MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
MzTeachuh: Best Articles for Educators 5/31/15
MzTeachuh: Best Articles for Educators 5/31/15: Teaching Strategies: Mindfulness in the Classroom 8 ways to ...
Best Articles for Educators 5/31/15
Teaching Strategies: Mindfulness in the Classroom
8 ways to redirect off-task behavior without stopping your lesson
What I Learned This Year About Managing Student Stress
The Best Ways to Use Google In the Classroom
Facing the New Realities of Special Education
6 Ways To Use Reading to Prevent the Summer Slide
Best Education Podcasts
Teach Empathy With Digital Immigration Stories
MzTeachuh: Yes, Claude, A Trip To The Beach Would Be Nice
MzTeachuh: Yes, Claude, A Trip To The Beach Would Be Nice: The Path at La Cavee, Pourville Monet Here's some Impressionist music to go with-- Claude Debussy - La Mer
Yes, Claude, A Trip To The Beach Would Be Nice
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The Path at La Cavee, Pourville Monet |
Claude Debussy - La Mer
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box: Letter #9
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box: Letter #9: These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make s...
Principal's Suggestion Box: Letter #9

These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make some adjustments. Principals have the best chance to do that.
Dear Principal,
Just thought I'd give you a progress report, and let you know I am so excited about the new schoolyear. The plans for teacher collaboration seem to be a reasonable amount of time, and very creative that some of the teams are based on areas of interest rather than only grade levels or teaching areas. Already, Mr. -- and Ms.-- and I have been emailing this summer for plans on the school garden. Mr.-- is so helpful, knows vegetables, and excited to be included on a GenEd team. He says his Special Ed. class will be very enthusiastic gardeners! Ms.-- is a Master Gardener in the community and is keeping us so organized. Mr.-- isn't on our team, but hopes to bring out his English class to the garden to sit write from time to time. Mrs. -- from the cafeteria staff. says she can use the veggies, and let the kids know what recipes they are going into. I've been able to get donations from Home Depot and Lowe's for equipment and supplies. Of course, I am also preparing for my incoming 9th grade math kids--I feel more invigorated with the garden being in the mix. So much math in gardening--even if we don't spent an inordinate amount of time there, the kids will love it. And we get to be outside once in awhile.
Thanks again for your innovation.
Teacher Enjoying A Break in the Monotony
School Garden Checklist
The Benefits of a School Garden
Nature Deficit Disorder
My suggestion: Principals, be flexible. Most of the staff time is preordained. No choice, really a huge, highly stressful sequence of tasks. Every day. If staff members have an idea that may relieve the monotony or tenseness--let them give it a shot. Poetry Reading Festival? Vincent van Gogh Chalk drawing on the quad? Sing Alongs at lunch? Learn a New Soccer (or Dance) Move before school? Prepare and give speeches at assemblies? A garden? Why not, if it isn't too expensive, it's safely administered, and sounds like a bit of fun. Let the staff and kids blow off a little steam. But the garden would be awesome.

Mr. Kashiwagi's garden at Jehue Middle School.
MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: The Sky Is Cheap Entertainment
MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: The Sky Is Cheap Entertainment: Perseid meteor shower. We lived in Hawaii at Hickam AFB for several years, and the list of advantages to that is long--but one that st...
Summer Activity: The Sky Is Cheap Entertainment
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Perseid meteor shower. |
We lived in Hawaii at Hickam AFB for several years, and the list of advantages to that is long--but one that stands out is the clarity of skyviewing. The Honolulu newspaper had a wonderful weekly section on astronomy, and what to look for in the nightsky. I was hooked. Now we can check out
EarthSky’s meteor shower guide for 2015
Watch the great race of Venus and Jupiter in June 2015
Best photos of Apollo 11 and first footsteps on moon

Buzz Aldrin becomes the second man on the moon, July 20, 1969.

MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/30/15
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/30/15: MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/30/15 : Teach Empathy With Digital Immigration Stories
Let's Read These Books This Summer
Book Review Newbery Award Winner: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Book Review: Song of the Swallows
White Fang by Jack London: Great Summer Read
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The She-Wolf leads the pack; One-Eye close behind. |
Lederstrumpf: Iconic American Fictional Hero
Read! Classic Adventure, Romance, Mystery
Book Review 'King of the Wind' Newbery Award
Let's Read! Current Trends in Little Kid Books
Books to Soothe Kids' Toxic Stress
Teachable Moment: Book Review: Martin's Big Words
Teaching Is Leading The Adventure To Middle Earth Tweets of the Morning 11/ 7/12
Rosy-fingered Dawn Ὀδύσσεια
Summer Bump Not Slump: Summer Reading
Summer Activity: Way Too Hot? Read These

'Call of the Wild,' from 1938 movie with Clark Gable

Friday, May 29, 2015
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/30/15
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 5/30/15: Teach Empathy With Digital Immigration Stories
Educational Links 5/30/15
Teach Empathy With Digital Immigration Stories
Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe in the Water
How to Create the Learning Community Vital to Project-Based Learning’s Success
Disorders, Truancy and Student Needs: A Complicated Mix - See more at:
Sleep Disorder, Truancy, and Student Needs: A Complicated Mix
Grant Wiggins, Champion Of Understanding
3 must-dos for caring for your mobile devices
Schools Accused Of Forcing Out Special Education Students
Reading Rockets: Research, Guides and Resources
4 Steps to a Useable and Used LMS
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Planning for the next school year together |
MzTeachuh's Classroom: Helpful Hints for When Teacher Is Overwhelmed
MzTeachuh's Classroom: Helpful Hints for When Teacher Is Overwhelmed: Time Saving Tips for Teachers Replacing Classroom Chaos with ...
MzTeachuh's Classroom: Principal's Suggestion Box Letter #5
MzTeachuh's Classroom: Principal's Suggestion Box Letter #5: These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make som...
MzTeachuh's Classroom: Helpful Educational Websites
MzTeachuh's Classroom: Helpful Educational Websites: Educators have resources online both infinite, and interesting . Here is a sampling. General Education Edutopia | K-12 Educatio...
MzTeachuh's Classroom: Recipe for Learning
MzTeachuh's Classroom: Recipe for Learning: Naturally Learning We could develop a tawte for this!
MzTeachuh's Classroom: The Excellent Effect of Music In All Classrooms
MzTeachuh's Classroom: The Excellent Effect of Music In All Classrooms: Can Music Education Enhance Brain Functioning and Academic Learning?
MzTeachuh's Classroom: How Does Your Classroom Grow?
MzTeachuh's Classroom: How Does Your Classroom Grow?: Eggshell Seed Starting Pots Growing plants in your class brings health and l...
MzTeachuh: All-American Music To Grill To
MzTeachuh: All-American Music To Grill To: This is mostly for Americans. And maybe you wish to grill in quiet--that's okay, too. Multi-generational fun. But for us in the S...
All-American Music To Grill To
This is mostly for Americans. And maybe you wish to grill in quiet--that's okay, too.
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Multi-generational fun. |
But for us in the States, these might be fun tunes.
1. Born in the U S A Bruce Springsteen
2. Ray Charles - "America, the Beautiful"
The History of Juneteenth
This includes some good ole America poetry with the music.
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Maybe this is Juneteenth. |
This includes some good ole America poetry with the music.
3. Ragged Old Flag * Johnny Cash * USA
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Johnny makes non-verbal comment. |
While we're on Johnny Cash and poetry, the lyrics began as a poem by Julia Ward Howe
4. Johnny Cash sings The Battle Hymn Of The Republic
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Friends can have a cook out, too. |
5. Simon & Garfunkel - American Tune
6. Bob Dylan "With God on our side"
7. Creedence Clearwater Revival - "Fortunate Son"
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Good field for football later, soccer, or baseball. |
Here's classical based on the Quaker tune, "Simple Gifts." Another poem.
- 'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free
- 'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
- And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
- 'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
- When true simplicity is gain'd,
- To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
- To turn, turn will be our delight,
- Till by turning, turning we come 'round right.[2]
Earliest American Bar B Que: Jamestown |
8. Aaron Copland - "Appalachian Spring"
9. God Bless The USA (Lee Greenwood)
Little known fact about Jimi Hendrix--he served in the U S Army as a paratrooper.
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Jimi in the 101st |
10. Jimi Hendrix - "The Star-Spangled Banner"
And just a little homage to my home state--
11. The Beach Boys California Girls
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Beautiful place for a picnic |
I've heard many folks say, who were from other nations on the continents of North and South America, that they, too, could claimed to be Americans.
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America the Multicultural. |
So, here is Celine, our Canadian friend, to sing God Bless America.
12. God Bless America - Celine Dion (With Lyrics & History)
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Don't forget the marshmallows and s'mores. |
Here's a Youtube link to all this music from my Youtube site:
All American Music To Grill To
MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: Go Outside!
MzTeachuh: Summer Activity: Go Outside!: Nerf baseball sounds good! Doctor's Orders: More Outside Time for Kids
Summer Activity: Go Outside!
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Nerf baseball sounds good! |
Doctor's Orders: More Outside Time for Kids
Connecting Kids and Nature: Working Towards 10 Million Kids Outdoors
50 Outdoor Summer Activities For Kids
7 Outside Activities for Kids This Summer
8 Garden Projects for Kids
Doctor’s Orders: More Outdoor Time For Kids
Outdoor Games
10 Water Play Activities for Children of All Ages
Super Fun Water Balloon Games!
Tips for Easy Picnics With Kids
TIPS FOR SKETCHING OUTDOORS : How to Draw Outside & Drawing Travel Sketches
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Asking the Right Question
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Asking the Right Question: 1. Socratic Questions 2. Plan Classroom Discussions at Least as C...
Teaching Is Asking the Right Question
2. Plan Classroom Discussions at Least as Carefully as Lectures
3. Leading Scintillating, Stimulating,
Substantive Class Discussions
4. 7 Ways to Use Questions and Manage Class Discussion
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This is what I think. |
5. Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom
6. Engaging Students Using Discussions
7. Talking to Think: Why Children Need Philosophical Discussion
MzTeachuh: Oh Yeah, Let's Read!
MzTeachuh: Oh Yeah, Let's Read!: 5 Essential Skills Needed for Reading Comprehension
Oh Yeah, Let's Read!
5 Essential Skills Needed for Reading Comprehension
Beginning around third or fourth grade, your child is expected to be able to read a passage of text, understand it and answer questions about it. Here are the five skills needed for reading comprehension.
And what a gift for parents and teacher to give a student--a privilege previously withheld by tyrants to control the oppressed, a pleasure customarily reserved for the wealthy, a task exercised by the class of scholars--now available for all. Let's read.
Reading Print Versus Digital Increases Comprehension: Study
perceptible, direct experience gives you a mental map of the entire
text. The brain has an easier task when you can touch as well as see.
The touch, the feel of paper.
Reading Tips for Parents
A child's success as a reader begins much earlier than the first day of school. Reading, and a love for reading, begins at home. Our one-page Parent Tips offer easy ways for parents to help kids become successful readers.
Taking time for reading weaves an everlasting bond of friendship and literacy in families.
Great Early Elementary Reads book list
The Reading List: Grades 5-8
Suggested Reading for High School (Grades 9–12)
The above are merely suggestions. So many choices, a lifetime of reading.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 5/29/15
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 5/29/15: Teachable Moment: Memorial Day The Arts Give You Smart...
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 5/29/15
The Arts Give You Smarts: STEM and STEAM
Teachable Moment: Regular Kids Who Were Heroes
Top Posts of the Week 6/22/15
....with only this short time....
Ed Tech and STEM Weekly Review
Educational Links 5/27/15
Educational Links 5/26/15
Much gratitude to our international audience. It is a privilege to serve you. USA, France, Germany, Canada, UK, Russia, Sweden, Hong Kong, India, Australia.
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Teachers Talking To Each Other
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Teachers Talking To Each Other: 1. How to make friends and influence people - a teacher's guide
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box Letter # 2
MzTeachuh: Principal's Suggestion Box Letter # 2: These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make some...
Principal's Suggestion Box Letter # 2
These letters are absolutely fictional (to protect the innocent and
not-so-innocent.) But, with the hint of truth, maybe we can make some
adjustments. Principals have the best chance to do that.
Dear Principal,
I have a suggestion for an end of the year resources exchange. As you know, I taught for several years out of state. In that time, I changed schools a few times, and classrooms and grade levels many times. This is the best idea I came across for keeping the classes tidy so when we changed locations teachers didn't have to tidy up the last tenant's mess.
A teacher's stuff exchange. As we pack up for the summer, set aside what we figure we won't need for next schoolyear into a 'Help Yourself' area in the staff lounge. Good stuff that would still be usable on a wall or bulletin board or display. Maybe books. Have a time limit for availability, then toss all of it.
I also have a suggestion for inspecting the classrooms. Principal Puh-leeze do not allow storage areas to never ever be cleared out! Except for the school that had that exchange practice, it was like an archeological dig to clean out storage, shelves and desks from my 'new' class. Really gross. Decades of junk and filth. Curriculum from the 60s often. Every time, every new school.
Except for one that had an administrator who used to be both military and in private business. She got right down to it with a white glove test. Oorah!
Remember, people don't do what you expect, they do what you inspect.
Thank you for your time,
Kind of new teacher
Organize a school campus clean-up day.
Dear Principal,
I have a suggestion for an end of the year resources exchange. As you know, I taught for several years out of state. In that time, I changed schools a few times, and classrooms and grade levels many times. This is the best idea I came across for keeping the classes tidy so when we changed locations teachers didn't have to tidy up the last tenant's mess.
A teacher's stuff exchange. As we pack up for the summer, set aside what we figure we won't need for next schoolyear into a 'Help Yourself' area in the staff lounge. Good stuff that would still be usable on a wall or bulletin board or display. Maybe books. Have a time limit for availability, then toss all of it.
I also have a suggestion for inspecting the classrooms. Principal Puh-leeze do not allow storage areas to never ever be cleared out! Except for the school that had that exchange practice, it was like an archeological dig to clean out storage, shelves and desks from my 'new' class. Really gross. Decades of junk and filth. Curriculum from the 60s often. Every time, every new school.
Except for one that had an administrator who used to be both military and in private business. She got right down to it with a white glove test. Oorah!
Remember, people don't do what you expect, they do what you inspect.
Thank you for your time,
Kind of new teacher
Organize a school campus clean-up day.
Annual Classroom Clean Out
Decluttering Starts Now!
Purging Before Packing {Ending The School Year Series: Post 1}
My suggestion: Even though I am kind of a pack rat, too, (you never know what you may be able to use) weeding out the useless is necessary at school. We are sharing space. The part about cleaning in a 'new' classroom is true. Too often outdated curriculum even from the sixties. Like a time warp. Unbelievable. Makes you appreciate a computer that has been cleared of previous data. Principals and other administrators can easily create a safer, cleaner, dare I say, tidier environment by inspecting for it. And proper use of school space. Once a beautiful computer lab was turned into storage for outdated curriculum. Boxes of it. Don't know why. Principal, please!
Teaching Is Teachers Talking To Each Other
1. How to make friends and influence people - a teacher's guide
2. 5 Tips for Bonding with New Teaching Colleagues
3. 25 Ways Teachers Can Connect More With Their Colleagues
4. Good teachers make colleagues better
5. Check out the comments
How much do your colleagues influence your teaching?
6. 101 Ways to Cope with Teaching Stress
Getting the Support You Need
Numbers 51 through 60.
7. How Can Teachers Be Stressed?
It's a little stressful to take this test.
8. Teacher Stress Test
MzTeachuh: ePLNs for Teachers –Getting Connected
MzTeachuh: ePLNs for Teachers –Getting Connected: Teachers can find professional networking online. Educational sites afford convenience, privacy, and expertise in a variety of ...
ePLNs for Teachers –Getting Connected

