Saturday, March 6, 2021

Educational Links 3/7/2021


Why Ages 2-7 Matter So Much for Brain Development

Report: Parent school reviews correlate with test scores, not growth or effectiveness

Most Principals, District Leaders Predict Their Schools Will Be Fully In-Person This Fall

The Recent History Of The Neuroscience Of Learning: A Brief Overview

3 tips to engage students in math feedback during remote or hybrid learning

Attention School Leaders: Listening is Essential. Here’s How to Get Better at It.

ADHD Brains on Screens: Decoding a Complicated Relationship

“The major effect of screens — for adults, children, and adolescents – is that we sleep less because we don’t obey the rules for good sleep hygiene,” Anderson said. “This is particularly true for adolescents, for whom the prefrontal cortex is still developing and for whom executive functioning and planning is still under construction. They are still working on prioritizing tasks with long-term payoffs over and above ones they find rewarding in the moment. At that age, it can be really difficult to make the right decision about when to put down the phone, stop talking to your friends, and go to bed.”

Festival of Irish Arts and Music Day 3

MzTeachuh: Festival of Irish Arts and Music Day 3: Celtic Cross History and Symbolism   Van Morrison, the Irish lad from the North.   Van Mo...

Women's History Month: Patsy Mink

MzTeachuh: Women's History Month: Patsy Mink: Patsy Mink was born and raised in Hawaii, the island of Maui.  Her grandfather emigrated from Japan, making her the sansei generation (f...

Women's History Month: Smart Girls

Irish teenagers Ciara Judge, Émer Hickey and Sophie Healy-Thow, all 16 years old.

16-Year-Old Irish Girls Win Google Science Fair 2014 With World-Changing Crop Yield Breakthrough

Cynthia Sin Nga Lam 17 years old
Brilliant Teenager Invents Device That Produces Clean Energy AND Fresh Water!

Gitanjali Rao, age 11 years

Troubled By Flint Water Crisis, 11-Year-Old Girl Invents Lead-Detecting Device

Mikayla Sharrieff, India Skinner, and Bria Snell aged 17 years old.

NASA student competitors honored for persistence

Irish STEM and Other Surprises for St. Patrick's Day

'When most people think of Ireland’s cultural heritage

they think of things like ‘The Island of Saints and 
Scholars’, The Book of Kells, our great writers,
Irish music, and so on. Ireland has little by way 
of a scientific heritage – right? Wrong.' So begins 
a great article by William 
Reville, University College, Cork. 


Ciara Judge, Sophie Healy-Thow  and Emer Hickey

Irish teen develops magnetic method of removing microplastics from water

Robert Boyle 

Lots happening in Ireland to inspire the use of good Irish minds in 

STEM, not just poetry, 

ballades and folklore.


Science & Technology 

 What attracts big tech companies to Ireland? Hint: 

It’s not just low taxes



I am not at all surprised by discovering brilliant Irish women and men both in 

STEM areas. 

I had years of Catholic school and they were the best math teachers I ever had, Sister Gertrude, 

Sisters of Mercy, in particular.

William Rowan Hamilton 



Lucy Everest Boole (1862-1905)



Irish politics is no surprise. I don't condone violence, Jesus said He 

'came to save mens' lives not 

destroy them.' Luke 9:46.

That being said, here is a St. Patrick's Day surprise I had this week 

while researching.

I remember the news report of Bobby Sands back in the 80s. But I hadn't watched the biographical

 movie 'Hunger' 2008 directed by Steve McQueen 

(12 Years A Slave, Oscar winner) which I did.  It is not for the feint hearted. Actor Michael 

Fassbender lost 40 pounds to portray the hunger strike in 

Maze Prison. It is critically acclaimed. Earns the R rating.

Hunger (2008 film) 

What I didn't know was that Bobby Sands was also a poet and author, and elected to Parliament while on the hunger strike. Nelson Mandela references

 him as an inspiration.

Bobby Sands

Bobby Sands--Writings from Prison

Poems of Bobbly Sands

 Prison Diary 

Peace Activists Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan in 1976
In 1976, two Irish mums won the Nobel Peace Prize 
for organizing a peace movement in the middle of 
 'TheTroubles' in Northern Ireland.


Nobel Laureate Betty Williams reflects on a lifetime of work for peace and children’s rights

Another St. Paddy's Day surprise for some of you--Rock N Roll's darlings, U2 and their mighty hit about 'The Troubles.' 


