MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
MzTeachuh: Groovin' on a Sunday Afternoon
MzTeachuh: Groovin' on a Sunday Afternoon: Panda, San Diego Zoo, photo by Melanie Taylor The Young Rascals-Groovin' On A Sunday Afternoon
Groovin' on a Sunday Afternoon
Panda, San Diego Zoo, photo by Melanie Taylor |
The Young Rascals-Groovin' On A Sunday Afternoon
MzTeachuh: Reading for Kids and Other Education Essentials Tw...
MzTeachuh: Reading for Kids and Other Education Essentials Tw...: Who dunnit? Who foundit? 1. Summer Themes Detectives and Explorers
Reading for Kids and Other Education Essentials Tweets of the Day 7/21/12
Who dunnit? Who foundit?
1. Summer Themes Detectives and Explorers
Check it out.
2. Books by Theme Young Detectives

3. 4 S’s to Show Kindness
"1. See needs of people all around us—physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. That means you and I need to stop and look. Be observant.2. Sympathize with people’s pain and struggles. We’ve got to identify and empathize with them, feel what they feel.
3. Seize the moment. Do what we can, when we can. Don’t wait. It’s okay that you’re interrupted. It’s okay that it’s inconvenient.
4. Spend lavishly to meet the need. We should give our time, talent, and treasure to others without expecting anything in return." Worth quoting from Mark Merrill.
Is this suppose to surprise someone?
4. A Teacher Leader Excels Beyond the Education Sphere
I thought they were going to say that chalkboard.
5. 10 Things in School That Should Be Obsolete
MzTeachuh: Hello lamppost, what'cha knowing?
MzTeachuh: Hello lamppost, what'cha knowing?: Not 59th Street Bridge--Victoria, Vancouver Island Canada. Best lampposts and flowers I could find. Beautiful spot. I have been debatin...
Hello lamppost, what'cha knowing?
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Not 59th Street Bridge--Victoria, Vancouver Island Canada. Best lampposts and flowers I could find. Beautiful spot. |
I have been debating if Simon and Garfunkel are Rock Poets or folk singers. Will decide soon. Truth, though, we all must strive to keep feelin' groovy.
Paul Simon surely wrote profound poetry to lovely melodies.
I'm leaning toward nominating him the Best Rock Poet.
The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)
Simon & Garfunkel - The 59th Street Bridge Song (1967 Color clip) (Feelin' Groovy) (and with Tom and Dickie Smothers!)
I must say, though, I feel much more groovy when I'm keeping promises.
The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)
Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin' groovy.
Ba da, Ba da, Ba da, Ba da...Feelin' Groovy.
Hello lamp-post,
What cha knowin'?
I've come to watch your flowers growin'.
Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?
Doot-in' doo-doo,
Feelin' groovy.
I've got no deeds to do,
No promises to keep.
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Let the morning time drop all it's petals on me.
Life, I love you,
All is groovy.
MzTeachuh: Stairway to Other Worlds
MzTeachuh: Stairway to Other Worlds: And it keeps on going. Take the first stair step with your kid.
Friday, July 20, 2012
MzTeachuh: You Ain't Nothin' But A Houndog--Is That A Bad Thi...
MzTeachuh: You Ain't Nothin' But A Houndog--Is That A Bad Thi...: Don't have to make it so personal. Elvis Presley Hound Dog I especially like the hound at :57. I forget that Elvis had a good lit...
You Ain't Nothin' But A Houndog--Is That A Bad Thing?
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Don't have to make it so personal. |
Elvis Presley Hound Dog I especially like the hound at :57. I forget that Elvis had a good little backup band.
MzTeachuh: Two Poems for Ramadan
MzTeachuh: Two Poems for Ramadan: Prayer Rug Thank you Poetry Foundation. Prayer Rug By Agha Shahid Ali ...
Two Poems for Ramadan
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Prayer Rug |
Thank you Poetry Foundation.
