Monday, March 19, 2012

Tweets of the Week

Transitional time best opportunities for bullies.
 There is a new documentary about bullying that is so intense, it got an "R" rating. What about the kids who have to live an "R" rated life because of bullying?

This next article troubled me because of the argument about defining violence, legal style. We must address the impact on the students, not the impact on the courts.

Dealing with the emotional aftermath of the tsunami.
Teachers use educational therapy to help students overcome PTSD after the Japanese tsunami. The fine arts have always been an outlet for students for emotional expression.

This following story is about art therapy in a children's hospital.

Being active in the three dimensional world helps everyone deal with sadness, depression, and just a bummer of a day.

These articles suggests that a walk outside in a green area helps kids with ADHD--it obviously would help all of us!

 This article suggest that international teachers need more incentive to teach well.

Hurrah! More American students graduated! Let's keep up the good work.

The Autistic and those on the Asperger's Spectrum are frequently well able to advance to higher education.

More strategies for little kids with autism are explained all the time.

There were so many more articles at this site. Special Education teachers should take a look to keep current.

When Charter Schools offer an alternative, is that good or bad for the neighborhood?

This is an excellent checklist for teaching students who are learning English.

This next article seems rather harsh. It criticizes young adults on being the 'go nowhere' generation. I do not have personal experience because my own children are the go-getter types. But here is the opinion of what appears to be a husband and wife about kids going nowhere. If I grew up hearing this, I would leave their basement apartment to head to another state just to get away from the toxic atmosphere.

Quote of the week, and a "Well, duh," one at that: "Teachers, more than any other feature of a school, determine how well students learn."

This is another article on teacher evaluation and how to 'let a thousand teachers bloom.' That's a lovely metaphor, I wonder what they mean by that.
Teachers blooming, or is it the last day of school?

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