U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday


Educational Links 3/6/2021

Four Ways To Boost Collaboration in Student Projects

Teachers speak out on continuing their careers

Biden Pushes Plan to Get Every Educator a Vaccine Dose by End of March

How teachers are inspiring students to read during the pandemic

A Year of COVID-19: What It Looked Like for Schools

When Bad Apples Ruin Teaching for the Rest of Us

Bringing Moments of Joy to High School English

My students needed a community devoted to wellness and joy.They needed to feel cared for and space to show that they cared for one another, even as they completed assignments that required critical thinking, writing, and public speaking.To that end, they needed opportunities to express themselves and reckon, both publicly and privately, with what they’ve experienced: illness, financial instability, injustice, political turmoil, a lost year, and separation from friends, teammates, and comforting routines.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Educational Links 3/5/2021


Education Is A System; Teaching Is An Action; Learning Is A Process

Use Your Time Wisely by ‘Spending’ It with Intent


Report: US schools receive D grade for infrastructure

Is Teaching Still an Appealing Profession? A Growing Teacher Shortage Worries Experts

Nurse shortage could make reopening school campuses more difficult

Teachers are finding ways to gauge students’ understanding of lessons this year, and guiding them to ask for help is a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Women's History Month: Adoptive Moms

MzTeachuh: Women's History Month: Adoptive Moms: Valerie Harper (actress)  “However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle.” Nia Vardalos (writer, actress, director) “I hold ...

Women's History Month: Mona Lisa

MzTeachuh: Women's History Month: Mona Lisa: Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world. It is said it was Da Vinci's favorite. Aside from t...

Women's History Month: Frida, "I Paint Flowers So They Won't Die."

MzTeachuh: Women's History Month: 'I Paint Flowers So They Wo...: Folk Art Flowers, Frida Kalho Born in Coyoacán, Mexico, young Frida's life was punctuated by prominent eve nts: polio, the ...

Festival of Irish Arts and Music Day 2

MzTeachuh: Festival of Irish Arts and Music Day 2: Tara Brooch A History of Ireland in 100 Objects   Tara Brooch

Festival of Irish Arts and Music Day 1

Festival of Irish Arts and Music Day 1: Book of Kells: In the beginning was the Word... Book of Kells /watch?v=4sfhbm0xNOc&l...

Women's History Month: Malala

Women's History Month: Malala: Malala is a young teenager who has come to international fame over the last two years by writing about her experiences in seeking an ed...

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Educational Links 3/3/2021

Our Research Shows Educators Are Experiencing Trauma During the Pandemic. Here’s How We Can Reduce the Burden.

Challenge & Opportunity: Teachers weigh in on heartbreaks, breakthroughs of distance learning

Having Difficult Conversations With Families: A Teacher’s Guide

Two Search Refinement Tips That Helped My Students Today

The Dr. Seuss Controversy: What Educators Need to Know

Biden's gambit: Will schools be ready to reopen in 100 days?

Cultivating Joy in Writing in the Elementary Grades

An online writing group—which could be adapted for in person learning—builds confidence in students’ ability to express their ideas.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Educational Links 3/2/2021


A Better Breakout Room Experience for Students

New bills would require full federal funding of special education

Which Solutions Will Power the Transformation of Teaching and Learning?

Ed Dept: States must assess students, but with flexibilities

Women’s History Month: Resources for Teachers

What Happens When Our Kids Lose Track of Time — for a Full Year

Remote Learning Makes Time Management Even Harder

Time management is an important skill, one that most of us as teachers would say is essential to academic success in our classes. Yet we often assume it’s a skill unlike others—that students either come to us with it or that they should be able to learn it on their own. This assumption at best leads to frustration and misunderstanding and, at worst, to inaccurate and harmful grading and reporting practices.

Teachable Moment: Women Nobel Laureates

MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment: Women Nobel Laureates: Nobel Prize Awarded Women 

Women's History Month: The Bronte Sisters

 Women's History Month: The Bronte Sisters: Anne, Emily, and Charlotte Brontë, by their brother Branwell. He painted himself among his sisters, but later removed the image so as not ...

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Educational Links 3/1/2021

Discipline continues to adapt, evolve to pandemic learning 


Using Driving Questions to Propel Literacy Skills

Testing Providers Could Be Forced to Pivot Quickly as Result of Biden’s State Testing Policy

Annotations, Games, and Audio - The Month in Review

Technology in the Classroom: What is Digital Literacy?

California parents send letter demanding governor reopen school campuses

The group cites students’ declining physical and mental health, as well as academic losses, over the year since campuses closed. It also highlights the inequitable impact of campus closures on students based on race and socioeconomic factors.

Dyslexia Revealed

MzTeachuh: Dyslexia Revealed: The MindShift Guide to Understanding Dyslexia ...

Kids Need the Arts

MzTeachuh: Kids Need the Arts: Arts integration  is an approach to teaching and learning through which content standards are taught and assessed equitably in and through...