Saturday, March 5, 2016

Educational Links 3/6/16

Teachers Are... 

Free Nonfiction Reading Lessons K-2 Interactive Activities and Teaching Guides 

Why the Common Core Will Be Declared a Failure 

Understanding Attention Deficit: The New ADHD 

An individualized approach to training special ed teachers 

Oakland District at Heart of Drive to Transform Urban Schools 

Google Science Fair Open Now Until May 17th 

Raising Compassionate Kids 

The Biggest Hole in STEM Pipeline Starts Before Kindergarten 

It’s a well-established problem that too few blacks and Hispanics, and too few women of all colors, pursue degrees and careers in the sciences. And much research has gone into why minority students aren’t taking as many science classes in high school, and later in college, as their white counterparts do. Wonks call it the “leaky STEM pipeline,” referring to all the students who leave science, technology, engineering and math as they progress through their educational careers.
But a new study indicates that the STEM pipeline might have a giant hole in it far earlier than many of us ever thought: before kindergarten.



Two Irish Mums Won the Nobel Peace Prize

The Peace People Rally, Ireland, Betty Williams and  Maireed Corrigan 

'The Troubles' in Ireland are well know, conflict between two demographics (Catholic and Protestant) that share the same religous root: Christianity. Its been going on since Cromwell. But a lesser known fact is that two Irish mums won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for beginning a Peace Movement in Northern Ireland to combat the carnage.

To quote the Nobel Committee in 1976: We admire Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan for tackling so fearlessly the perilous task of leading the way into no-man's land, in the cause of peace and reconciliation.

Mairead (Corrigan) Maguire

'Gandhi taught that nonviolence does not mean passivity. No. It is the most daring, creative, and courageous way of living, and it is the only hope for our world. Nonviolence is an active way of life which always rejects violence and killing, and instead applies the force of love and truth as a means to transform conflict and the root causes of conflict. Nonviolence demands creativity. It pursues dialogue, seeks reconciliation, listens to the truth in our opponents, rejects militarism, and allows God's spirit to transform us socially and politically. '

 Maireed Corrigan Maquire 

Betty Williams 

"That first week will always be remembered of course for something else besides the birth of the Peace People. For those most closely involved, the most powerful memory of that week was the death of a young republican and the deaths of three children struck by the dead man's car. A deep sense of frustration at the mindless stupidity of the continuing violence was already evident before the tragic events of that sunny afternoon of August 10, 1976. But the deaths of those four young people in one terrible moment of violence caused that frustration to explode, and create the possibility of a real peace movement...As far as we are concerned, every single death in the last eight years, and every death in every war that was ever fought represents life needlessly wasted, a mother's labour spurned."

Betty Williams

Friday, March 4, 2016

Educational Links 3/5/16

15 Questions To Help Students Respond To New Ideas 

Matching Edtech Products With Neurological Learning Goals 

5 More Facts About the White House and Michelle Obama's Free ‘Open eBooks’ App 

Personalized Learning Isn't About Isolation 

[Infographic] How Personality Differences Affect Learning 

Enriching Early Childhood Experiences by Integrating the Arts 

Arts-integrated teaching taps into children’s innate desire for active learning through the senses. By singing, dancing, imagining, and connecting their bodies and minds, children learn more deeply and meaningfully, including and especially in math and science. The arts, in other words, are proven tools to fuel children’s critical thinking skills as they become invested in, and excited about, learning.

Arvind Manocha

Irish STEM and Other Surprises for St. Patrick's Day

 'When most people think of Ireland’s cultural heritage
 they think of things like ‘The Island of Saints and Scholars’, 
The Book of Kells, our great writers,
Irish music, and so on. Ireland has little by way of a scientific 
heritage – right? Wrong.' So begins a great article by William 
Reville, University College, Cork. 


Robert Boyle 

Lots happening in Ireland to inspire the use of good Irish minds in 

STEM, not just poetry, 

ballades and folklore.


