Friday, January 1, 2021

2021, 2022, 2023...You've Got This

 Last school year I began a challenging new Special Ed job. One morning I needed to stop at the gym during Adaptive PE for a signature from one of the PE teachers.  The Coaches are great with the kids, and always helpful with our SPED team. I must have looked a little overwhelmed-Coach said to me, "You've got this."

You've got this-in 2021, we continue to ignore the outside world-virus-filled, shut-down, gasping-and focus on our teaching because we believe in the kids, we believe in the future-the 2021, 2022, 2023....

You've got this-new ed tech everywhere. New apps, elaborate ed programs, old Zoom and Google Suite, shakey wi-fi connections. Persist.

You've got this-missing and mischievous students. Keep supporting the families, using the school and district resources to help them. Words of kindness resonate in the loneliness.

You've got this--magnificent new options for education in this massive period of transition, demanding magnificent teachers. That's you. You are the magnificent teacher. You've got this.

And on a personal note, you've got this through prayer. I would like to extend a blessing to my teaching colleagues.

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