Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Reading and Teething Tweets of the Day (5/31/12)

                  Reading tastes good.

Teachers should be paid consultants during the summer, since we're always thinking and planning for school. So, here's some food for thought.

You'd think this would be a no-brainer since kids know a great deal about world events.

Still planning for class even on the beach.

1. 'Project-Based Learning: Real-World Issues Motivate Students'

 Here are some sound ideas for making stronger readers.

Choice makes strong readers.

2. 'Building Reading Stamina' 

Library, here we come! 

This article gives instruction on what leads to reading fluency through decoding.

3. 'Small Change In Reading To Preschoolers Can Help Disadvantaged Kids Catch Up'

Babies, the learning titans.

4. "Babies’ Hunger to Learn Has a ‘Goldilocks Effect’"

I checked, 'War and Peace' is not on this list. Maybe next year,

5.  'Top 10 Books for Babies.'

      And you can teeth on it!

This is a more formal look at what a child needs to begin reading and then flourish with it.

6. 'Reading, Literacy and Your Child'

Here's is a quote, my italics, because that's the most fun part. The best part is the baby doesn't know if you can really sing or not.

 How do you read to a baby?

  • Use small, chunky board books that your baby can easily hold onto.
  • Talk about the pictures with your little one.
  • Sing the text to keep baby's attention.
  • Play peek-a-boo with lift-the-flap books.
  • Help your baby touch and feel in texture books. 
And maybe baby will learn to sing! Here is a darling youtube video of when baby learns to sing:

 'Baby sings with parents. Very cute.' 

Nice sentiment, too.

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