Friday, September 23, 2016

Educational Links 9/24/16

Frisbee? Oh yeah, let's go place Frisbee!

Making the Case for Outdoor Play 

Resources for National Bullying Prevention Month 

Study Highlights Importance of Principals in Teacher-Retention Efforts 

Involve students in classroom design

Want Adaptive Learning To Work? Encourage Adaptive Teaching. Here’s How 

At a Glance: Classroom Accommodations for Executive Functioning Issues 

Is a Child with ADD?ADHD Eligible for Special Education?

Is a Child with ADD/ADHD Eligible for Special Education? - See more at:

Why has the topic of teacher quality suddenly reached such a crescendo? Education reform has been on the national agenda since 1983, the year of A Nation at Risk, but only in the last few years has the teacher-quality issue risen to the top. I think it may be reform fatigue, possibly desperation. The teacher is becoming a convenient scapegoat for America’s education reformers, who, after decades of ideas that have not panned out, cling to the belief that the flaw is not in the reform ideas themselves but in their implementation.

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