MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Understanding Child Development
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Understanding Child Development: 1. Child Development Tracker Use the Child Development Tracker to get insights on the stages of growth.
MzTeachuh: Is Your Classroom A Petri Dish For Illness?
MzTeachuh: Is Your Classroom A Petri Dish For Illness?: This schoolyear teachers, students, and families are faced with serious communicable health risks to every generation. The first prec...
The Sky Is Cheap Entertainment: Halloween Full Moon
Halloween ghost of the summer sun
Clair de Lune
Friday, October 30, 2015
Educational Links 10/31/15
Who Helps Kids With Dyslexia Gain Reading Fluency?
Identifying and Nourishing Gifted Students
Avoiding "Learned Helplessness"
What If Every High School Had A 'Justice Program' Instead Of A Cop?
Schools Seek to Diversify Gifted, Honors Classes
Top 10 Characteristics of Connected Educator
Learning Disabilities Awareness Month: Beyond the Dys in Dyslexia
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 10/30/15
Nothing But Autumn Arts and Crafts
Every Teacher Is A Reading Teacher
Teaching Is Creating A Living Classroom
dearest freshness deep down things
ePLNs For Teachers: Getting Connected
Tis the Season: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Silly Music For Halloween #4 hear the door slam...
Van Gogh's Autumn Trees
Many thanks to our international audience. It is a privilege to serve you. The retweets, reposts, stumblesupon, and shares are appreciated. USA, UK,, Russia, Canada, Germany, France, Ukraine, Slovakia, Ireland,Australia.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Educational Links 10/30/15
We Aren't Using Assessments Correctly
Test Scores Are Falling. Is The Sky?
For At-Risk Kids, Mentors Provide Far More Than Just Homework Help
Mindfulness at School Outside the Classroom
Mothers May Be Unwilling To Believe Their Children Are Obese
What Drone Technology Can Teach Students
How Early Can ADHD Be Diagnosed?
Children and Nature Infographic
Five-Minute Film Festival: The Best Cat Videos for Educators
Nature, My Garden and Me: A-Mulching We Will Go
Nature, My Garden and Me: A-Mulching We Will Go: I am a self-confessed sloppy gardener. But that seems to benefit my vibrant garden community, because their natural cycles of life ar...
Van Gogh's Autumn Trees
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Van Gogh, Autumn Landscape 1885 |
Autumn from Alexander Glazunov's The Seasons
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Educational Links 10/29/15
Using Digital Games for SEL Assessment and Skill Building
Innovation Often Means Teaching Against The Grain
Confirmed: Standardized testing has taken over our schools. But who’s to blame?
FBI, Justice Department Open Civil Rights Probe of S.C. Student Arrest; Officer Fired
Children Who Lose Autism Label Subject of New Research
The Power of Principals: Why They are so Important to Building Great Schools
Will STEM Education Be The Child Left Behind?
Be Well, Be Strong: Keep Moving To Keep Moving
Be Well, Be Strong: Keep Moving To Keep Moving: Gardening is a marvelous activity: refreshing, always changing, and you get flowers! Use it or lose it, right? So, if we plan to keep m...
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box #16
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box #16: These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make some...
Educational Links 10/28/15
Celebrating Your School's Cultural Diversity
Books-to-Games: Transforming Classic Novels Into Role Playing Adventures
Government Study Suggests Autism Overdiagnosed
8 Proven Ways to Help Close the Achievement Gap
Digital equity main theme of tech directors conference
How To Design A 21st Century Assessment
We’re Wrong [Reflecting on Spring Valley High]
Establishing Our Collaborative Work Norms
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box Letter # 4
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box Letter # 4: These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make some...
MzTeachuh: ePLNs for Teachers –Getting Connected
MzTeachuh: ePLNs for Teachers –Getting Connected: Teachers can find professional networking online. Educational sites afford convenience, privacy, and expertise in a v...
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Making A Kid Feel Uniquely Important T...
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Making A Kid Feel Uniquely Important T...: 1. How Can Teachers Foster Self-Esteem in Children? Teachers play an important role in nurturing a student's sense of dignity an...
Monday, October 26, 2015
Educational Links 10/27/15
How tech is taking the terror out of learning
Teen Engagement in Learning Starts With Respect
How Can Adults Support Student Success Without Stressing Them Out?
New research can help us all evoke our intelligence
Are Your Students Prisoners?
For ‘Sesame Street,’ Character On The Spectrum Years In The Making
How To Create Your Own Digital Rubik’s Cube
"Student Voices: A Study of Young Adults With Learning and Attention Issues"
8 Great Ways to Use Formative Assessment in Your Class
The Owl and the Moondance and the Sky
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Judy Moon, artist Barred Owl |
Halloween's full moon will be first since 1955
Van Morrison - Moondance
MzTeachuh: Tis the Season: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
MzTeachuh: Tis the Season: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow: "Ichabod pursued by the Headless Horseman ," by F. O. C. Darley, 1849. Although I appreciate television...
MzTeachuh: Halloween Edition: Lighten Up, Teach
MzTeachuh: Halloween Edition: Lighten Up, Teach: We know teachers are superheroes--why not dress like one? The kids could make a joke book. Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts fo...
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Having With It Ness
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Having With It Ness: 1. Teacher Withitness Teacher Withitness - Inside USC Rossier , the blog of USC Ro...
Silly Music For Halloween #5: ...I was working in my lab late one night...
lyrics, as all narrative poems, incompass a story; this one includes
several famous movie monsters. We've got Frankenstein and Dr.
