Saturday, November 14, 2015

Best Articles for Educators 11/15/15

The Right Way To Implement Essential Questions

9 Surprising Facts About Learning and Attention Issues 

Special education shifts to results-driven framework 

How to Provide Kids With Screen Time That Supports Learning

Behind The Shortage Of Special Ed Teachers: Long Hours, Crushing Paperwork

Why teachers need social and emotional learning too

6 Better Ways to Teach Reading and Fluency


MzTeachuh's Meditations: I Will Send You Another Comforter

MzTeachuh's Meditations: I Will Send You Another Comforter: Art by Twila Carney Schoeppner   The Spirit of Truth, The Message Bible 15-17  “If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told yo...

Dear French Readers of MzTeachuh

Dear French Readers of MzTeachuh,
        I am so sorry for your troubles, your suffering. You are in my heart and my prayers. Please know the USA is not only your friend and comrade, we are family.
       Every day persons in France read my blog--every day, the second or third country in the list. Blogger gives stats. I am very sad for you--and other sufferers of terrorism, too, of course. But I have always imagined French teachers sitting at a cafe, eating a croissant, drinking a cafe au lait, reading MzTeachuh. My heart and prayers are with you. We have a connection.
                                         Your Friend and Family,

Friday, November 13, 2015

Educational Links 11/14/15

9 Surprising Facts About Learning and Attention Issues 

Original Thanksgiving Activities for Kids in All Grades 

“Journeys In Film” Looks Like A Great Teaching Resource 

4 smart strategies to retain public school principals 

Are Learning Styles Useful? 

'Deeper Learning' Is Here, Researchers Say; It's Just Unequally Distributed

5 attention grabbers that refocus kids quickly 

The Right Way To Implement Essential Questions 



MzTeachuh: Want To Be Cool? Listen To This

MzTeachuh: Want To Be Cool? Listen To This: Baltimore by Palmer Hayden Detroit Jackson - Cookin' Boox   I re...

MzTeachuh: Ideas for Thanksgiving Lessons

MzTeachuh: Ideas for Thanksgiving Lessons   Middle School Art Activities With a Thanksgiving Theme Read more: Middle School Art Activities With a Thanksgiving Theme | eHow....

MzTeachuh: Exquisite Beauty For You

MzTeachuh: Exquisite Beauty For You: Bernini's statue of Apollo and Daphne Closeup of Apollo and Daphne The Story of Apollo and Daphne Apollo, being very full of hi...

MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Giving Feedback

MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Giving Feedback: 1. Feedback to improve student learning What is feedback?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 11/13/15

How to Provide Kids With Screen Time That Supports Learning

Top 10 Reasons to Teach Project-Based Writing

Screentime Is Making Kids Moody, Crazy and Lazy

10 Indicators Of Efficient Teaching

3 Helpful Ways Teachers Can Work With a Class Clown

Recess Is Not a Privilege

Behind The Shortage Of Special Ed Teachers: Long Hours, Crushing Paperwork

How to Confront and Eliminate Bullying 

  Many thanks to our international readers. The posts, retweets and stumblesupon are most appreciated. It is a privilege to serve you. USA, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Ireland, Russia, Slovakia, Australia, Ukraine.






Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts About Thanksgiving

The above joke is probably my favorite cheesy joke of all time.
Why did the Pilgrims eat turkey on Thanksgiving? The couldn't fit the moose in the oven.

  If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.
  What's the best way to stuff a turkey? Take him out for pizza and ice cream.
  What did the turkey say to the hunter? Quack! Quack! Quack!
Teacher: Where did the Pilgrims come from? Student: Their parents, of course.

