Sunday, March 11, 2018

Women's History Month: Boudicca

Boudicca's statue in London--put up for Queen Victoria, who fancied herself  a namesake.

This woman was a Celtic Queen in Britain during the Roman occupation. Her husband was the independent king of the Iceni, collaborating with the Romans. When Prasutagus died, things went downhill fast. Enormous debts became due, the Romans took over his kingdom, flogged Boudicca and raped her daughters.

It is what Boudicca did next that sets her apart in history. She led a rebellion against the Romans (the Romans!) and just about encouraged the Emperor Nero in Rome to withdraw from Britain. No Cleopatra, this one.

The army Boudicca led was 100,000. (100,000!) She successfully overtook several cities, which she methodically demolished, also overtaking the infant city of London and burning it down, slaughtering anyone who had not evacuated. Take no prisoners nor collaboraters.

The Romans finally prevailed. Boudicca, it is reported, killed herself.

Painting by John Opie. The Victorians loved her.
The Roman historians said of Boudicca that she was "possessed of greater intelligence than often belongs to women." Understatement. Not even mentioning leadership, courage, and badassedness. Pardon my French.

I can't think of a more amazing general opposing the Romans.

Here is more information about Boudicca:


This is awesome.

Horrible Histories - Boudicca


'You must conquer or die. This is a woman's resolve.'

Boudicca (died c.AD 60)

Here is a full documentary.



This one is a little dated--shows 'amazing' video game tech. 

History Channel Decisive Battles E10 Boudicca Warrior Queen

Alex Kingsley as Boudicca

https://www.youtu bmE 

Boudicca: Warrior Queen of the Iceni 

Warrior Queen (film) 

  Boudica Warrior Queen 2003 (Alex Kingston) - FULL COMPLETE M

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