Prayer Rug
Those intervals
between the day’s
five calls to prayer
the women of the house
pulling thick threads
through vegetables
rosaries of ginger
of rustling peppers
in autumn drying for winter
in those intervals this rug
part of Grandma’s dowry
so the Devil’s shadow
would not desecrate
Mecca scarlet-woven
with minarets of gold
but then the sunset
call to prayer
the servants
their straw mats unrolled
praying or in the garden
in summer on grass
the children wanting
the prayers to end
the women’s foreheads
touching Abraham’s
silk stone of sacrifice
black stone descended
from Heaven
the pilgrims in white circling it
this year my grandmother
also a pilgrim
in Mecca she weeps
as the stone is unveiled
she weeps holding on
to the pillars
(for Begum Zafar Ali)
Different Ways to Pray
There was the method of kneeling,
a fine method, if you lived in a country
where stones were smooth.
The women dreamed wistfully of bleached courtyards,
hidden corners where knee fit rock.
Their prayers were weathered rib bones,
small calcium words uttered in sequence,
as if this shedding of syllables could somehow
fuse them to the sky.
There were the men who had been shepherds so long
they walked like sheep.
Under the olive trees, they raised their arms—
Hear us! We have pain on earth!
We have so much pain there is no place to store it!
But the olives bobbed peacefully
in fragrant buckets of vinegar and thyme.
At night the men ate heartily, flat bread and white cheese,
and were happy in spite of the pain,
because there was also happiness.
Some prized the pilgrimage,
wrapping themselves in new white linen
to ride buses across miles of vacant sand.
When they arrived at Mecca
they would circle the holy places,
on foot, many times,
they would bend to kiss the earth
and return, their lean faces housing mystery.
While for certain cousins and grandmothers
the pilgrimage occurred daily,
lugging water from the spring
or balancing the baskets of grapes.
These were the ones present at births,
humming quietly to perspiring mothers.
The ones stitching intricate needlework into children’s dresses,
forgetting how easily children soil clothes.
There were those who didn’t care about praying.
The young ones. The ones who had been to America.
They told the old ones, you are wasting your time.
Time?—The old ones prayed for the young ones.
They prayed for Allah to mend their brains,
for the twig, the round moon,
to speak suddenly in a commanding tone.
And occasionally there would be one
who did none of this,
the old man Fowzi, for example, Fowzi the fool,
who beat everyone at dominoes,
insisted he spoke with God as he spoke with goats,
and was famous for his laugh.
For Ramadan: Poems of Muslim Faith and Islamic Culture
A collection of poems, prose, and audio recordings that explore Islamic culture.
MzTeachuh: Do I Have to Go to the IEP meeting? I'm Not Specia...
MzTeachuh: Do I Have to Go to the IEP meeting? I'm Not Specia...: That confusing enough for you? Am I required to attend IEP meetings if I am not a Special Education teacher? I've been asked that m...
Do I Have to Go to the IEP meeting? I'm Not Special Ed.
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That confusing enough for you? |
I've been asked that more than once as the Special Education teacher, and especially as a Resource Specialist, also known as Special Academic Instructor. The answer in our state is that at least one general education teacher who has the student on his/her caseload needs attend any IEP (Individualized Education Program) whether it be qualifying (evaluating to see if the student will enter Special Education), annual (the once a year assessment), triennial (every third year the educational psychologist also assesses), or an addendum which is called for a unique reason at any time. However, the better school sites have the entire teaching team there. The teachers at my middle school were very dedicated (and wanted to keep their positions) and supported the Special Ed. kids very effectively with attendance.
What should I bring to the IEP as the General Education teacher?
1. Bring a calm and caring attitude. Parents are always concerned about their kid. Even if you as the classroom instructor have concerns, even serious ones, about the child performance or behavior, a general education teacher must show a caring attitude and a calm demeanor. Even if you must fly out of the meeting at the speed of heat to finish your day's responsibilities--you are so very important to that parent and child that every bit of body language as well as spoken words means the world, and focusing on the positive will get things done better.
