MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Feel Lost At Sea With Ed Tech?
I won't say the 'average' teacher has issues with the rapidly changing ed tech classroom. I would say
'normal' teachers do. The complexities of the nano-second ed tech progress confuses even the techies. Now the Common Core requires testing online soon and very soon K-12.
Try not to panic, 92% of teachers that are floundering with these all pervasive, complex, overwhelming classroom changes. Don't cry. You are not alone. Not really.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
Understanding Google Certification
Chrome: Getting started
This is a quote from this page. DON'T YOU FEEL BADLY after reading it. If you are a teacher, such as myself, who has actually spent 24-7 planning and teaching and not sitting in your computer chair--this isn't that simple to you. So here is the smug quote:
It’s easy to get started with a Chrome device, whether you are an IT administrator, a teacher or a student. There’s no steep learning curve standing in the way of learning, teaching, and sharing, and the web-based management console makes it easy to administer a fleet of Chrome devices.
I really despise the stuck-up attitude given by some of the ed tech community. We are not stupid, and we have legitimate questions. Don't you tell me, sonny, there's no steep learning curve. Anywho, ask for help, from your grade level, from the tech person, from family. You could pray about it. Don't give up. Some teachers I spoke to said they were retiring because of the changes with ed tech. Retire if you are ready, not to avoid learning something new.
Office of Education Technology
Why Teachers Hate Tech Training ... and What to Do About It
Training Teachers to Integrate Technology
Ed tech is absolutely, mind-boggingly exciting. We have lived to see the future! And the kids are launched exponentially, literally launched into a future of success, productivity, equity, and fascination no one can even dream about. Some teachers are like the explorers of the 'New' World, the New Digital World. What are they reporting back? How can all teachers get in on it? First, all teachers need to board the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria and launch into the unknown. Shake up those lesson plans from 1989 (or even 2011) and incorporate the communication values of the internet. Skype. Email. Virtual tours. TED talks. Research using curiosity. Poetry Slams. Virtual Art Shows between schools. Dance Festivals. School Gardening Shows. Sing offs. Pen pals--an online community for your class from anywhere your district will let you skype. IMAGINATION will drive the best teachers to learn ed tech. Truth be told, not all teachers need to be ed tech experts. Collaborate with ideas for educational experiences within your PLN--how exciting to have all that enthusiasm and expertise united for learning fun. The best part is no one is bored, not the kids, not the teachers. The Common Core is reinforced with teachers reaching the highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy. Principals can arrange for collaboration time. Go beyond CoolMath and Accelerated Reader. The teachers that don't want any change? Let them retire or find another profession.

Try not to panic, 92% of teachers that are floundering with these all pervasive, complex, overwhelming classroom changes. Don't cry. You are not alone. Not really.
- Where can I find help? We're going to Chromebook. I'm a teacher with not much tech expertise.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
Understanding Google Certification
Chrome: Getting started
This is a quote from this page. DON'T YOU FEEL BADLY after reading it. If you are a teacher, such as myself, who has actually spent 24-7 planning and teaching and not sitting in your computer chair--this isn't that simple to you. So here is the smug quote:
It’s easy to get started with a Chrome device, whether you are an IT administrator, a teacher or a student. There’s no steep learning curve standing in the way of learning, teaching, and sharing, and the web-based management console makes it easy to administer a fleet of Chrome devices.

- I'm a Principal and my teaching staff has the deer-in-the-headlights-look when we talk about ed tech at staff meetings. Its just about an emergency. What to do?
Office of Education Technology
Why Teachers Hate Tech Training ... and What to Do About It
Training Teachers to Integrate Technology
I want to use ed tech in my class, but we are not getting the ed tech equipment. I teach Special Education, and also need time for training in ed tech.
Red flag here. By my informal observation, special education classes are not receiving current ed tech. In the past, special education classes customarily received out-dated textbooks, inadequate or inferior classrooms, no equipment or it was shoddy, and somehow funding earmarked special education did not make it to the student even when in an IEP. I'm not naming names, or stating it happened under my watch (it didn't because I'm kind of a watchdog about that.) I have recently been in a Special Education for the Severely Handicapped/Autism Classroom that very effectively used iPads with the students. I would be very interested to see how Chromebooks with the simplified writing opportunities work with this student community. Do Special Education students have a right to ed tech like the other students? How about the teachers?
This is a Special Education legal website. Don't tell anyone I sent you.
Technology and Assistive Teachnology
Chromebooks for Special Education and Assistive Technology
What does edtech look like in the special ed classroom?
Ed tech looks so exciting online. Why does seem so dull in a real classroom?
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News from Skype in the Classroom |
Exciting Ideas for the Implementation of Educational Technology in the Classroom
Learn the Ins and Outs of Google Classroom from an Expert
Cool Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom
Teaching Is Learning Ed Tech
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Teaching Is...Learning Ed Tech |
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Teaching Is...Learning Ed Tech II |
Is Teaching Good For Your Health? Yes and No.
Is teaching good for your health? Yes and no. Mostly no. Why? Too much to do, too little time, too little support. So, take care of yourself, Teach, and you can reap the good side of teaching.
Your lifestyle on teaching can create illness. Stress, sedentary classrooms, few bathroom breaks, ignoring healthy eating, limited sleep--you're writing a lesson plan for illness.
Germs! Germs! Go Away!
Taking Care of Teacher
Teaching is a full-on contact sport without time-outs. A teacher must deal with her/his personal life or the pushed-down emotions and thoughts will react. Although no one talks about it, going to counseling and getting help really works. Don't be too proud to get help.
Depression in Teachers Impacts Classroom Learning
Workplace Stress
What Motivates Teachers? Hours

