MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is...Classroom Management
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is...Classroom Management: Top Five Classroom Management Strategies – They Really Work
Teaching Is...Classroom Management
Top Five Classroom Management Strategies – They Really Work
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
Does your classroom management need a tune-up? _Kuv52gTQKqvfW6jABoCS7Xw_wcB
The Barbed Wire Model of Classroom Management
How To: Handle Common Classroom Problem Behaviors Using a Behavior Management Menu
What's the Secret to Effective Classroom Management?
MzTeachuh: Teacher Resolution #3
MzTeachuh: Teacher Resolution #3: I solemnly resolve... #3. I resolve to not let the kids drive me completely nuts. Seventh grade teachers, I feel your pain. But let...
Teacher Resolution #3
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I solemnly resolve... |
Seventh grade teachers, I feel your pain. But let's be realistic.
How about:
I won't let the students bait me as much.
How 'interesting' your students are vary from year to year, grade to grade, and there are plenty of other factors. But how to respond to your 'interesting students' is in your domain of influence. Keeping a consistent, regulated classroom management system every second of classtime will stabilize the experience of the students and yourself. This isn't easy, but when Teacher realizes the efficacy of relying on a good classroom management system, it becomes a pleasure--no, that's too strong--a relief. Include the parents, for sure, with reports of success and rascality. Be efficient with reports to the Discipline Office--only after other options are truly exhausted unless it is a safety issue or some other extreme situation. Be fair, be thorough, be relentless in your pursuit of every student's success. You'll be the teacher that very 'interesting' student thanks when he/she is a successful stand up comic.
Top Ten Classroom Management Ideas and Resources
25 Sure-Fire Strategies for Handling Difficult Students
How to Handle Discipline Problems with Effective Classroom Management
Using Detention Wisely
Don’t Just Sit There: Use Detention Wisely
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This is not my school--but it could have been! Don't think we're ever going back to this classroom management, as far as I know. |
MzTeachuh: Educational Videos for Teachers (Theory and Practi...
MzTeachuh: Educational Videos for Teachers (Theory and Practi...: Teaching Channel: Getting Better Together https://www.teachin...
Educational Videos for Teachers (Theory and Practice)

Teaching Channel: Getting Better Together
Edudemic: 5 Powerful Videos That’ll Help You Understand Global Education
Edutopia: Videos on Everything Teaching
TeachThought: Videos for Class Videos for Special Education parents and teachers
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Video: You Are Not Alone |
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment : Selma
MzTeachuh: Teachable Moment : Selma: A chronicle of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alaba...
Teachable Moment : Selma
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A chronicle of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. |
To be released January 9, 2015.
Selma (film)
Selma Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Oprah Winfrey, Cuba Gooding Jr. Movie HD
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 1/3/15
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 1/3/15: Why Emotional Learning May Be As Important As The ABCs
Educational Links 1/3/15
Why Emotional Learning May Be As Important As The ABCs
How to Turn Computer Games into Lesson Plans
Stuck, Stubborn and Always Right? Changing Patterns of Rigid Thinking
The Missing Link Between Standards and Instruction
Learning Theories: Three Levels Of Information Processing
Resolutions and Goals for Kids with Isms
Neglecting Neuroscience Has Criminal Consequences for Youth
3 Steps to Make 2015 Epic
Neuroscience Has Criminal Consequences for Youth - See more at:
Neuroscience Has Criminal Consequences for Youth - See more at:
Neuroscience Has Criminal Consequences for Youth - See more at:
Friday, January 2, 2015
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 1/2/15
MzTeachuh: Educational Links 1/2/15: New Things to Try in 2015
Educational Links 1/2/15
New Things to Try in 2015
The Globalization Of Attention Deficit Disorder
Appreciating Slang’s Creative Contributions to Language
An easy way to build individual relationships with students
Post-Reading Teaching Strategies
The Pygmalion Effect: Communicating High Expectations
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 1/2/15
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 1/2/15: Principal's Suggestion Box Letter #5 Cheesy Foot...
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of the Week 1/2/15
Principal's Suggestion Box Letter #5
Cheesy Football Jokes And A Pep Talk From Bill Walsh
Teaching Is Reflective
Are You Your School's Grumpy Cat?