educational topics discussed by experts and educators in a timely, thorough
manner. For example, the latest input on
educational technology use in the class, special education innovations, and school-wide
interventions such as social and emotional interventions are hot topics currently
inspiring teachers in their professional pursuits.
and privacy comes with networking online. Professional development is
generally limited to scheduled on-campus staff or team meetings , conferences,
or District trainings. A teacher may have a question or comment on a topic with
no opportunity during these gatherings, or the teacher feels the question or
comment is too basic or too sophisticated for the discussion. Educational sites
can provide a responsive venue through articles, group discussions, webcasts,
videos or a search by a teacher using key words at the teacher’s convenience.
to investigate new teaching areas and/or extend teaching expertise abound through
sites that are specific to educational technology, special education, or
improved teaching methods. A teacher may want more information about learning
disabilities, for personal or professional reasons, and find helpful
information and professionals online. Maybe
a video demonstrating a specific lesson would be very helpful. There is an abundance
of sites to enhance a teacher’s knowledge and methods.
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This is an attractive, vast website that is has numerous educational topics:
experts and educators writing articles, groups to join, videos , classroom
guides. Edutopia
is a great support for teachers.
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Edudemic is a clear, concise, and
thorough guide to educational technology, blended and flipped learning, and
educational innovation using technology. There are many guidelines on a wide
variety of topics that a teacher may not even have enough background in ed tech
to ask about. For a teacher wishing to deepen knowledge of ed tech, or a
beginner hoping to catch up--Edudemic is very effective.
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