2. Bring your expertise and evidence of it. All teachers have grade books (on-line or otherwise), lesson plans, records of phone calls and communication to the parent, and copies of referrals and time-outs. Just be ready with this information and how to explain the ebb and flow of your classroom. Please have some positive comments to show you know little Johnny and how well he demonstrates a skill, reveals a talent or interest, or did something right in class. If little Janie is lacking, the parent should already have communicated with you because you called, or sent information home. The Special Education teacher should already know, too, if this is a big deal (actually, even a little deal.) The team of teachers plus family can really make it happen for a kid, and communication with coordination is the key.
How Should I Interact At The Meeting?
3. Be ready to explain your testing and grading system, including homework. The child's future hinges on what you do, how you grade, and do you offer help. The parent needs to know how you grade. Is there make up work? A Special Education student usually is not an independent learner, even if they have the intelligence, because of a visual or auditory learning handicap. Do you offer homework help? Test retakes? Tutoring? When and where? The Math Department at my last school was remarkable in the regular, systematic help for all kids. And it got results.
I Don't Feel Prepared For This--What Should I Do?
4. Coordinate with the Special Education teacher. I cannot adequately explain how complex, detailed and mind-boggingly intense all this Special Ed. stuff is. But it is to your advantage as a general education teacher to share information with the RSP or SAI teacher. Most Special Ed. teachers are type B personalities (myself included) and won't bully or force anyone to do anything. But there is such expertise there, one suggestion may change a classroom situation for the better. And frequently there are Behavior Plans to implement for a rascal. The teaching team wants to keep this side of legalities, having i's dotted and t's crossed. Of course, first and foremost, we want to help the kids. A Special Education teacher has district personnel resources and knowledge that can really help.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
MzTeachuh: In the Garden, Time Well Spent
MzTeachuh: In the Garden, Time Well Spent: The Garden in Pontoise , Camille Pissaro Even if it's a tiny garden in containers on your balcony or patio. And here's a sweet Gospel...
In the Garden, Time Well Spent
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The Garden in Pontoise , Camille Pissaro |
And here's a sweet Gospel song about spending time in the garden in prayer sung by someone who really means it.
Mahalia Jackson - I Come To The Garden Alone
MzTeachuh: Growing the Seeds of Success: Grow Those Ideas for...
MzTeachuh: Growing the Seeds of Success: Grow Those Ideas for...: Grow Grow Grow Germinate those good ideas for your next classroom! My contribution is to use your walls as a huge graphic organizer; an...
Growing the Seeds of Success: Grow Those Ideas for Your Classroom
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Grow Grow Grow |
Germinate those good ideas for your next classroom! My contribution is to use your walls as a huge graphic organizer; and change the classroom environment often. Secondary, too. And, dear teacher friends, please have lots of fun before school opens. That's the optimal way to germinate the seeds of teaching ideas!
Here is the best link today, followed by several other helpful ones:
2. An online library of classroom ideas that you can really use.
3. View Photos of great Bulletin Board and Classroom Design Ideas!
4. Classroom Ideas
Classroom Management
1. Classroom Management Ideas!
2. Classroom Management Strategies
3. Top Ten Classroom Management Ideas and Resources
4. Classroom Management | |||||||| | ||||||||
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
MzTeachuh: Rest in the Lord
MzTeachuh: Rest in the Lord: Rest, Pablo Picasso and wait patiently for Him. Psalm 37:7.
MzTeachuh: Parents, People, and Safety Tweets of the Day 7/11...
MzTeachuh: Parents, People, and Safety Tweets of the Day 7/11...: Parental communication starts early, really early. There is an eclectic group of links today. Parents can always review communicati...
