Friday, June 1, 2012

Shop Talk: Industrial Tech in School Tweets of the Day (6/1/2012)

Should every American student prepare for college? Why not give options for the practical and the ephemeral aspects of education? Like some European countries.
Girls Just Want To Have College Prep?
A system of industrial school and college prep training exists in Germany, as I learned while obtaining my California teaching credentials. The opportunity to combine both programs appealed to me--the student can study literature and automotive; calculus and construction. Here is the philosophy:
Early Job-Skills Training
German students have the opportunity to pursue formal job-skills training at a much younger age than in the U.S. About one third of the German secondary student population graduates from Hauptschule after the 9th or 10th grade with a Hauptschulabschluß, a diploma certifying the equivalent of a 10th grade education at a U.S. high school. They can transfer to a Berufsfachschule (full-time job-skills training school) or pursue a formal dual-track job-skills training program: a three-year paid internship paired with classroom instruction. Graduates of the program enter the employment market as specialists in labor and technical fields. Many open small businesses or work in the service industry. They can upgrade their specific skills by continuing formal training at a Fachschule (upper level career training school) .
Graduates of the training program also have the option of continuing formal education at a Fachoberschule (specialized college-oriented high school), grades 11 through 13, and obtain a Fachabitur, a certificate which allows college-level studies in a restricted field of majors at a Fachhochschule (polytechnic university.

1. 'The Educational System in Germany'

Is prayer in school legal? As long as there are math tests.
Britain had a similar system when the Beatles were in school. McCartney (he was going to teach English) and Harrison were scheduled for college, Lennon to Art school. Ringo would have been classified Other Health Impaired in the current school system here because of physical illness while in school. Kids were pidgeon-holed by what we would call Eighth Grade. But with the Beatles, Rock and Roll prevailed.

Shop classes are not gender specific, girls can learn engineering, mechanics, construction.

Girl Power for anything.

The snobbish, class distinction between blue collar and white collar should be diminishing (is computer tech blue or white?) This year's presidential race has brought out some accusations of educational snobbery, but that, I think, that was related to how to spend the tax payers' money. Let's diversify educational opportunities earlier and maximize the kids' talent. Kids are our greatest resource.

2. 'Merging Career Tech with College Prep: Why It's Succeeding'

Learning in the three-dimensional world. 

 Connecting High School to College and Career video

 Teachers and students have diversified interests now. Let's go with it.

3. 'Julia Steiny: An American School Successfully Uses An “Eastern Block” Curriculum' 

Getting very, very  practical.

4. 'Academies: School Within a School'

Not a scene from the Outsiders.

5. 'Not My Father's Shop Class: Fusing Career Tech with College Prep'

This student now works at BMW.

  6. 'Shop Classes Return -- with a 21st-Century Twist'

7. 'Teaching Kids to Pursue Their Dreams -- and More' 

8.  'Why Should We Care About Vocational Education?'

I would also like to speak up for literature and the arts, which are necessary for humans. Must have Shakespeare. And shop.

We have fit the kids into our programs--now let's see it our programs can fit the kids.

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