Thursday, March 27, 2014

Is Your Class An Idea Factory? Tweets of the Day 3/27/14

Mind/Shift leads the charge in provoking thought and discussion about education. Edutopia and writer Annie Murphy Paul aren't bad, either. 

1. How to Turn Your Classroom into an Idea Factory 

2. The Key To Innovation: Making Smart Analogies 

"The skill of generating innovations is largely the skill of putting old things together in a new way, or looking at a familiar idea from a novel perspective, or using what we know already to understand something


3. What Does ‘Design Thinking’ Look Like in School? 

  “Design thinking weaves together a lot of the standards that need to be taught in ways that people will really need to use them.”

It's all a way of thinking.
“They have to be willing to deal with uncertainty themselves; you have to give up control.”
4. . Iterating and Ideating: Teachers Think Like Designers 

“This is about making what you already do more enjoyable and more effective.” 
4. Harvard Wants to Know: How Does the Act of Making Shape Kids’ Brains? 

"It's not a lesson plan; it's not a curriculum; it's a way to look at the world."

5. Core Strategies for Innovation and Reform in Learning 

"Educators implement strategies empowering students to think critically, access and analyze information, creatively problem solve, work collaboratively, and communicate with clarity and impact."

6. How Leadership Can Make or Break Classroom Innovation 

“We put students behind the wheel with our guidance, recognizing they will make mistakes, but we’ll be there to get them back on track.”

“I try not to transfer that top down test-intensive energy to the teachers, and instead make the teachers feel like they can take risks and offer them support.”

7. The Case for Preserving the Pleasure of Deep Reading
Really there with Harry Potter. 

“Recent research has demonstrated that deep reading—slow, immersive, rich in sensory detail and emotional and moral complexity—is a distinctive experience, different in kind from the mere decoding of words.

8.  Why Computers Alone Won’t Move the Needle 

 “You need to have other support structures in place to enable technology to be an effective learning tool outside of the classroom.”

9.  How Smart Happens: A New Study Of Neuroplasticity 

"Demonstrating neural plasticity in the network that supports reasoning—a skill that is central to theories of intelligence—is particularly significant because it runs counter to the widespread assumption that intelligence is a fixed ability.”

I love you, Mind/Shift; but I had to import a picture from another source of a girl in a class designing on her own..

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