American Teachers Spend More Time In The Classroom Than World Peers, Says Report
Job Insecurity
Without tenure, I doubt I would have managed to keep teaching long enough to retire from a public school district. Why? When teaching in a district with the most challenged demographic (high poverty, violence, ELLs and Special Education high counts) all educational stratas are stressed from security staff to superintendent meaning it takes very remarkable administrators to keep everything going peacefully--just among the staff. At times, I was privileged to work under such administrators.
My work was appreciated, other times, it was completed under difficult circumstances. As a Special Education teacher, we were expected to complete services for twice the legal caseload. One time, the Union rep at my school told me with great disappointment, that a Grade 5 teacher would be RIFd rather than me because I was Special Ed.
At times, the students and I had nowhere to test, and not much room to meet for IEPs. But I prefer to recall the outstanding professionals I learned from, when we worked together as a team, students and families were helped. Many of those team members were General Education, and many brilliant professionals from the Special Education field. That was good for me, but when there was tenuous support from admin, lack of collaboration from colleagues--only tenure kept me going, watching the calendar until I could retire and start something new.
Job Insecurity: The False Dilemma of Teacher Tenure
She's Not My Real Mother, But...
Friday, May 3, 2019
Educational Links 5/4/19
38 Prompts Merging Reflective Thinking With Bloom’s Taxonomy
Why The Obamas' Inclusion Of 'Crip Camp' In Their Netflix Film Lineup Means So Much
I Just Found Out My Child Has Sensory Processing Issues. Now What?
Integrating humanities education everywhere
Disruptive Behavior: Why It’s Often Misdiagnosed
Empower students to be future ready with these top 5 tools
16 Early Signs of Autism by 16 Months
How to spot if you work at a toxic school
No time to eat? Constantly undermined by colleagues? Spend your weekend working? Be warned, says Tom Rogers, your school is toxic
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Educational Links 5/3/19
Why the High-Achievers Have Moved to 'Shop' Class
Our 2019 Collection of Drawing and Sketching Apps for Teachers and Students
Ensuring That Teachers Don’t Run Out of Gas
A controversial design strategy is helping sixth graders do better in school
The Importance of Early Intervention
Here Is A Great Tool to Enhance Students Digital Literacy Skills
A Framework for Lesson Planning
Using learning intentions and success criteria can help teachers ensure that their activities align with what they want students to know.
Who Bathed Your Chubby Little Self?
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Educational Links 5/2/19
Lessons From Star Wars to Inspire Your Students
5 Ways Auditory Processing Disorder Can Affect Your Child’s Social Life
For Teachers of Children Living in Poverty, The End of the Year Brings Mixed Emotions
These High Schoolers Have A Passion For 'Poetry Out Loud'
Special Education Teachers: A Guide for Parents
How Anxiety Leads to Disruptive Behavior
classroom management, pe
Singing as a Tool to Facilitate Transitions
Transitions are, by their nature, challenging for young kids. Whether it’s a big change—making a new friend or changing grades—or something much smaller, like lining up at the end of recess, a transitional time inherently creates weak points.
Teaching Is Trying New Activities
Improve Learning with Hands-On Classroom Games, Activities
Engaging Classroom Games for All Grades
STEM/STEAM Lessons, Activities and Ideas
Greta's Game Station
10 simple activities to encourage physical
activity in the classroom
Classroom Activities
Activity Ideas for Middle School Students
Games We Can Play in Middle School
Kagan Professional Development
MzTeachuh's List of the Top Four Educational Websites

Edutopia helps teachers with learning theory as well as practical suggestions for the classroom. The site spotlights the best educators in the world blogging just for the individual teacher out in the field. Thorough diversity of resources covering all educational topics is updated daily while there is a well-curated, organized catalog of past posts. There is an honesty and clarity in this site, and if I could only have one online educational resource, I would choose Edutopia.

TeachThought is strong on learning theory and philosophy of teaching. Teacher motivation and collaboration are frequent topics on this site. There are some really beautiful graphic organizers, too, covering important topics for professional development.
MindShift is higher level thinking for educators. This site has provocative, invigorating educational topics as well as articles highlighting innovative educational practices in the real world. I particularly appreciate the topics in support of educational equity.
This site is clear, concise, and simplifies complex dynamics of learning and attention issues. It is invaluable as a tool to clarify how best to serve a student and explains procedures for Special Education interventions. is a tremendous benefit for teacher and parent. It is just a beautiful, thoughtful website.
Please get the RSS feed or email for MzTeachuh's daily Educational Links--these sites are just some of the resources I use for your update on what's happening this day in education.
Who Told You Stories and Sang You Songs?
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Grandmother Storyteller by Ada Suina, Cochiti New Mexico |
Mother's Day. May 12. Don't forget Granny.
Check out the pottery from New Mexico:
Pueblo Storytellers
This is a little ceramic piece I found at Furnace Springs, Death Valley, CAL. I wish I could hear what Grandma was singing.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
National Poetry Month: Poem #30
I’m Nobody! Who are you? (260)
I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
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