Edutopia http://www.edutopia.org/
Edutopia helps teachers with learning theory as well as practical suggestions for the classroom. The site spotlights the best educators in the world blogging just for the individual teacher out in the field. Thorough diversity of resources covering all educational topics is updated daily while there is a well-curated, organized catalog of past posts. There is an honesty and clarity in this site, and if I could only have one online educational resource, I would choose Edutopia.

TeachThought is strong on learning theory and philosophy of teaching. Teacher motivation and collaboration are frequent topics on this site. There are some really beautiful graphic organizers, too, covering important topics for professional development.
MindShift http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/
MindShift is higher level thinking for educators. This site has provocative, invigorating educational topics as well as articles highlighting innovative educational practices in the real world. I particularly appreciate the topics in support of educational equity.
Understood https://www.understood.org/en
This site is clear, concise, and simplifies complex dynamics of learning and attention issues. It is invaluable as a tool to clarify how best to serve a student and explains procedures for Special Education interventions. Understood.org is a tremendous benefit for teacher and parent. It is just a beautiful, thoughtful website.
Please get the RSS feed or email for MzTeachuh's daily Educational Links--these sites are just some of the resources I use for your update on what's happening this day in education.
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