
5. What Teachers Need to Know About Action Research
6. What Teachers Need to Know about 21st Century Literacy
7. Preparing All Teachers to Meet the
Needs of English Language Learners
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 4/4/14
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 4/4/14: Don't Like Poetry? Betcha Do Seasonal (Spring) Books for...
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 4/4/14
Don't Like Poetry? Betcha Do
Seasonal (Spring) Books for Early Readers from Reading Rockets
Special Needs Tweets of the Day 4/2/14
Ed Tech and STEM 4/2/14
Teachable Moment--Got April Showers? (National Poetry Month)
Women's History Month: Farrah Fawcett
National Poetry Month: Poem #2
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The Fall of Icarus by Brueghal Thanks to our international audience. USA, France, UK, Canada, Germany, Ukraine, Australia, Sweden, India, Russia. |
MzTeachuh: Good Morning, Spring, Time To Get Up
MzTeachuh: Good Morning, Spring, Time To Get Up: Spring, just waking up from a dreamy winter's sleep Morning by Edvard Grieg
Good Morning, Spring, Time To Get Up
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Spring, just waking up from a dreamy winter's sleep |
Morning by Edvard Grieg
Written for the play Peer Gynt by Ibsen, who thought this music was too cheerful for his play. Oh well, morning is like that.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
MzTeachuh: ePLNs for Teachers –Getting Connected
MzTeachuh: ePLNs for Teachers –Getting Connected: Teachers can find professional networking online. Educational sites afford convenience, privacy, and expertise in a variety ...
ePLNs for Teachers –Getting Connected

educational topics discussed by experts and educators in a timely, thorough
manner. For example, the latest input on
educational technology use in the class, special education innovations, and school-wide
interventions such as social and emotional interventions are hot topics currently
inspiring teachers in their professional pursuits.
and privacy comes with networking online. Professional development is
generally limited to scheduled on-campus staff or team meetings, conferences,
or District trainings. A teacher may have a question or comment on a topic with
no opportunity during these gatherings, or the teacher feels the question or
comment is too basic or too sophisticated for the discussion. Educational sites
can provide a responsive venue through articles, group discussions, webcasts,
videos or a search by a teacher using key words at the teacher’s convenience.
to investigate new teaching areas and/or extend teaching expertise abound through
sites that are specific to educational technology, special education, or
improved teaching methods. A teacher may want more information about learning
disabilities, for personal or professional reasons, and find helpful
information and professionals online. Maybe
a video demonstrating a specific lesson would be very helpful. There is an abundance
of sites to enhance a teacher’s knowledge and methods.
Here are well-established educational sites excellent for
teacher connections.
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This is an attractive, vast website that is has numerous educational topics:
experts and educators writing articles, groups to join, videos, classroom
guides. Edutopia
is a great support for teachers.
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Edudemic is a clear, concise, and
thorough guide to educational technology, blended and flipped learning, and
educational innovation using technology. There are many guidelines on a wide
variety of topics that a teacher may not even have enough background in ed tech
to ask about. For a teacher wishing to deepen knowledge of ed tech, or a
beginner hoping to catch up--Edudemic is very effective.
MzTeachuh: IEPs! Special Needs Tweets of the Day 4/3/14
MzTeachuh: IEPs! Special Needs Tweets of the Day 4/3/14: 1. What Is an IEP? 2. Understanding the Special Educati...
IEPs! Special Needs Tweets of the Day 4/3/14
1. What Is an IEP?
2. Understanding the Special Education Process
3. Q and A: Questions and Answers On Individualized Education Programs (IEP's), Evaluations and Reevaluations,root,dynamic,QaCorner,3,
4. Parental Support for IEPs
Help! I Need Some Support at the IEP Meeting
5. Common Core's Promise Collides With IEP Realities
6. IEP Goal Bank
7. Behavior Goals for Individual Education Plans
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Reading Instruction--In All Subjects
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Reading Instruction--In All Subjects: 1. How Important is Teaching Literacy in All Content Areas?
Teaching Is Reading Instruction--In All Subjects
1. How Important is Teaching Literacy in All Content Areas?
2. ABCs of Teaching Reading
3. The Best Ways to Teach Kids to Read
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3. Seven Strategies to Teach Students Text Comprehension
4. Teaching Reading Strategies
Decoding Strategies Lay the Foundation for Reading Success
6. How to Teach Syllabication: The Syllable Rules
7. Is Reading Comprehension A Must-Teach For All Educators?
MzTeachuh: National Poetry Month: Poem #3
MzTeachuh: National Poetry Month: Poem #3: Photo by Shane, Wargave, England Summer Song Wanderer moon smiling a faintly ironical smile at this brilliant, dew-moistened...
National Poetry Month: Poem #3
Wanderer moon
smiling a
faintly ironical smile
at this
brilliant, dew-moistened
summer morning,–
a detached
sleepily indifferent
smile, a
wanderer’s smile,–
if I should
buy a shirt
your color and
put on a necktie
where would they carry me?
smiling a
faintly ironical smile
at this
brilliant, dew-moistened
summer morning,–
a detached
sleepily indifferent
smile, a
wanderer’s smile,–
if I should
buy a shirt
your color and
put on a necktie
where would they carry me?
- William Carlos Williams
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