MzTeachuh: Plethora of Tweets of the Day 7/18/12
MzTeachuh: Plethora of Tweets of the Day 7/18/12: Dreaming is good, less stressful. 1. Don’t Work – Dream! Finding Balance in Summer and Fall
Plethora of Tweets of the Day 7/18/12
Dreaming is good, less stressful.
1.Don’t Work – Dream! Finding Balance in Summer and Fall
I appreciate this issue--but what about the issue of neighborhood safety, clean playgrounds, and no air pollution? Please can we address this for our kids?
2. Children Who Watch More TV Have Larger Waistlines, Worse Muscular Fitness: Study
And sedentary lifestyle is a killer for adults, too, as bad as smoking an article said this morning. BTW, I need to get up and move for awhile. See you back in a few minutes.
Here's the LA Times:
Lack of exercise kills roughly as many as smoking, study says
I should have this juxtaposed with the first link.
3. July: The Ultimate Planning Period
This writer isn't famous for delicacy. I don't entirely agree, during the summer kids are growing, maturing, thinking, drawing, singing, surfing, digging holes, dreaming, planning and developing relationships that can't be analyzed on a State test.
4. How Summer Is Making U.S. Kids Dumber and Fatter
Lots of educators worried about those times tables.
5. Program Staving Off Summer Slide For San Diego Students
This sounds like an excellent investment. Good job, Harvard.
6. Schools ring BELL for summer achievement
More than 1,300 west Charlotte students participating in program started at Harvard
I would say that twenty year teaching careers also do this.
7. My Year Volunteering As A Teacher Helped Educate A New Generation Of Underprivileged Kids,28803/
Finally, an answer to something that's really been troubling me.
8. Teacher Voice: How Not to Be a Bobble-Head Doll
1.Don’t Work – Dream! Finding Balance in Summer and Fall
I appreciate this issue--but what about the issue of neighborhood safety, clean playgrounds, and no air pollution? Please can we address this for our kids?
2. Children Who Watch More TV Have Larger Waistlines, Worse Muscular Fitness: Study
And sedentary lifestyle is a killer for adults, too, as bad as smoking an article said this morning. BTW, I need to get up and move for awhile. See you back in a few minutes.
Here's the LA Times:
Lack of exercise kills roughly as many as smoking, study says
I should have this juxtaposed with the first link.
3. July: The Ultimate Planning Period
This writer isn't famous for delicacy. I don't entirely agree, during the summer kids are growing, maturing, thinking, drawing, singing, surfing, digging holes, dreaming, planning and developing relationships that can't be analyzed on a State test.
4. How Summer Is Making U.S. Kids Dumber and Fatter
Lots of educators worried about those times tables.
5. Program Staving Off Summer Slide For San Diego Students
This sounds like an excellent investment. Good job, Harvard.
6. Schools ring BELL for summer achievement
More than 1,300 west Charlotte students participating in program started at Harvard
I would say that twenty year teaching careers also do this.
7. My Year Volunteering As A Teacher Helped Educate A New Generation Of Underprivileged Kids,28803/
Finally, an answer to something that's really been troubling me.
8. Teacher Voice: How Not to Be a Bobble-Head Doll
MzTeachuh: Potpouri Of Fun Links Tweets of the Day 7/17/12
MzTeachuh: Potpouri Of Fun Links Tweets of the Day 7/17/12: Sequoia National Park, California After reading, we should go there! 1. Books About Our National Parks http://www.readingrockets...
Potpouri Of Fun Links Tweets of the Day 7/17/12
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Sequoia National Park, California |
After reading, we should go there!
1. Books About Our National Parks
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Poor misunderstand child. |
Guess this depends on the age of the reader and listener. (I would add anything by Raoul Dahl.)
2. 10 Scary Books for Kids to Avoid at Bedtime
Whoopee! for the Bach!
3.Crickets, Books, and Bach: Develop a Summer Listening Program
Thanks, Kelsey!