Helpful Hints for When Teacher Is Overwhelmed
Teaching Is Making A Kid Feel Uniquely Important
Educational Links 12/30/14
ePLNs for Teachers –Getting Connected
Principal's Suggestion Box Letter # 3
But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep
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Stopping by the Woods, Janet Johnson |
MzTeachuh: Teacher Resolution #2
MzTeachuh: Teacher Resolution #2: I solemnly resolve... #2. I will keep up with all the paperwork, all the time. Quite a goal. But how realistic is it? How about t...
Teacher Resolution #2
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I solemnly resolve... |
Quite a goal. But how realistic is it?
How about this:
I will keep up with mandatory paperwork in a timely manner, and not create unnecessary paperwork for myself.
There are plenty of deadlines for all teachers that are universal: grades, behavior reports, cum files' stuff. But sometimes in our enthusiasm we create lots of paperwork related activities that don't really need our personal touch but as teachers we may not want to let go of the control. Our time is our most precious resource and if we can expedite the necessary paperwork through better organization, we should also let go of time-consuming, and possibly unnecessary, teacher grading/commenting interactions on everything.
Overwhelmed with Grading Papers? Try These Time-Saving Tricks
Grading Made Simple
Classroom Management: Top 12 Ways to Tackle Teacher Paperwork
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Teachers Talking To Each Other
MzTeachuh: Teaching Is Teachers Talking To Each Other: How to make friends and influence people - a teacher's guide
Teaching Is Teachers Talking To Each Other
How to make friends and influence people - a teacher's guide
5 Tips for Bonding with New Teaching Colleagues
25 Ways Teachers Can Connect More With Their Colleagues
Good teachers make colleagues better
Check out the comments
How much do your colleagues influence your teaching?
101 Ways to Cope with Teaching Stress
Getting the Support You Need
Numbers 51 through 60.
How Can Teachers Be Stressed?
It's a little stressful to take this test.
Teacher Stress Test
MzTeachuh: I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A...California ...
MzTeachuh: I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A...California ...: Just call it SnowCal. California Dreamin' All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey I've been for a walk on a winters` ...
I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A...California dreamin`
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Just call it SnowCal. |
California Dreamin'
All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey
I've been for a walk on a winters` day
I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A.
California dreamin` on such a winters` day
I've been for a walk on a winters` day
I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A.
California dreamin` on such a winters` day
Stepped into a church I passed along the way
Well, I got down on my knees and I began to pray
You know the preacher likes the cold he knows I'm gonna stay
California dreaming on such a winters` day
Well, I got down on my knees and I began to pray
You know the preacher likes the cold he knows I'm gonna stay
California dreaming on such a winters` day
All the leaves a brown and the sky is grey
I've been for a walk on a winters` day
If I didn't tell her I could leave today
California dreamin` on such a winters day
On such a winters day, on such a winters day
I've been for a walk on a winters` day
If I didn't tell her I could leave today
California dreamin` on such a winters day
On such a winters day, on such a winters day
California Dreaming - The Mamas and The Papas;_ylt=A0LEVvzsPqZUaVQAztUPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--?p=youtube+all+the+leaves+are+brown+and+the+skies+are+grey&tnr=21&vid=D2AC5480218A11966846D2AC5480218A11966846&l=171&
Thursday, January 1, 2015
MzTeachuh: STEM Activities in Your Classroom
MzTeachuh: STEM Activities in Your Classroom: All five visible planets can be seen in January! Venus and Mercury up briefly after sunset. Mars in early evening. Jupiter from mid-ev...
STEM Activities in Your Classroom
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All five visible planets can be seen in January! Venus and Mercury up briefly after sunset. Mars in early evening. Jupiter from mid-evening until dawn. Saturn before dawn. |
January 2015 guide to the five visible planets
Classroom Activities (Science)
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Engineers in the Classroom
20 Ways Teachers Are Using Legos in the Classroom
Classroom Math Games That Will Have Your Students Begging For More!!
8 Ordinary Things That Look Insanely Cool Under a Microscope
Please, please, teacher, let us do something cool we can post on Instagram!
MzTeachuh: Best Educational Websites for 2015
MzTeachuh: Best Educational Websites for 2015: Brand new website--elegant, efficient--never anything like it before. Great for parents and educators all. This site is so innovative, it...
