Thursday, October 2, 2014

"Your Child Doesn’t Belong in My Classroom"

Outstanding illustration (pardon the pun.)

I am going to quote from a remarkably clear and direct article concerning students in Special Education. Parents and teachers, both, would benefit from giving thought to this analysis of what parents may believe teachers are saying.

 "Your Child Doesn’t Belong in My Classroom"
 by Doug Goldberg

Here are Mr. Goldberg's main points.

  1. "Your child doesn’t belong in my classroom because the school will not provide the appropriate aides and supports necessary to educate your child;
  2. Your child doesn’t belong in my classroom because I am not capable of educating your child;
  3. Your child doesn’t belong in my classroom because I don’t want to take the time to differentiate my instruction and find the method that your child learns;
  4. Your child doesn’t belong in my classroom because the District has increased my class size to 45 students and has not provided me with a paraprofessional to help lessen my load;
  5. Your child doesn’t belong in my classroom because I don’t want to follow his IEP because it takes too much time and energy;
  6. Your child doesn’t belong in my classroom because the School District refuses to spend money on children with special needs; and
  7. Your child doesn’t belong in my classroom because I am a bad teacher."
Any of these points could be in play when the teacher or IEP team balks at having a placement into a classroom. I have observed (though not participated in) IEPs that resulted in students being transferred from the school or program just so Gen. Ed. did not have to teach the students. Sometimes a different placement is appropriate, but too frequently, the District conveniently will not include placements in an IEP that may incur more resources. That addition could be paraprofessionals, curriculum, methods, or instructional time.

Parents need to empower themselves with knowledge, and if necessary, advocates. The law provides a Free and Appropriate Education for all children. Sadly, there are school sites that want to refuse the appropriate services.

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