Science & Technology 

Irish teens win Google science fair with bacteria-enhanced 
plant growth

Irish 16-year-olds Ciara Judge, Sophie Healy-Thow 

and Emer Hickey

Dublin Science Festival - 'The Festival of Curiosity' 

 What attracts big tech companies to Ireland? Hint: 

It’s not just low taxes



I am not at all surprised by discovering brilliant Irish women and men both in 

STEM areas. 

I had years of Catholic school and they were the best math teachers I ever had, Sister Gertrude, 

Sisters of Mercy, in particular.

William Rowan Hamilton 



Lucy Everest Boole (1862-1905)



Irish politics is no surprise. I don't condone violence, Jesus said He 

'came to save mens' lives not 

destroy them.' Luke 9:46.

That being said, here is a St. Patrick's Day surprise I had this week 

while researching.

I remember the news report of Bobby Sands back in the 80s. But I hadn't watched the biographical

 movie 'Hunger' 2008 directed by Steve McQueen 

(12 Years A Slave, Oscar winner) which I did.  It is not for the feint hearted. Actor Michael 

Fassbender lost 40 pounds to portray the hunger strike in 

Maze Prison. It is critically acclaimed. Earns the R rating.

Hunger (2008 film) 

What I didn't know was that Bobby Sands was also a poet and author, and elected to Parliament 

while on the hunger strike. Nelson Mandela references

 him as an inspiration.

Bobby Sands

Bobby Sands--Writings from Prison

Poems of Bobbly Sands

 Prison Diary 

Peace Activists Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan in 1976
In 1976, two Irish mums won the Nobel Peace Prize 
for organizing a peace movement in the middle of 
 'TheTroubles' in Northern Ireland.

 Nobel Laureate Betty Williams reflects on a 

lifetime of work for 

peace and children’s rights

Another St. Paddy's Day surprise for some of you--Rock N Roll's darlings, U2 and their mighty

 hit about 'The Troubles.' 


U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Educational Links 3/4/16


Letting Students Lead the Learning 

Cultivating Food and Life Lessons 

 The Writing Recipe: Essay Structure for ELLs 

5 Things We Can do to Prepare Students to Work Independently 

How Meds Affect Personality 

Note-Taking Is Becoming a Lost Art, So I Decided to Do Something About It 

How Could the Presidential Transition Affect ESSA Implementation? 

 The law doesn't go fully into effect until the 2017-18 school year, which means that Congress may have wanted the next president to have some say in implementation, according to Diane Stark Rentner, the deputy director of the Center on Education Policy. 

Women's History-Is There Much?





Farrah Fawcett 

Abigail Adams 


Rosie the Riveter 

The Bronte Sisters 

Marian Anderson 

India's Mother भारत मा 

'I Paint Flowers So They Won't Die.' So said Frida 

Music for Women's History: You Don't Own Me 

Women's History Month: Women Scientists--Here are Some Great Posters 


 Condoleeza Rice

 This is an excellent website for all things mighty girl.

Teaching Is Understanding Child Development

1. Child Development Tracker

Use the Child Development Tracker to get insights on the stages of growth.

2. Child Development

 3. T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. 

4. Middle Childhood Development 

5. Developmental Issues With Pre-Adolescents 

6. Adolescent Stages of Development 

7.  Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development 

I like Piaget and his beret.

MzTeachuh's Classroom: Indoor Classroom Activities for Winter

MzTeachuh's Classroom: Indoor Classroom Activities for Winter: Lesson Plans for January January Units, Lesson Plans & Activit...

Irish Prayers and Blessings

I understand this sentiment, but I wouldn't ever pray it.

This is my favorite!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Educational Links 3/3/16

Seating Arrangements with Work Stations 

Why The Teacher’s Pet Resembles The Teacher 

[Tips for Teachers] Best Practices for Digital Citizenship 

Making Independent Reading Work 

Experts Say Measuring Non-Cognitive Skills Won’t Work, But Districts Still Try 

What Happens When Students Are Exceptional At Nothing? 

 By definition, most people are average at most things. We’d like to all think our children are exceptional, but if everyone is exceptional, no one is exceptional. In most ways on most days, you and I are just like everybody else. We are both are probably average teachers, average drivers, average cooks, and average parents.

Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts for St. Patrick's Day

We're all Irish on St. Patrick's Day--and since the Irish diaspora was over  600 years long, and the Irish lived long and prospered wherever there was a Catholic church worldwide--it's probably true we're all Irish. Geneticists say that Genghis Khan was the foremost contributor to Y chromosomes worldwide, followed by O' Neill of the Nine Hostages (Irish).
My grandmother was completely Irish, her mother immigrating from the Old Sod, so I have been successfully indoctrinated about the Isle of Saints and Scholars. Trust me, no demeaning stereotypical jokes about the Irish in my growing up. Sister Francis Eileen, O.P., was the principal of St. Louis Bertrand's School in Oakland, California, and her lilting Irish brogue came over the P.A. system every morning. She was cool, all the nuns I had were cool; I never had a negative experience in parochial school. Many were from Ireland, many were Irish Americans like my sainted grandmother. And I was in that school both when John F. Kennedy ran for president, was elected, and was assassinated. Powerful stuff.

I am so thankful I didn't have to unlearn prejudice and bias--my Oakland elementary school was perfect. The only almost-bias I had to unlearn was that not everyone was from my church.

I was stunned when I heard my first negative joke about the Irish. Didn't they realize we saved western civilization?

The Isle of Saints and Scholars-to be sure

And I didn't even say, "Pog Mo Thoin." Which shows a lot of maturity and restraint.

Ethnic jokes and teasing are a form of bullying--so kids and adults really need to knock it off. Are we that desperate to feel superior? The quiet kid in the back of the room won't be able to stand up for herself in the midst of  biased-based laughter. Bullying includes those jokes about physical appearance, churches, where you're from, and let's throw in sports teams since kids are so sensitive about them. Kids should have the right to be in school without bullying or humiliation of any type. Grown-ups, too.

 So, anyway, here are the jokes. (That's pretty Irish of me:  stick up for the underdog and then tell jokes.)

Green, and Garfield provides the orange

How did the leprechaun get to the moon?

In a shamrocket.

Why is Ireland like a bottle of wine?

Because it has a Cork in it.

What would you get if you crossed a leprechaun with a Texan?

A pot of chili at the end of the rainbow.

No relation to Bono. Or the Edge.
What kind of music does a leprechaun band play?
                                      Shamrock and roll.

What do you call a leprechaun's vacation home in Fort Lauderdale?

A lepre-condo.

 Love Irish music. O'Sullivan's March, The Chieftans.
My gggrandmother (later immigrated to Kansas)  was a Sullivan leaving from Cork in 1844, and who survived a coffin ship to Grosse Isle Quebec.

Top o the mornin' to ya, from Betty O'Boop

Teachable Moment: How the Irish Saved Western Civilization

Finnian of Clonard imparting his blessing to the "Twelve Apostles of Ireland"
 1. Who Saved Civilization? The Irish, That's Who! 

2. Hearts And Minds Aflame For Christ: Irish Monks—A Model For Making All Things New in the 21st Century 
3. It Takes a Monk to Save a Civilization 

4. Europe and the Irish Monks 

5.  St. Columbanus, Missionary to Europe

St. Brendan, from German manuscript

6. St. Brendan: Did An Irish Monk Come To America Before Columbus?

6a. Did the Irish Discover America?

7. Irish Monastic Schools 

Plus, who else but a remarkable group of people could keep a wonderful sense of humor while painstakingly copying scripts for years and years? Meet Pangur Bán, the Irish cat.

Two Translations of a Poem from the Old Irish

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Educational Links 3/2/16

Reading Aloud 

Encouraging Your Child to Read

The Truth About Learning Disabilities: Myths, Signs, Solutions 

Will the Push for Coding Lead to ‘Technical Ghettos’?;postID=8430675071298060057;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=0;src=link 

Home reading environment is crucial for children's reading skills 

States to 'Go Open' with online educational materials 

The Concentration of Poverty in American Schools 

In almost all major American cities, most African American and Hispanic students attend public schools where a majority of their classmates qualify as poor or low-income, a new analysis of federal data shows.