Best Educational Websites for 2015
About Understood
From this site:
Parents want the best for their children. We do, too. For the first time ever, 15 nonprofit organizations have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey.With the right support, parents can help children unlock their strengths and reach their full potential. With state-of-the-art technology, personalized resources, free daily access to experts, a secure online community, practical tips and more, Understood aims to be that support.
From this Site:
Launched in 2010 by KQED and NPR, MindShift explores the future of learning in all its dimensions, covering cultural and technology trends, innovations in education, groundbreaking research, education policy, and more.
Teaching Channel
From this site:
Teaching Channel is a thriving online community where teachers can watch, share, and learn diverse techniques to help every student grow.
Free Technology for Teachers
From this site:
Our Vision
Our vision is of a new world of learning, a place where students and parents, teachers and administrators, policy makers and the people they serve are all empowered to change education for the better; a place where schools provide rigorous project-based learning, social-emotional learning, and access to new technology; a place where innovation is the rule, not the exception; a place where students become lifelong learners and develop 21st-century skills, especially three fundamental skills:- how to find information;
- how to assess the quality of information;
- how to creatively and effectively use information to accomplish a goal.
From this site:
Edudemic was created in 2010 and has since grown into one
of the most popular destinations to cover teaching, learning, and how
technology positively shapes our education.
We publish these types of stories:
Research and evidence-driven strategies for professional and self-improvement
Expert guides and how-tos for the newest education apps
News re-caps of the most important updates for each week
Compilations of the most useful edtech tools and tips
Reviews of valuable and innovative products for educators
Special features such as college reports
Edudemic’s new mission (2014-beyond)
In 2014 Edudemic re-focused its efforts and took on a new mission:
Create awesome students.
With this change, our core audience includes educators, administrators, teachers, parents, and now students.
Teach Thought
From the site:
TeachThought, LLC is a progressive learning brand dedicated to supporting educators in evolving learning for a 21st century audience.
Most visibly, this starts with thought leadership and practical solutions for K-20 teachers via the TeachThought blog. It then extends to our design of learning models, curricula, technology, apps, and other learning tools to experiment with a combination of utopic opining and data-driven and research-supported thinking.
TeachThought is primarily interested in exploring new learning models, including blended learning, project-based learning, self-directed learning, and the role of play in learning while also supporting existing K-20 educators as they seek to improve their own craft in practice today. So, a balance of reality and possibility.
Well, these should get you started!
MzTeachuh: But I have promises to keep, And miles to go befor...
MzTeachuh: But I have promises to keep, And miles to go befor...: Stopping by the Woods, Janet Johnson Stopping...
But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep
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Stopping by the Woods, Janet Johnson |
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of 2014
MzTeachuh: MzTeachuh's Top Posts of 2014: MLK Quotes: #2 STEM Valentines
MzTeachuh's Top Posts of 2014
MLK Quotes: #2
STEM Valentines
Who Doted on You?
Women's History Month: Women Scientists--Here are Some Great Posters
Winter Nature Activities Outside
Helpful Hints for When Teacher Is Overwhelmed
Teachable Moment: Kids' Indoor Herb Garden and Recipes
Summer Activity: Keeping Butterflies, Bees and Hummingbirds Happy
Autumn Activity: Planting It Forward
When GenEd and SpecEd Collaboration Really Works: Differentiating Instruction
Don't Like Poetry? Betcha Do
Principal's Suggestion Box Letter #5
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March on Selma |
Music of the Civil Rights Movement
Teachable Moment: MLK Day and Civil Rights Movement Resources
Ed Tech and STEM Tweets of the Day 1/9/14
Teaching Is Having Fun Learning
Writing Prompts to Sooth Kids' Toxic Stress
King Tut, Tut
And, of course, all my MzTeachuh's Cheesy Jokes and Serious Thoughts posts.
Aww Garsh--Loves Songs for Valentine's Day # 17
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Fred and Ginger |
How much fun and what a privilege to contribute to the educational world online! Learning theory, ed tech and STEM, special education, teaching methods, music and fine arts. Humor. Special activities. What an opportunity for such a teacher as myself. Thank you so much. Each of these posts got from several hundred to a few thousand pageviews this year. Enjoy.
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