4. School Librarian’s Favorite Websites for Teaching and Learning
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Always a treasure. |
Ahh, William. Tis midsummer, time to dream.
5. Shakespeare: Staging the World, rev
MzTeachuh: This Is The New Day...
MzTeachuh: This Is The New Day...: This block was done as part of a group quilt for a lovely woman with a radiant personality. It is 9" x 9". Curved seam piecing lend...
This Is The New Day...
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
MzTeachuh: Thar Be Dragons!
MzTeachuh: Thar Be Dragons!: Komodo Dragon, San Diego Zoo, picture by Melanie Taylor Thank heavens there's not a weir.
MzTeachuh: Wish I Were Chillin'
MzTeachuh: Wish I Were Chillin': Polar Bear, San Diego Zoo, picture by Melanie Taylor but it's 78 degrees F.
MzTeachuh: Meditations By A Reflecting Pool
MzTeachuh: Meditations By A Reflecting Pool: San Diego Zoo, picture by Melanie Taylor "The Reflecting Pool" by Capo 5 Four [AUDIO]
Meditations By A Reflecting Pool
San Diego Zoo, picture by Melanie Taylor |
"The Reflecting Pool" by Capo 5 Four [AUDIO]
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
Tiger , San Diego Zoo, Melanie Taylor |
THE TYGER (from Songs Of Experience)
By William Blake
Tyger! Tyger! burning brightIn the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare sieze the fire?
And what shoulder, & what art.
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
Monday, July 16, 2012
MzTeachuh: Lullaby and Goodnight
MzTeachuh: Lullaby and Goodnight: Sleeping Baby, Nighty night. Brahms: Lullaby for Piano Solo
MzTeachuh: Lullaby and Goodnight
MzTeachuh: Lullaby and Goodnight: Sleeping Baby, Nighty night. Brahms: Lullaby for Piano Solo
Lullaby and Goodnight
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Sleeping Baby, |
Brahms: Lullaby for Piano Solo
MzTeachuh: Be Ye Kind One To Another...
MzTeachuh: Be Ye Kind One To Another...: tenderhearted, forgiving one another; even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32.
Be Ye Kind One To Another...
Sunday, July 15, 2012
MzTeachuh: The Best Comicon Panel Was Really Grimm Tweets of ...
MzTeachuh: The Best Comicon Panel Was Really Grimm Tweets of ...: My view of the Grimm Panel (I'm clearly not a VIP.) I was thrilled to see the Grimm Show Comicon panel. Everyone involved was fo...
The Best Comicon Panel Was Really Grimm Tweets of the Day
My view of the Grimm Panel (I'm clearly not a VIP.) |
I was thrilled to see the Grimm Show Comicon panel. Everyone involved was forthcoming with their creative process, and the stars were interesting, funny and gracious. Of course the fans loved it, that's why the tickets are purchased and the lines are waited in. Here are some links with more info:
1. 'Grimm' Comic-Con panel: Footage from season 2 premiere reveals what's up with Nick's mom
2. Comic-Con: GRIMM Panel Recap
3. Grimm At Comic Con Megapost
There was the Grimm forest... |
Vessen marker! |
There was a mysterious Grimm forest to walk through, with Vessen markers.
Aunt Marie's Trailer |
Man, they're going medieval |
I've been wanting to check out Aunt Marie's Trailer. The set designers for Grimm have remarkable imagination and attention to detail. Is there an Emmy for that?
Great job using languages and maps. |
The details with authentic languages on the maps and other 'artifacts' is really fun and impressive. I'm thinking this will continue to get viewers to stretch their curiosity about cultures and history.
Convincing job artists! |
The panel discussed the creative use of the German language; the myths, legends, and folklore with continue to expand to cultures beyond Europe. The enhancement of the basic stories with backstories and illustrations is thorough and imaginative.
MzTeachuh: Delight Yourself In the Lord
MzTeachuh: Delight Yourself In the Lord: Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalms 37:4
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