Time for a little serious talk about the Pilgrims. Let's delineate: they were not the Puritans. It was the Puritans and Henry VIII-inspired later purges that began the 'off with their head' programs that sent the Pilgrims, and groups like them, to the Netherlands, and later, to Virginia (woops, Plymouth Rock.) The Pilgrims were in search of religious freedom, and not only accepted help from the Wampanoag tribe--local Native Americans--but intermarried with them over the next few generations because so many of the Pilgrim group died the first year after they arrived in 1620. Many members of the Pilgrims left Massuchusetts during the Puritan's religious purges, like the Salem Witch Trials, and went to Rhode Island. The English have a dynamic history of religious freedom, for example, William Tyndale who translated the Bible into the English language and was martyred as a rebel. We have religious freedom now due to this legacy. Thousands of Americans have genetic ties to the Pilgrims (DNA evidence now shows) and that information is something to treasure. Now we live the liberty for ourselves and offer it to others.

What kind of music did the Pilgrims play?
Plymouth Rock and Roll.

Q: Why did they let the turkey join the band?
A: Because he had the drumsticks.

What do you call the dirt on a Pilgrim's hands?

 What would you get if you crossed a turkey with a spooky spirit?
A poultrygeist.

What's brown and white and flies all over?
A turkey when you carve it with a chainsaw.

How many cooks does it take to stuff a turkey?
One, but you really have to squeeze him in.

Q: What smells the best at a Thanksgiving dinner?
A: Your nose.

Why did the glutton get a traffic ticket on Thanksgiving?
He was exceeding the feed limit.

 Grandma: What would you like for dessert, Joey?
Joey: Pumpkin pie!

 Grandma: Pumpkin pie, what, dear? Say the magic word. 
Joey: I'm sorry, Grandma. Pumpkin pie, abracadabra!

 What is Math teachers favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
Pumpkin Pi.

Knock, knock, who's there?
Arthur who?
Arthur any leftovers?

What would you get if you crossed Easter and Thanksgiving?
Feaster Sunday.

What's the key to a great Thanksgiving?
A tur-key, of course.

This is my second favorite cheesy joke of all time.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Educational Links 11/12/15

Top 10 Reasons to Teach Project-Based Writing 

Helping Kids Who Struggle with Executive Functions 

"I Wonder" Questions: Harnessing the Power of Inquiry 

Top Obama officials urge educators to redesign HS for 'forgotten' children 

Schoolkids in Handcuffs 

Special education shifts to results-driven framework 

How to Provide Kids With Screen Time That Supports Learning 


MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh: I'll Put A Trinket On

MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh: I'll Put A Trinket On: MzTeachuh: I'll Put A Trinket On : Autumn Garden, Van Gogh Autumn by Emily Dickinson The morns are meeker than they were, The n...

Educational Links 11/11/15

3 Helpful Ways Teachers Can Work With a Class Clown 

Service Learning: Growing Action From the Roots of Passion 

Uncomfortable Questions 

Three-Year Re-Evaluation Strategies 

10 Indicators Of Efficient Teaching 

Top 10 Reasons to Teach Project-Based Writing 

How to Confront and Eliminate Bullying 






Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

Educational Links 11/10/15

Recess Is Not a Privilege 

For the Classroom, too  

INFOGRAPHIC: Top 18 houseplants for purifying the air you breathe, according to NASA 

6 Better Ways to Teach Reading and Fluency 

Exercising the Mind to Treat Attention Deficits 

Behind The Shortage Of Special Ed Teachers: Long Hours, Crushing Paperwork 

Screentime Is Making Kids Moody, Crazy and Lazy 

Why teachers need social and emotional learning too 

Handy Atlas Apps







MzTeachuh: What Is Depression?

MzTeachuh: What Is Depression?: Sittin' on the dock of the bay--used to call this the clinical depression song Otis Redding-Sitting on the dock of the bay  ...

MzTeachuh: Diversity in the Classroom

MzTeachuh: Diversity in the Classroom: Preparing for Diversity: Resources for Teachers

MzTeachuh's Enjoying Cooking and Gardening: Unusual Thanksgiving Sides Show

MzTeachuh's Enjoying Cooking and Gardening: Unusual Thanksgiving Sides Show: Sweet Potato Pie, mmmm, y'all. Traditional Thanksgiving foods might just be traditional for your family, but not to your next door ...