Frankenstein (Mary Shelly's story from almost 200 years ago), zombies,
Wolfman, Dracula and Igor, Dr. Frankenstien's assistant (reference
'Young Frankenstein' by Mel Brooks.) You could actually do a plot
diagram, but a panel cartoon graphic might be more fun. The fact that
the Mashed Potatoes was actually a dance in the early '60s is really
very funny in itself, but teaching the class to do this dance will give
much needed relief from the stress of the Common Core-for teacher.
Monster Mash
I was working in the lab, late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my monster from his slab, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise
He did the mash, he did the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
He did the mash, it caught on in a flash
He did the mash, he did the monster mash
From my laboratory in the castle east
To the master bedroom where the vampires feast
The ghouls all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes
They did the mash, they did the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
They did the mash, it caught on in a flash
They did the mash, they did the monster mash
The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Wolfman,
Dracula, and his son
The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds
Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, 'The Crypt-Kicker Five'
They played the mash, they played the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
They played the mash, it caught on in a flash
They played the mash, they played the monster mash
Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
Opened the lid and shook his fist and said
"Whatever happened to my Transylvania Twist? "
It's now the mash, it's now the monster mash
The monster mash, it was graveyard smash
It's now the mash, it caught on in a flash
It's now the mash, it's now the monster mash
Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band
And my Monster Mash is the hit of the land
For you, the living, this mash was meant too
When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you
Then you can mash, then you can monster mash
The monster mash, and do my graveyard smash
Then you can mash, you'll catch on in a flash
Then you can mash, then you can monster mash
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my monster from his slab, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise
He did the mash, he did the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
He did the mash, it caught on in a flash
He did the mash, he did the monster mash
From my laboratory in the castle east
To the master bedroom where the vampires feast
The ghouls all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes
They did the mash, they did the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
They did the mash, it caught on in a flash
They did the mash, they did the monster mash
The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Wolfman,
Dracula, and his son
The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds
Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, 'The Crypt-Kicker Five'
They played the mash, they played the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
They played the mash, it caught on in a flash
They played the mash, they played the monster mash
Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
Opened the lid and shook his fist and said
"Whatever happened to my Transylvania Twist? "
It's now the mash, it's now the monster mash
The monster mash, it was graveyard smash
It's now the mash, it caught on in a flash
It's now the mash, it's now the monster mash
Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band
And my Monster Mash is the hit of the land
For you, the living, this mash was meant too
When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you
Then you can mash, then you can monster mash
The monster mash, and do my graveyard smash
Then you can mash, you'll catch on in a flash
Then you can mash, then you can monster mash
Monster Mash Up: Halloween In-Class Activity
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Educational Links 10/26/15
Judge says New York teacher tenure lawsuit can proceed
Kids Take Too Many Tests, Obama Administration Concedes
Typical Developmental Milestones for Grade-Schoolers
13 Strategies to Improve Student Classroom Discussions
How to Level the Playing Field
Developing Students’ Learning Philosophies
Why Most Professional Development Stinks--and How You Can Make It Better
Amazing List of Fun Math Games (Categorized) for Your School
Ed Tech and STEM Weekly Update 10/16/15
Apps to Support Diverse Learners in the Classroom
10 districts that have seen big blended learning success
Blended Learning
One Giant Leap Into 21st Century Science Standards
7 Ways To Drop The Mic In Math Class
The Best 5 News Apps for Teachers
Designing, Building and Iterating Alongside Engineering Professionals
Special Education Weekly Update 10/26/15
It's Fine For Districts to 'Say Dyslexia,' According to New Ed. Dept. Guidance
Special Ed Changes Likely in Final Months of Obama Admin
ADHD Understood: Science, Skillbuilding, Success
Understanding ADHD
Progress Monitoring of Kids with LD
Hyperactivity or Something Deeper? Childhood Trauma Misdiagnosed as ADHD
Toxic Influence: How a Chemical Industry Trade Group You've Never Heard of Threatens Your Health (and Your Children's!)
Does Your Child Need a Special Education Evaluation?
MzTeachuh: Silly Music For Halloween #4 hear the door ...
MzTeachuh: Silly Music For Halloween #4 hear the door ...: 5th Grade Kids Dance to Thriller This looks like so much fun, and good exercise, to...
dearest freshness deep down things
The world is charged with the grandeur of God.
It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;
It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil
Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod?
Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;
And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
And wears man's smudge and shares man's smell: the soil
Is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod.
And for all this, nature is never spent;
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the black West went
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs —
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.
MzTeachuh: Nothing But Autumn Arts and Crafts
MzTeachuh: Nothing But Autumn Arts and Crafts: This link is for the lower right project. Shaving Cream Painted Fall Leave...
MzTeachuh's Meditations: The Seed That Fell On Good Soil
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Van Gogh Sower at Sunset |
Time Lapse of Pea Shoot / Root Growth 8 New International Version (NIV)
The Parable of the Sower
4 While a large crowd was gathering and people were coming to Jesus from town after town, he told this parable: 5 “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up. 6 Some fell on rocky ground, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.”
When he said this, he called out, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”
9 His disciples asked him what this parable meant. 10 He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that,
“‘though seeing, they may not see;
though hearing, they may not understand.’[a]
though hearing, they may not understand.’[a]
11 “This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. 12 Those
along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and
takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and
be saved. 13 Those
on the rocky ground are the ones who receive the word with joy when
they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in
the time of testing they fall away. 14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. 15 But
the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who
hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.
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