MzTeachuh: Music For When You Feel Pressured

MzTeachuh: Music For When You Feel Pressured:   Hubble Space Telescope records the beauty surrounding the black hole at the heart of the Circinus Galaxy. You're not really h...

MzTeachuh's Meditations: Love Is

Just telling it like it is, like St. Paul always does.
For Delaney and Allen--niece and now nephew by marriage--married Saturday. Appreciating the audacity of hope.

Peter, Paul and Mary - Wedding Song "There is Love" (25th Anniversary Concert) 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Special Education Weekly Review 11/9/15

What is ADHD?

What Is ADHD?

What is ADHD?

Study: No Downside To Eliminating Asperger’s Label

Tech Tools That Have Transformed Learning With Dyslexia 

Strengthening Executive Function Development for Students With ADD 

Strategies for Parenting a Child with NLD

Guest Post: "We need to stop looking for a 'cause' for autism." 

20 Questions/Answers about Dyslexia That Teachers Can Use to Reshape Instruction 

Ed Tech and STEM Weekly Review 11/9/15

Chrome Apps for Classroom Management 

Why Do We Need Technology in Schools If It Doesn’t Improve Quality? 

Technology in the Classroom: Keyboarding & the Scientific Method

BYOD helps boost rural school’s performance

Where Are The Cool Rap Songs About Math? Within Students

Episode 2 of the Rod & Richard Show - We Answer Your Ed Tech Questions

Tech Tools That Have Transformed Learning With Dyslexia

Coding By Design: A Design-First Approach


Digital Citizenship: Resource Roundup

MzTeachuh: Are You Your School's Grumpy Cat?

MzTeachuh: Are You Your School's Grumpy Cat?: I confess, at times I have been the grumpy cat at school. As I realized it, I would go through this handy checklist I once heard in a se...

Stuffing Or Dressing?

There is a difference in the preparation of the ingredients that
makes one dish stuffing and one dressing.

Stuffing is cooked in the poultry cavity. Dressing is cooked in a separate container. Seems obvious, huh? But I still had to research to be sure.

Auntie Melanie

 I made dressing with a turkey dinner this week. Since I usually make stuffing, I researched different ways to do prepare dressing. It wasn't fancy, but it turned out very hearty and delicious (at least we thought so.)


Dressing, ready for the oven.
1 packet Mrs. Cubbison's Seasoned Stuffing mix
(I know I copped out, but next time more original)

1 c broth,
I used turkey broth
(fruit juice was also suggested, which intrigued me; I'm checking that out.)

1 small onion   
1 c chopped celery                                                                       
2 cloves fresh garlic
3 tbs fresh, chopped parsley                                        
3 tbs chopped fresh sage
1 medium potato cut into very small pieces
2 tbs butter

The ingredients are mixed, almost like tossing a salad; place in a 2 qt. oven proof container. Dot the mixture with butter. Place uncovered in a 375F degree oven for about 35 minutes.

This side saves well in the refrigerator, and freezes well. We had dressing with open-faced hot turkey sandwiches, plus whipped sweet potatoes and cranberries. The bits of potatoes and crunchy celery really added a lot to the dressing.

The dressing is hiding between the mashed sweet potatoes and the cranberries.

 Here are links to the stuffing recipes I've already put up:

 Roasted Chicken with Basil-Rice Stuffing 

 French Bread Stuffing With Mushrooms and Thyme 

Gardening Tip

I've moved parts of my herb garden indoors for the winter. I am blessed with a large, sunny, southern-exposed window in the family room near the kitchen, so I am developing an indoor garden area.  It is very cheerful and convenient to snip what's needed for a special, fresh addition to a recipe. I've discovered that some grocery stores sell living herbs that can be planted at home, so I've incorporated some cilantro and chives which should be very pleasant in a  Mexican omelet.

Hey, check this out!

"MzTeachuh's Soup for All Seasons" ebook only 99c
Lots of great soup recipes and kids' activities.